Discover Tears of the Kingdom's Rare Horse: Spot's Location & Rewards

Complete the Spotting Spot side quest at Lookout Landing to obtain one of Tears of the Kingdom's exclusive horses Locate Spot and earn valuable rewards Understand the importance of horse stats to improve your gameplay
There are numerous side quests in Tears of the Kingdom that involve the taming of rare horses. However, players must make some progress in their playthrough to unlock most of these quests. One side quest that can be started early on and doesn't require players to venture into dangerous territory is "Spotting Spot."
Spot is one of the six unique horses in Tears of the Kingdom, and it is recommended to register him to the stables. While players don't have to use Spot on their journey, as horses with better stats can easily replace him, he is one of the best horses in the "beginner" areas and is worth the effort.
Players can unlock the "Spotting Spot" side quest from Lester at Lookout Landing after making progress in the main quest "Regional Phenomena" and fully completing "The Incomplete Stable" side quest. "The Incomplete Stable" quest is relatively easy to complete as players only need to speak to Lester or Karson and use Ultrahand to fix the roofing. This will establish a Mini Stable for Link to use in the future.
Lester's missing horse, Spot, is a unique animal with gray dappling and a white coat, making him stand out among other wild horses. According to Lester, Spot is unlikely to wander far from his usual roaming area near Lookout Landing. So, if you're on the lookout for Spot, that's the best place to start your search.
To tame Spot, a wild horse that appears south of Lookout Landing around coordinates -0332, -0043, 0023, players need to approach him slowly. They can make Link crouch by pressing down on the L-stick and then walk towards Spot. Once close enough, press the A-button to tame him. After that, tap the L-button until Spot calms down. It is recommended to have full stamina before attempting to tame him, although an extra stamina wheel is not necessary.
If players find it difficult to approach the horse, they can take Sneaky Elixirs or wear armor that increases Stealth, such as the Sheikah Set. Sneaky Elixirs are more readily available at the beginning of Tears of the Kingdom, while the Stealth Armor can be purchased from Kakariko Village. However, acquiring the armor requires the completion of a separate side quest.
One method to prevent a horse from running away is to use an "ice arrow" (an arrow combined with Ice Fruit or White Chuchu Jelly). However, caution must be exercised as a strong bow can result in the death of the horse. It is generally recommended to approach the horse stealthily rather than attempting to freeze it.
"Spotting Spot" Rewards
Once Spot is safely returned to Lookout Landing's Mini Stable, Lester will express his gratitude by offering players some rewards. These include 50 Rupees and an optional Swift Carrot for Spot.
Upon receiving the rewards, players can speak to Lester again. He will ask if they would like to keep Spot. However, if their registry of horses is already full, they must release one of their previously-tamed horses to make room for Spot. Once the transfer of ownership is complete, players have the freedom to rename Spot or keep his original name.
Understanding Horse Stats
Spot has the following stats and temperament:
A horse's temperament plays a crucial role in determining its quality, just like in Breath of the Wild. If you plan on taking your horse into dangerous territory, it's important to choose one that is fast and has high HP stats.
In Tears of the Kingdom, a new stat called Pull has been introduced to indicate the number of items a horse can carry or pull. For quests such as "Serenade to a Great Fairy," a horse with a higher Pull rating would be ideal. Additionally, a horse's Strength stat indicates its HP, which is crucial as horses can die from taking too many hits. Therefore, it's best to have a horse with decent Strength to prevent it from getting killed easily. Speed is another important stat that determines how fast a horse can run. However, it's important to note that a 5-star Speed Horse going at maximum speed can be difficult to steer. Lastly, the Stamina stat is indicated by the stirrups when riding a horse, allowing it to move faster. While some horses have zero stamina and can only move at a steady gallop, others have higher stamina levels. It's worth noting that there are two types of Temperaments in Tears of the Kingdom, Gentle and Wild. A Gentle-natured horse is easier to tame, while a Wild-natured horse requires more stamina. Additionally, a Gentle-natured horse won't throw Link off its back if he burns through their stamina, while a Wild-natured horse, regardless of its Bond, will. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for Nintendo Switch.