Dazzling Lunar Attire in Baldur's Gate 3: Is the Moon Devotion Robe Truly Irresistible?

Dazzling Lunar Attire in Baldur's Gate 3: Is the Moon Devotion Robe Truly Irresistible?

Baldur's Gate 3: The Moon Devotion Robe - A Powerful Spellcaster's Dream but at a Terrible Cost Is the sacrifice of countless innocent lives worth obtaining this coveted robe?


Baldur's Gate 3 offers a vast array of powerful weapons and gear, but acquiring them often involves questionable moral choices.

The Moon Devotion Robe is a valuable asset for spellcasters, providing both offensive power and protective qualities without any negative effects. However, obtaining the robe comes at a cost - the sacrifice of innocent lives, leading to grave consequences such as the forfeiture of a safe refuge and the loss of valuable companions. It is crucial to ponder upon the moral implications before embarking on this path.

Baldur's Gate 3 has risen to the top of RPGs in video game history due to its exceptional storyline, compelling characters, and immersive world. Additionally, the game offers an impressive array of weapons and equipment for players to equip their parties with. However, what sets Baldur's Gate 3 apart is the moral dilemma presented when obtaining these powerful items.

Early on in the game, players have the option to assist their captors in a battle against Commander Zhalk on the Mind Flayer vessel. Instead of escaping from the approaching enemies, players can choose to defeat Zhalk and receive the Everburn Blade, one of the most powerful weapons available in the early stages. This decision requires sacrificing practicality for personal gain. Another example is the Moon Devotion Robe, which can only be acquired through dark choices and even darker consequences.

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The Moon Devotion Robe Is a Fantastic Addition to Any Spellcaster's Gear

Dazzling Lunar Attire in Baldur's Gate 3: Is the Moon Devotion Robe Truly Irresistible?

The Moon Devotion Robe, crafted to be an exceptionally rare garment, offers Wizards and other magic users in BG3 both robustness and offensive potential, without the drawbacks typically associated with armor. Here are the statistics of the Moon Devotion Robe:

AC: 10.

Selune's Shielding: Whenever the wearer successfully saves against an attack while benefiting from Mage Armor, the perpetrator of the attack suffers 1 – 4 points of Radiant damage.

Consitution Saving Throws have increased likelihood of success.

Produce Flame Conjuration Cantrip

Lunar Bulwark Level 1 Abjuration Spell

The Moon Devotion Robe is a valuable asset for spellcasters in any party. This robe not only enhances the wearer's Saving Throws, but also inflicts Radiant damage on enemies who attempt and fail to attack them. In Baldur's Gate 3, the Lunar Bulwark ability can be utilized once per Long Rest to bolster AC, while the Produce Flame ability serves the dual purpose of illuminating dark areas and inflicting 1d8 Fire damage when thrown. The only consideration left is whether the player is willing to undertake the necessary actions to acquire this esteemed item.

Acquiring the Moon Devotion Robe Requires the Sacrifice of Many Innocent Lives

Dazzling Lunar Attire in Baldur's Gate 3: Is the Moon Devotion Robe Truly Irresistible?

To obtain this exclusive robe, players must acquire it from Isobel, a benevolent Cleric of Selune, by looting her lifeless body at the Last Light Inn. Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 introduces the Inn, which serves as a last refuge of safety within an area plagued by a shadow curse. Isobel acts as the sole protector of the Inn, and her demise will result in the destruction of the Moonshield, leaving almost everyone inside as undead adversaries. The sacrifice of numerous lives for a single garment is a hefty price to pay.

Nevertheless, for those willing to tread a dark path, there are a couple of methods. Upon entering the Inn, players can converse with Jaheira, who will direct them to Isobel's room on the upper floor. Within the room, Marcus, a member of the Flaming Fist cult, will attempt to abduct Isobel and deliver her to Ketheric Thorm at the Moonrise Tower. Players can aid Marcus in this endeavor, which will grant them an effortless entry into the Tower (though Isobel must still be slain to acquire the robe). Alternatively, players can save the day by defeating Marcus, only to then personally eliminate Isobel. This course of action aligns well with a Dark Urge playthrough, as the Urge will urge the player to eliminate her.

If the player chooses to kill Isobel or assist Marcus in kidnapping her, the Inn and its inhabitants will succumb to the shadow curse. Consequently, the player will lose a safe haven from battles, numerous quest-givers, and valuable merchants for trading. Additionally, Jaheira, a respected member of the High Harper, will no longer be available as a potential companion. While the Moon Devotion Robe may be a desirable item, sacrificing all these benefits may not be worth it, unless one is playing a truly evil character. It's important to note that Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available for PC and PS5, with Xbox Series X/S versions also in the works.