Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

Deadly and swift, daggers in Baldur's Gate 3 may lack brute force, but in skilled hands, they become lethal weapons Unveiling the ultimate ranking of the best daggers: the legendary Blade of the First Blood claims the top spot, followed by The Stillmaker, Rhapsody, Sussur Dagger, Assassin's Touch, Worgfang, and the Ritual Dagger

Daggers in Baldur's Gate 3 are not very common or effective in terms of damage. They are limited to a few characters and lack interest from players. Despite this, there are compelling reasons to consider this weapon class. One such reason is that they are lightweight finesse weapons that can also be thrown.

Furthermore, certain daggers found in Baldur's Gate 3 possess unique abilities that can provide players with useful advantages. In skilled hands, they have the potential to alter the outcome of battles and grant wielders relatively effortless control over nearby enemies.

7 Ritual Dagger

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

Starting with the weakest of the group, the Ritual Dagger provides standard damage of 1d4. However, it also grants an extra benefit. Following a successful attack with the Ritual Dagger, the wielder gains a bonus of +1d4 to their attack rolls and saving throws until the end of their turn.

The Ritual Dagger can be discovered by players on a table near Abdirak in the Shattered Sanctum. It is important to note that if the player does not retrieve the dagger before engaging in a fight with the goblins, it will vanish along with Abdirak. Therefore, the solution is to acquire the dagger first, and then engage in combat with the goblins.

6 Worgfang

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

The Worgfang is another dagger that raises questions about its practicality. While the dagger itself is not inherently flawed, its usefulness to the wielder is quite limited.

This rare weapon bestows upon its wielder a unique ability known as "Goblin's Undoing," which may initially sound impressive. However, it is vital to consider the frequency of goblin encounters one is likely to face. The ability essentially hampers goblins, forcing them to make attacks against the wielder with a disadvantage. If one desires to obtain this specific dagger, it can be found amidst the Worg Pens, placed upon the skeletal remains accompanied by two worgs.

5 Assassin’s Touch

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

The Assassin's Touch is a lesser-known dagger that lacks the wow-factor in terms of weaponry. However, when wielded by a creative, resourceful, and cunning player, it can prove to be a valuable asset.

On its own, the dagger inflicts the typical 1d4 damage. Nonetheless, if the opponent is rendered unconscious or asleep, it possesses the additional ability to deal an extra 1d4 of necrotic damage. This dagger can be obtained by successfully accomplishing the Save The Goblin Sazza quest within the Shattered Sanctum.

4 Sussur Dagger

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

The Sussur Dagger, despite being touted as a potentially game-changing weapon, falls short of expectations. Its effectiveness is inconsistent, failing to live up to its full potential. While it is supposed to provide a +1 enhancement and grant the wielder the ability to silence their target upon impact, this is not always the case. Whether thrown or held in the off-hand, the supposed "Silence" ability does not always activate as intended. It remains unclear whether this is a bug or an intentional design choice reminiscent of Bethesda's quirks. Players can obtain the dagger by completing the Finish the Masterwork Weapon quest in the Blighted Village.

3 Rhapsody

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

This dagger, though it may resemble a museum artifact, is highly impractical for actual combat due to its shape. While it lacks the ability to summon thunderstorms or lightning, it possesses the potential to instill fear, especially when wielded by someone skilled.

Apart from the expected +1 enhancement typically found in rare daggers, it also grants a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls, damage, and Spell Save DC for each enemy the user successfully defeats, with a maximum bonus of +3. Adding to its allure, the Rhapsody dagger also has the potential to inflict Bleeding on an opponent when utilized by a hidden or invisible wielder. This formidable weapon can be obtained during the completion of the "The Pale Elf" quest in Cazador's Dungeon, dropped by Cazador Szarr.

2 The Stillmaker

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

The Stillmaker is an extremely rare addition to the list, designed specifically for players seeking effortless battlefield control. Its most notable feature is a +2 weapon enhancement.

Of even greater significance is its unique ability, "Hold Person," which mirrors a second level spell. This enchantment renders any humanoid enemy immobile, incapacitated, and unresponsive, while transforming any attack made against them within a three-meter radius into a critical hit. To acquire this dagger, venture to the Open Hand Temple in Rivington and conduct a successful Perception Check near an aperture located at coordinates X: 68, Y: -1018.

1 Blade Of The First Blood

Daggers of Destiny in Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Rankings for Supreme Success

This legendary dagger possesses a location befitting its legendary status, just like the revered Blade of the First Blood itself.

For fortunate individuals who stumble upon it, this dagger bestows a +2 enhancement to their weapon, boosts their armor class by +1, and decreases the difficulty of landing critical hits. Additionally, it allows the wielder to harness the power of the "True Strike" divination cantrip. This grants the wielder an advantage on their next attack against a creature, while causing enemies to become vulnerable to piercing damage when wielded in the main hand. Moreover, when utilized as an offhand weapon, it enables the wielder to perform a "True Strike Riposte." This grants the player the ability to retaliate and gain the benefits of "True Strike" whenever a creature fails to land a hit on them.