Last month, the epic conclusion of Hajime Isayama's masterpiece Attack on Titan marked the end of Eren Yeager's 10-year-long journey. Released on Crunchyroll on November 4, 2023, the finale once again overwhelmed the servers, proving the lasting impact the series has had on anime fans.
While the official finale of Attack on Titan has come and gone, fans can anticipate seeing Eren once more in January. To the excitement of the fanbase, Crunchyroll has revealed that the Attack on Titan finale will be released in English dub on January 7, 2024.
Attack on Titan finale to return to screens once again with Crunchyroll announcing English dub
December 8, 2023 saw Crunchyroll, a well-known streaming platform, unveiling the release date of the English dub for the finale of Attack on Titan. The dubbed version is scheduled to debut on January 7, 2024 at 9 pm Pacific Time. Alongside this announcement, Crunchyroll also revealed the English dub voice cast for the premiere, with Bryce Papenbrook taking on the role of Eren Yeager.
Jessie James Grelle as Armin Artlert
Trina Nishimura as Mikasa Ackerman
Mike McFarland as Jean Kirstein
Jessica Calvello as Hanji Zoe
Matthew Mercer as Levi Ackerman
Robert McCollum as Reiner Braun
Lauren Landa as Annie Leonhart
Clifford Chapin as Connie Springer
Amber Lee Connors as Pieck Finger
Lindsay Seidel as Gabi Braun
Bryson Baugus as Falco Grice
Jason Liebrecht as Zeke Jaeger
The final season of Attack on Titan, by Hajime Isayama, will be available in multiple languages including Spanish, German, and Portuguese in addition to English. The premiere will be in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and Southeast Asia.
Excitingly, the Toonami programming on Adult Swim Broadcast has revealed that they will air the finale of Attack on Titan on January 6, 2024, at 12:00 am EST. This unexpected announcement has left fans eagerly anticipating the concluding episode of the series on their beloved TV channel.
The conclusion of Attack on Titan was an intense experience for many fans, as they witnessed Eren Yeager's journey come to an end and the lasting impact of his war on the world. The aftermath of the devastation brought a sense of loss and the characters struggled to rebuild their lives.
The finale of Attack on Titan beautifully tied up the story, giving each character a fitting conclusion. Fans who said goodbye to the series and its beloved characters can relive the epic saga once more on January 7, 2024.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I'm thrilled about the upcoming release of the Attack on Titan finale English dub on January 7, 2024. The original Japanese version of the finale left me in awe, and I can't wait to experience it again in English. The voice actors have done an incredible job bringing the characters to life, and I'm excited to hear their take on the final chapter of Eren Yeager's journey.
The conclusion of Attack on Titan was a bittersweet moment for me. On the one hand, I was sad to see the series end, but on the other hand, I was satisfied with the way the story was wrapped up. The finale provided closure for the characters and left me with a sense of hope for the future. I'm grateful to Hajime Isayama for creating such a compelling and thought-provoking series, and I can't wait to see what he does next.