Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy (PDF) Buy/Free Download

Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy (PDF) Buy/Free Download

Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy (PDF) - Author: Del I. Hawkins & David L. Mothersbaugh - This textbook focuses on a specific topic in Marketing: Consumer Behavior.

Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy 14E Ebook

Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy

Language: English (English)

Latest Edition: 14th

Book title translated into Vietnamese: Consumer behavior - Building a Marketing Strategy

Author: Del I. Hawkins & David L. Mothersbaugh


Unlike other Marketing textbooks, "Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy" focuses in-depth discussion on the topic of "consumer behavior" and how to exploit "consumer behavior" to apply to other marketing strategies. Marketing strategy of the business.

Part 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Consumer behavior and marketing strategy

Part 2: External factors affecting consumer behavior

Chapter 2: Cultural differences in consumer behavior

Chapter 3: The shift in values in American society

Chapter 4: Demographic change and stratification in American society

Chapter 5: Regional cultural change in American society

Chapter 6: Family in American society

Chapter 7: Community groups influence consumer behavior

Part 3: Intrinsic factors affecting consumer behavior

Chapter 8: Perception

Chapter 9: Ability to learn, remember and locate products

Chapter 10: Motivation, Personality, and Emotions

Chapter 11: Attitude

Chapter 12: Self-concept and life style

Part 4: The consumer buying decision process

Chapter 13: Situational Influence

Chapter 14: Consumer's purchasing decision process and perception of the problem at hand

Chapter 15: Looking for Information

Chapter 16: Compare, evaluate and choose products of the same type

Chapter 17: Compare, evaluate and choose where to shop

Chapter 18: Consumer behavior after the purchase process

Part 5: Businesses as consumers

Chapter 19: Consumer behavior of enterprises

Part 6: Consumer behavior and market laws

Chapter 20: Consumer behavior and market laws


  • Business owners, managers, marketing people in businesses, stores, business establishments.
  • Students, students, trainees, lecturers in Marketing, business administration, international business at universities, colleges, intermediate schools, academies, educational centers.

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Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy 14E Ebook

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Consumer Behavior - Building Marketing Strategy 11E Ebook

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Edition: 5th
