Conflict on the High Seas: Ben Challenges Captain Kerry on Cabin Inspections in 'Below Deck' Episode

Conflict on the High Seas: Ben Challenges Captain Kerry on Cabin Inspections in 'Below Deck' Episode

In the latest episode of Bravo's 'Below Deck', tensions rise as Ben Willoughby defies Captain Kerry's instructions on cabin inspections, leading to a clash of authority and micromanagement issues on board the yacht.

Below Deck s Ben Is Insubordinate to Captain Kerry Over Cabin Inspections

Below Deck s Ben Is Insubordinate to Captain Kerry Over Cabin Inspections

Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Ben Willoughby's choice to defy Captain Kerry Titheradge regarding cabin inspections on Below Deck didn't sit well with anyone.

In the episode that aired on Monday, May 20, Ben repeatedly challenged Kerry's leadership during their last charter.

Ben expressed his frustration with Captain Kerry, feeling like he needed to constantly hold back and just go along with everything. He mentioned how the last charter felt like a challenge, urging the captain to relax a bit.

The bosun shared his annoyance with the excessive micromanaging from Kerry, stating that he was tired of it. He emphasized that regardless of Kerry's position as captain, he felt like he couldn't succeed in the situation.

After Kerry mentioned errors with the anchor drop and maintaining the boat's exterior, Ben expressed his frustrations on camera.

He described Captain Kerry as being very strict, comparing her to the military. Ben felt that there was no warning when things were about to go wrong, stating, "There’s no traffic cones to say, ‘Caution ahead.’ It just drops and you are in the s—t." He emphasized that it was a superyacht, not a military operation, and he was tired of the situation.

Below Deck's Ben Willoughby That His 1st Dock Departure as Bosun Might Have Been 'Illegal'

Below Deck's Ben Willoughby That His 1st Dock Departure as Bosun Might Have Been 'Illegal'

Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Kerry expressed frustration with the interior and exterior team for not meeting expectations. He emphasized the importance of everyone doing their job. Kerry felt annoyed and speechless about the situation, questioning why the team was slacking off. He was determined to address the issue.

To ensure accountability, Kerry decided to conduct cabin inspections on the second to last day. While this might be new for Below Deck viewers, Kerry clarified that it is a standard practice in the yachting industry. This measure was taken to maintain standards and ensure that everyone was fulfilling their responsibilities.

We have certain standards to maintain on the boat, such as cleanliness and tidiness. It is important for us to conduct cabin inspections to ensure there are no fire hazards and that emergency exits are clear. This is all part of our commitment to health and safety on board. Remember, our reputation is only as good as our last day, so there are no excuses for not following these standards.

The crew had been given a full day's notice about the upcoming inspections. While most of the team took the time to clean their cabins, Ben and deckhand Kyle Stillie made it clear that they would not be participating in the captain's request.

Ben responded defiantly, "Well, what is he going to do? Fire us? I don’t care. I couldn’t give a f—k right now. Can’t you see the bigger picture that we are busting our ass? The charter guests are our main priority and focus. Give us a f—king break."

Despite claiming he had too much on his plate, production caught Ben goofing off with Sunny Marquis instead of cleaning his room. Fraser Olender was the only one who seemed excited about Kerry examining his personal space.

Cabin checks are essential for yachties, whether done weekly, twice a month, or monthly. The chief steward emphasized their importance, stating that they reflect respect for the vessel. He humorously reminded the crew to stay tidy and maintain decorum.

After inspecting the rooms, Kerry rated Fraser’s room a perfect 10. Dylan Pierre De Villiers and Nick Tatlock received a 7, while Paris Field and Xandi Olivier’s room got a 9. Barbie Pascual and Sunny also received a 7. However, it was Ben and Kyle’s room that left Kerry shocked.

Below Deck s Ben Is Insubordinate to Captain Kerry Over Cabin Inspections

Below Deck s Ben Is Insubordinate to Captain Kerry Over Cabin Inspections

Captain Kerry Titheradge. Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

He expressed his frustration, wondering why there seemed to be a lack of seriousness in the situation. The lack of effort to clean up left the place looking like a disaster area. Kerry felt disrespected and extremely upset about the whole situation.

In a confessional, Kerry talked about how Ben and Kyle's disobedience had a significant impact on him emotionally.

I have a traditional mindset. In a hierarchy, it's important to follow orders without questioning them. You may not always understand why a superior makes a decision, but it's crucial to carry out their instructions. Disobeying a captain's orders is a sign of disrespect.

Kerry asked Ben and Kyle to come to the bridge to discuss the situation. Ben explained that they were busy working and didn't have time to clean up their area.

Kerry expressed his frustration, stating that the situation was not just a little messy, but rather extremely rude. He pointed out that every person on the boat had gone to their cabin, emphasizing that as the bosun, it was a clear display of disrespect. Kerry mentioned that he had always shown respect to both individuals and had worked hard to assist them, making their lack of appreciation even more hurtful. He could not find the words to fully express his disappointment.

Furthermore, Kerry mentioned that there was no effort made to rectify the situation, causing his anger to rise. He felt that the lack of acknowledgment was a complete insult to him and his efforts, leaving him feeling extremely disrespected and unappreciated.

The tense confrontation arises following Ben's admission that he and Kerry didn't always see eye to eye.

In March, Ben mentioned, "Captain Kerry has a very military approach, with a focus on authority and respect. This was a new experience for me, as it doesn't align with my preferred leadership style." He added, "This difference did lead to some friction between us, and you may see some of that tension play out in the future."

Below Deck season 11 airs on Bravo Mondays at 9 p.m. ET. New episodes stream the next day on Peacock.

Editor's P/S:

The recent episode of "Below Deck" highlighted a clash between traditional leadership and a more relaxed approach, leading to a confrontation between Captain Kerry Titheradge and bosun Ben Willoughby. Ben's defiance of Kerry's cabin inspection request exposed a difference in their leadership styles, with Ben expressing frustration over the micromanaging and lack of understanding. Kerry, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of hierarchy and respect, viewing Ben's disobedience as a sign of disrespect.

While cabin inspections are standard practice in the yachting industry, Ben and deckhand Kyle Stillie chose to disregard the request. This decision created a divide within the crew, with some supporting Kerry's authority and others questioning the necessity of such strict measures. The confrontation highlights the challenges of balancing authority with respect, and the importance of clear communication and understanding between leaders and their subordinates.