Classifying Marketers with 9 Simple Questions!

Classifying Marketers with 9 Simple Questions!

"Discover how to classify marketers in 9 simple questions. From budget to risk-taking, find out how to identify your target audience, brand personality, marketing goals and more. Optimize your marketing strategy today."

As marketers, we all have different approaches when it comes to promoting our brands. Some of us may focus on social media, while others may prefer traditional advertising. But have you ever wondered what type of marketer you are? In this blog post, we'll be classifying marketers based on 9 simple questions. By answering these questions, you'll gain a better understanding of your marketing approach and be able to fine-tune your strategy for better results. So let's dive in and discover what kind of marketer you really are!

Classifying Marketers

Question 1: What is your marketing budget?

When it comes to marketing, one of the most important factors to consider is budget. Without sufficient funds, it can be difficult to execute effective marketing campaigns that yield results. Therefore, the first question to ask a marketer is about their marketing budget. This will help to determine their financial limitations and guide their decision-making process. From this question, we can classify marketers into different categories based on their budget size and how they allocate those funds.

Question 2: Who is your target audience?

Defining the target audience is a crucial step in any marketing strategy. It involves identifying the specific group of people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service and tailoring your marketing efforts towards them. This not only helps in creating a more effective marketing campaign but also helps in maximizing ROI. In the next section, we will discuss the sub-sections that will help us determine the target audience in more detail.

Question 3: What is your brand personality?

Defining a brand personality is crucial in creating a unique identity for your brand. It is the set of human characteristics that are attributed to your brand, making it relatable and memorable to your target audience. To determine your brand personality, you need to consider factors such as the values, tone of voice, and visual identity of your brand.



Your brand's values represent its purpose, beliefs, and principles. It is what your brand stands for and what it promises to deliver to its customers. Defining your brand's values will help you create a consistent brand message across all marketing channels.

Tone of Voice

The tone of voice refers to the way your brand communicates with its audience. It is the language, style, and personality of your brand's messaging. A consistent tone of voice can establish a strong connection with your audience and create a sense of familiarity.

Visual Identity

A brand's visual identity includes its logo, color palette, typography, and imagery. It is the visual representation of your brand's personality and values. Establishing a strong visual identity for your brand can help you stand out from the competition and create a lasting impression on your customers.

Question 4: What is your primary marketing channel?

Based on the answers to the first three questions, marketers can determine what their primary marketing channel should be. For example, if their target audience is primarily active on social media and their brand personality is youthful and trendy, then social media marketing would be an ideal primary channel. On the other hand, if their target audience is more mature and professional, and their brand personality is sophisticated and refined, then email marketing or direct mail may be a better fit. Additionally, if their marketing budget is limited, they may choose to focus on a more cost-effective primary channel such as content marketing or search engine optimization. Ultimately, the primary marketing channel should be chosen based on what will reach the target audience most effectively and efficiently.

Question 5: What is your main marketing goal?

The main marketing goal of a marketer is to achieve a specific outcome through their marketing efforts. This could be anything from increasing brand awareness, generating leads, boosting sales, improving customer retention, or establishing industry authority. Each company will have a different primary marketing goal depending on their specific business objectives and target audience. In the following sub-sections, we will explore some common primary marketing goals that marketers strive to achieve and discuss strategies to achieve them.

Question 6: What is your preferred content format?

For Question 6, the majority of marketers prefer visual content formats such as images, videos, and infographics. These formats are known to be more engaging and attention-grabbing than written content. However, written content such as blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies are also popular among some marketers as they provide in-depth information and establish thought leadership. In addition, audio content such as podcasts and webinars are gaining popularity as they allow marketers to reach audiences on-the-go.

Question 7: What is your approach to data analysis?

The approach to data analysis can vary greatly among marketers depending on their industry, goals, and available resources. Some marketers may rely on basic metrics such as website traffic and social media engagement, while others may utilize more advanced analytics tools to track customer behavior and measure ROI. In this section, we will explore some common approaches to data analysis in marketing and how they can benefit businesses.

Question 8: What is your stance on social responsibility?

As a marketer, it is important to consider your stance on social responsibility. This can include everything from your company's environmental impact to its community involvement. Your stance on social responsibility can have a significant impact on how your brand is perceived by consumers, as more and more people are placing importance on ethical and sustainable practices.


- Environmental Impact

- Community Involvement

- Ethical Practices.

Question 9: What is your attitude towards risk-taking?

Marketers' attitudes towards risk-taking can be a determining factor in the success or failure of their campaigns. Some marketers prefer to play it safe and stick to tried-and-true methods, while others are more willing to take risks and try new approaches. In this section, we will explore the different attitudes towards risk-taking that marketers may have and how it can impact their marketing strategies.


In conclusion, classifying marketers with 9 simple questions can help businesses identify the strengths and weaknesses of their marketing team. By understanding the different types of marketers, companies can create a well-rounded team that can effectively reach their target audience and achieve their business goals. It is important for businesses to regularly assess their marketing team and make adjustments as needed to ensure they are staying competitive in their industry. By utilizing these questions, businesses can take a step towards achieving marketing success.