Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

An American woman and a Finnish medical student unexpectedly find love when they become roommates in Prague Follow their journey as they navigate cultural differences, meet each other's families, and embark on a future together

Mandy Sanchez discovered the listing while she was in her bedroom in Texas. The listing described a room in a well-appointed Art Nouveau building located in the vibrant Vinohrady neighborhood. The neighborhood is known for its gorgeous sunsets and is situated near the city's Riegrovy Sady park.

In December 2019, Mandy, a 22-year-old student who was about to graduate from Texas A&M University, had her sights set on moving to Prague to pursue a career in teaching English.

To find suitable accommodation, she decided to join a Facebook group called "Flatshare in Prague". It was in this group that Mandy came across a room in Vinohrady, advertised by a user named Marcus Wecksten. Accompanying the apartment's photos, Marcus mentioned that the current occupants were two individuals - one Finnish (Marcus) and one German (his roommate, Boris). Both Marcus and Boris were students in Prague and were in need of someone to move in as soon as possible.

Mandy was impressed with the apartment's perfect features: an excellent neighborhood, an appealing space, and a room that fit her budget. It seemed almost unbelievably good. Without hesitation, she quickly sent a message expressing her interest.

While studying in his Prague apartment bedroom, Marcus's laptop displayed Mandy's message.

"Sounds great," he said. "Can you come by sometime next week for a viewing?"

"Im in Texas," explained Mandy. "Im moving to Prague in January."

Marcus pondered the situation, realizing it was not feasible to meet Mandy before she finalized the lease, which was far from ideal. He responded to Mandy's message, expressing his apologies and explaining the unworkable nature of the situation.

However, Mandy displayed her strong determination as she proposed an alternative solution. "Could we possibly arrange a Skype call?" she suggested. "I have a strong desire to secure this room."


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Marcus, who was 25 at the time and pursuing a medical degree at Charles University in Prague, became acquainted with his roommate Boris during their college years. They resided in a Vinohrady apartment for a couple of years, which Marcus describes as an exceptionally pleasant dwelling located in one of Prague's trendiest neighborhoods.

Over the years, numerous fellow students have occupied the third room, creating a constant rotation. Marcus recalls their search for a sociable individual who would join them in the communal space, particularly the living room where they spent a significant amount of time. While Marcus is unsure about the exact criteria, it is highly likely that cleanliness was one of the fundamental requirements.

During the Skype interview, Mandy remembers Boris showing significant concern regarding her willingness to contribute to maintaining cleanliness.

"He questioned me extensively about my willingness to assist with cleaning," she says. "However, my primary concern was whether they themselves would prioritize cleanliness, given that it was two guys..."

During their Skype call, Mandy, Marcus, and Boris discussed the Vinohrady neighborhood and its nearby amenities while aligning their cleanliness standards. Towards the end of the conversation, they ventured into a discussion about their personal backgrounds. Marcus found it fascinating that Mandy hailed from Texas, admitting that prior to meeting her, he held a stereotypical image of a Texan wearing a cowboy hat, boots, and wielding a revolver.

After ending the call, Mandy felt reassured that Marcus and Boris were amiable and "ordinary." She thought to herself, "I concluded that they won't harm me in any way. They appear to be pleasant individuals. I could potentially go to their apartment without any concerns."

After a follow-up call to finalize the details, Marcus and Boris extended the offer to Mandy for the room. Coincidentally, Mandy received this message on the day of her college graduation.

Amidst the excitement of celebrating her graduation, Mandy updated her parents and sister about her new place. She enthusiastically praised its exceptional location and visually appealing architecture, casually mentioning that her roommates happened to be two medical students.

Mandy reminisces about how her parents expressed their hope that she wouldn't develop feelings for either of them. The reason behind this wish was because they anticipated that if she did, she would end up residing in Europe permanently. Puzzled by their reasoning, Mandy asked for an explanation. They responded by elaborating that if either of them got licensed for medical practice in Europe, it would be challenging to have those qualifications easily recognized in the United States. Thus, should Mandy fall in love with one of them, it would result in her staying in Europe indefinitely.

Her parents were speaking in jest - at least in part. But Mandy cut through their teasing tone, wanting to set the record straight.

"That is not what Im going to Europe for," she said.

And it was true.

"I wasnt moving there to fall in love," says Mandy today.

But the universe had other ideas.

Arriving in Prague

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Mandy moved into Marcus' apartment in Prague's vibrant Vinohrady area.

Mandy Sanchez

Having never been to Prague before, Mandy browsed through online photos and marveled at its sheer beauty. She received tips from friends who had visited and fallen in love with the city. As she continued to immerse herself in thoughts, Mandy started to envision herself residing in a lovely apartment located in Vinohrady.

But none of this could prepare her for the whirlwind of her arrival day.

"I dont really think I was thinking - it was just all happening," Mandy recalls.

She recalls taking an Uber from the airport and gazing out the window. Despite it being only 5:30 p.m., the darkness outside enveloped everything. Approaching the city, the vibrant lights illuminated the towering spires of Prague Castle. Mandy experienced a whirlwind of exhaustion, excitement, and disbelief as she realized that this new chapter of her life had begun.

Meanwhile, Marcus and Boris had dedicated a majority of their day to thoroughly cleaning their apartment.

"We were cleaning neglected corners of the apartment," Marcus remarks. "Our aim was to leave a positive impression on Mandy."

Just as Marcus finished disposing of the final trash bag in the shared bins, Mandy's Uber arrived, parking in front of the building.

As the Uber drove away, Mandy smiled.

"Oh, you must be Marcus," she said.

Marcus reached out his hand for Mandy to shake. The moment was a little awkward, but friendly.

Then, Marcus took Mandys bags and carried them up the stairs.

"I was like, Oh, thats very nice that he took my bags. Duly noted," recalls Mandy.

Inside the new apartment, Mandy met Boris and offered to treat her new roommates to take-out.

The next thing she knew, Marcus was putting through a pizza order on his laptop.

"I uncomfortably handed him my credit card," Mandy recalls. "As he inputted the details, Google Chrome prompted whether he would like to save the card. Instantly, I warned him against saving my card information."

Mandy's remark was only partially playful. She couldn't shake the oddness of the situation, thinking to herself, "It's quite strange. I've just met this person, and here I am, divulging my credit card details."

For the next couple of hours, Mandy, Marcus and Boris sat around eating pizza and chatting.

Mandy appreciated how welcoming her new roommates were. And she thought Marcus was "cute."

"I was also tired," she mentions. "I thought to myself, perhaps I am being unrealistic."

Following the meal, Mandy, drained from the long flight, retreated to her bedroom and drifted off into slumber. Upon awakening, she pondered if she would still find Marcus captivating once she had recovered from the effects of jet lag. Her inquiry was swiftly resolved the moment she laid eyes on him in the kitchen, his smile directed towards her.

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Here's one of Marcus and Mandy's first photos together, taken in their Prague apartment in 2020.

Mandy Sanchez

Over the next week, Mandy and Marcus got to know each other. They ate dinner out most nights - just the two of them. Boris was always invited, but often had plans and couldnt join.

Mandy says she and Marcus "clicked right away."

"There was a lot of chemistry between us. But it was chemistry that youre not sure what you should do with," she says.

Mandy was aware that they had recently started living together, and she didn't want to disrupt a potential friendship or cause problems in their living arrangement. However, Marcus didn't share the same concerns and was open to the idea of dating his roommate.

"I was most likely just going with the flow of the situation," he explains. "I didn't give much thought to the possible repercussions; I was more focused on the positive feeling. I was like, 'This feels good. Let's continue.'"

Despite Mandy's initial reservations, she and Marcus developed a stronger bond with each passing moment. Mandy couldn't ignore what she refers to as "the strong attraction we had towards one another."

They soon became inseparable, going on dinner dates, exploring Prague together, and having long conversations in their apartment. They even embarked on a trip to the Pilsner Brewery outside of Prague, where they enjoyed a tour and shared beers. One month after Mandy moved in, Marcus surprised her by cooking a romantic meal on Valentine's Day. Boris, who walked in during the intimate moment, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the clear romantic connection between them.

Coincidentally, she ended up sitting next to a stranger on a flight and little did she know, they would end up being married for 40 years.

Staying for each other

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Mandy and Marcus decided to stay in Prague together during the pandemic.

Prague Photographer Kemal Onur Ozman,

Mandy and Marcus continued to bond, yet the looming presence of the coronavirus became increasingly difficult to overlook. When Mandy initially arrived in Europe, the pandemic seemed like a distant murmur on the horizon. However, by early March, its impact had engulfed the continent.

One morning, Mandy awoke to an email from her parents, informing her that the US border was soon to be shut. In response, they had purchased a plane ticket for her return journey back home.

"You now have your plane ticket, scheduled for departure on Thursday. Fortunately, we have a window of 24 hours wherein cancellation is permissible, making it fully refundable," stated the email. "As an independent adult, the decision is ultimately yours to make. Nevertheless, our heartfelt desire is for you to return home."

Mandy found herself uncertain about the course of action to take. Departing would inevitably result in her visa's nullification, which would subsequently complicate her prospects of returning. Moreover, her blossoming bond with Marcus would abruptly cease before it could even flourish.

However, considering the gravity of the global crisis, it seemed logical for her to return to her home country to be with her loved ones. If she chose to stay, there was a possibility of being stranded in Prague indefinitely.

"I believe I'm experiencing love," Mandy pondered. "I desperately wish for this to continue, but I'm also uncertain if it would be a mistake not to return home."

Boris had already come back to Germany, but Marcus was uncertain about whether he would return to Finland. Though he hadn't voiced his thoughts, it appeared he was waiting to see Mandy's decision.

In the following 24 hours, Mandy oscillated between staying and leaving. Ultimately, she and Marcus discussed their choices collectively.

Marcus explains that they did not openly express their commitment to fighting through the Covid situation together. Instead, they cautiously attempted to ignite each other's curiosity. After thoughtful consideration, Mandy and Marcus ultimately reached a mutual agreement: "If you choose to remain, I will too."

Marcus expressed his exhilaration at the prospect of both of them staying while acknowledging that the subsequent months would entail spending virtually every moment together during Prague's stringent lockdown.

Marcus delved into the realm of cooking intricate meals, while Mandy lounged on the couch, sipping wine, offering encouragement, and providing delightful companionship.

Together, they indulged in countless evenings, exchanging anecdotes and engaging in heart-to-heart discussions, unveiling the intricacies of their respective lives.

"We formed a deep bond and experienced intense emotions towards one another," Marcus reveals. "Our frequent, intimate encounters allowed us to establish a strong connection and share our innermost thoughts." As an introverted individual, Marcus found solace in spending quality time with Mandy in the comfort of their home, which enabled him to truly understand her on a profound level.

He recalls feeling completely at ease and secure within the confines of that household, allowing him to freely express his true self. Additionally, Mandy's amiable nature effortlessly fostered an environment where he felt equally comfortable being himself. On the other hand, Mandy, despite enjoying the company of Marcus, found it challenging to fully immerse herself in the present, burdened by apprehensions about the potential complexities that might arise from dating someone hailing from a foreign land.

She also made an effort to prevent the harsh realities of the pandemic from affecting their secluded world.

"Nothing was certain," she remembers. "We hadn't officially defined our relationship, but I chose to stay because of this man. I had recently relocated here, and I was still in the process of obtaining my visa. Moreover, the world was in chaos, and all these circumstances made my life incredibly overwhelming. So it wasn't exactly a feeling of safety and comfort with you. It was quite chaotic for me."

Despite this, Mandy recalls many bright spots.

"We spent a lot of time in the park, drinking prosecco and having a grand old time," she says.

Prague, usually packed with tourists, was sleepy and empty.

Mandy and Marcus recall "walking on the Charles Bridge, and absolutely no one was there."

Despite the bleak situation, the desolate city had a certain charm.

When summer arrived, Prague's pandemic restrictions were slightly relaxed. Marcus was preparing to return to Finland for his summer break, where he would be working. He was planning to be away from the Czech Republic for a period of three months.

"The night before his departure, Mandy found herself in tears, exclaiming, 'Oh, dear, you're leaving and I feel such immense sadness,'" Mandy reminisces.

That marked the instance when Mandy and Marcus openly expressed their emotions and solidified their dedication to their relationship.

Mandy and Marcus became even more certain of this fact during their three-month separation. Mandy vividly remembers calling her mother and confidently declaring her love for Marcus, expressing her hopes that he reciprocated the same feelings.

Upon Marcus' return to the apartment in Vinohrady, he confessed his love for Mandy.

"Thank goodness," exclaimed Mandy, bursting into laughter.

Finally, she allowed herself to unwind in this unfamiliar world. Marcus had become her beloved partner, and despite the hardships that characterized the year 2020, Mandy found contentment. Her adoration for residing in Prague grew even stronger. Utilizing the pandemic as a justification, she made the decision to prolong her stay, as most of her teaching had shifted to online platforms. The experience she had initially envisioned hadn't really materialized.

Whenever she was asked, Mandy was vague about how much longer shed stay.

"It was always, A while longer," says Mandy. "Never really a defined end."

Boris was amazed, upon his return to Prague, at how much Marcus and Mandy's relationship had flourished during his absence. He genuinely felt happy for them.

"I left Mandy and Marcus as mere roommates, and when I came back, they had transformed into a strong, committed couple with their own unique traditions and routines," Boris shared with CNN Travel. "It was absolutely adorable to witness such a lovely change."

She texted her mom on vacation: I met my husband. Heres what happened next

Meeting the parents

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Here's Mandy and Marcus in Finland in summer 2021.

Mandy Sanchez

The following summer, in July 2021, Mandy traveled with Marcus to Finland to spend time with his friends and family and get a glimpse into his culture and country.

"Introducing Mandy to my friends felt really great," recalls Marcus. "She seemed to click with everyone."

"Meeting his family and coming to Finland was that final puzzle piece for me," says Mandy.

Marcus shared that when the US borders reopened, he accompanied Mandy on a trip to Texas to meet her loved ones. He recounts how her parents and sister were incredibly welcoming, making him feel like an integral part of the family right from the start.

Following the significant introductions, Mandy expresses that "we sensed a deepening of our connection."

However, Mandy and Marcus' future remained uncertain. If they continued their relationship, the question of their living arrangement arose. Mandys parents' initial joking remarks about Mandy marrying her medical student roommates still lingered. It seemed improbable for Marcus to pursue a medical career in the US, making living there an improbable option.

Marcus and Mandy, realizing the importance of addressing their uncertainties, opted for couples therapy. Mandy emphasizes the value they gained from the experience, acknowledging the countless considerations that accompany an intercultural relationship, such as deciding on their future residence and grappling with weighty inquiries.

The couple acknowledged the positive impact of having an excellent therapist in Prague, which greatly aided them in cultivating a stronger commitment and building a firm groundwork. They mutually agreed to approach their journey of understanding each other gradually, embracing the concept of navigating through life together.

"We feel very secure," says Marcus. "We know that its going to be the two of us going forward."

Her flight was canceled. Then she ended up on the doorstep of her future wife

A Prague proposal

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Marcus proposed to Mandy in spring 2023.

Prague Photographer Kemal Onur Ozman,

Fast-forward to spring 2023, a span of three years since Mandy relocated to Prague and three years since she crossed paths with Marcus.

Against their deepest desires, the pair began to entertain the notion of departing from the city that held their hearts captive. Marcus neared the completion of his medical school education, and indications suggested that securing employment in Finland would be a smoother endeavor for him.

To celebrate their three-year anniversary, Marcus planned a delightful surprise for Mandy - a photoshoot capturing their special moments in Prague's enchanting locations they both cherished.

Accompanied by a talented photographer, the couple ventured towards a park adorned with pastel-colored blossoms, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the scenery. Mandy, who had always been captivated by the blooming spring trees, found herself mesmerized by their magnificence, a sight she had never witnessed back home in Texas.

The photographer snapped a few initial shots of Mandy while Marcus saw his opportunity and knelt behind her. As Mandy turned, she felt confusion at first, but then it dawned on her - he was proposing.

The following pictures captured Mandy's unadulterated joy. In fact, in all the photographs taken that day, Mandy and Marcus radiate with pure happiness.

The shoot wrapped up on the Charles Bridge. Mandy and Marcus stood together, gazing at the cityscape, and Mandy proposed the idea of celebrating at their preferred restaurant.

"Guess it all boils down to how quickly you can pack," Marcus commented.

"Hed planned a night or two at a spa hotel in Karlovy Vary, which is a spa town two hours outside of Prague," explains Mandy.

The couple spent the rest of the weekend toasting their future.

She went on a solo trip to Italy. Right away she met the love of her life

Committing to the future

Chance Encounter Leads to Love in a Prague Apartment

Mandy and Marcus, pictured here on vacation in Albania, are excited for their shared future.

Mandy Sanchez and Marcus bid farewell to Prague and relocated to Helsinki, Finland, during the recent summer. Although they felt a mix of emotions leaving behind the city that played a significant role in their relationship, the couple eagerly anticipate embarking on this new chapter in Helsinki and intend to make it their home for the foreseeable future.

Mandy and Marcus are planning to return to Prague next spring for their wedding, which will be a weekend celebration. Friends and family from different parts of the world, including their former roommate Boris, will gather in the Czech Republic to honor Mandy and Marcus's love story.

They have created a wedding website where Marcus and Mandy have shared a selection of their favorite places in Prague for guests who may not be familiar with the city. Rather than suggesting the typical tourist spots that can easily be found through online research, they have chosen to highlight the local gems they genuinely enjoyed. At the top of their list is the Vinohrady apartment, which holds a special place in their hearts.

Marcus and Mandy hold cherished memories of their time spent there. Marcus reflects on the serendipitous moments that brought them together, led them to share an apartment, and ultimately led to their love blossoming.

Mandy conveys her sheer happiness, infatuation, and gratitude for having embraced the bliss of their love, even when uncertainty loomed over their future.

"Weve experienced quite a bit in these few years together and are so happy that we get to continue going through life together," Mandy says. "Its been the greatest and most unexpected adventure."