Catch 'Em All: Ultimate Guide to Pokemon GO's Missing Shiny Forms for Legendary and Mythical Pokemon

Discover the untamed realm of Pokemon GO, brimming with Legendary and Mythical creatures While countless shiny forms await trainers, some remain elusive Unveil the hidden world of Missing Shinies in this captivating article (340 characters)
Out of the 88 Legendary and Mythical Pokemon available in the mainline series games, 63 are obtainable in Pokemon GO. Among these, a small number have shiny forms in the mobile game for avid collectors. It's crucial to keep track of which Legendaries and Mythicals have shiny variants in order to anticipate future releases. Shiny hunting in Pokemon GO is quite challenging, and trainers often stumble upon only a few shinies accidentally. Fortunately, the game allows players to spot Pokemon in the overworld, reducing the guesswork compared to previous titles. However, raid battles add complexity to catching shiny Pokemon like Moltres in Pokemon GO, and only the luckiest or most determined trainers are able to acquire them. While obtaining them may be difficult, it is not impossible, so it's beneficial to stay informed about upcoming Legendary and Mythical shinies.
The Missing Shinies in Pokemon GO
The Legendary Bird Trio from the first generation has all received shiny versions in their main forms. However, the Galarian variations of these birds have not yet been made available in shiny form for catching. Catching the Galarian Bird Trio in Pokemon GO is known to be extremely difficult, so obtaining their shiny versions will likely be a challenging endeavor when they eventually become available.
Shiny Mewtwo and shiny Mew have both been introduced in Pokemon GO, but the Armored Mewtwo variation has not yet received a shiny form. Despite being featured in various raid events in the past, shiny Armored Mewtwo remains unavailable.
Shaymin, in its Land and Sky forms, has been obtainable in Pokemon GO Fest research events. However, if the research is completed, the Sinnoh Mythical Pokemon cannot be obtained in its shiny form.
For the three mythical Pokemon from Unova - Victini, Keldeo, and Meloetta - they can be found in the mobile game via distinct research events. Nevertheless, they are not available in shiny variants.
Hoopa: Currently, Hoopa is the only Mythical Pokémon from the Kalos region that can be found in Pokémon GO. However, Diancie and Volcanion are still unavailable. It is worth noting that Hoopa can be obtained in both its Confined and Unbound forms, but it cannot be found in a shiny variant.
Cosmog and its Evolutions: A while back, special research allowed players to acquire Cosmog and its evolutionary forms: Cosmoem, Solgaleo, and Lunala. Nevertheless, regardless of the form received, all Cosmog Pokémon will possess the same coloration. As a result, shiny versions of Cosmog and its evolutions are not currently accessible.
Meltan and Melmetal are the only two Pokemon exclusive to Pokemon GO, yet it is peculiar that a shiny version of them has never been obtainable. They stand as two of the few Pokemon with no available shinies in any game.
Zacian and Zamazenta, the Legendary dog duo in Pokemon Sword and Shield, have had two Raid Battle events in Pokemon GO. Surprisingly, neither of these events featured shiny forms.
Zarude, the elusive Mythical Pokemon from the Galar region, made a brief appearance in Pokemon GO during a limited research event. Disappointingly, players who successfully completed the event were unable to obtain a shiny variant of Zarude.
The latest additions to the Regi family in Generation 8, Regieleki and Regidrago, caused quite a stir with their formidable Raid Battle events in Pokemon GO. Unfortunately, shiny versions of these powerful Pokemon were not available during these events. Due to the controversy surrounding their initial release, it may be some time before they return in the game.