Breaking the Chains: Hades 2 Revolutionizes the Supergiant Games Legacy

Breaking the Chains: Hades 2 Revolutionizes the Supergiant Games Legacy

Hades 2, a groundbreaking sequel announced by Supergiant Games, is poised to redefine the gaming landscape This highly anticipated release marks a monumental milestone for the developer, as they embark on an uncharted path of innovation and tradition-breaking


Hades 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the well-received original game, is expected to have an early access period on PC before its official launch.

Hades 2 marks a significant milestone for Supergiant Games, being their first-ever sequel and a departure from their usual practice of not creating sequels. The anticipation among fans is high for Hades 2, sparking speculation about potential new installments in Supergiant Games' other beloved IPs like Bastion and Pyre.

The announcement of Hades 2 at the Game Awards in December was followed by a lack of information. It has almost been a year since the confirmation of the sequel, but news about it is expected to come soon. Prior to Hades 2, its predecessor received a great response during its early access period in 2018, selling over a million copies in under two years. The development of the roguelike dungeon crawler is making significant progress, setting the stage for important milestones for its developer.

Hades 2 is Already A Monumental Milestone

Breaking the Chains: Hades 2 Revolutionizes the Supergiant Games Legacy

The developers of Hades 2 have every reason to be proud, even though the game has not yet been released. If things go according to plan, Hades 2 will mark Supergiant Games' first ever sequel, which may come as a surprise considering their successful previous titles like Bastion, Pyre, and Transistor.

Hades 2 breaks away from the studio's previous tradition of not making sequels, and the team appears enthusiastic about returning to the Greek mythology-inspired world. With Zagreus' journey concluded, the story promises to be just as captivating, as Hades 2 serves as a direct continuation of the original game. Zagreus' sister, Melinoe, will take on the role of protagonist as she battles Chronos, the Titan of Time and King of the Titans.

The success of the Hades franchise has led some to speculate whether Supergiant will revisit its other intellectual properties. While Hades received widespread acclaim, its predecessors were also well-received. Additionally, even though these other games were released prior to Hades, it may still be worth considering the possibility of creating new installments.

Supergiant Games was established in 2009, and its debut game Bastion was released in 2011. This action role-playing game featured a captivating reactive narrator and a pivotal event known as "The Calamity". The cyclical nature of "The Calamity" and the potential for restoration suggest that a sequel to Bastion could be possible, unless players opt for the morally conflicting "evacuation" ending.

Interestingly, the 2011 title has been compared to the 2014 game Transistor. Upon its release, Transistor was hailed as an "evolved" version of Bastion. Greg Kasavin, Supergiant Creative Director, had previously mentioned the possibility of a Bastion sequel, stating that the team wanted to create something new. While Transistor builds upon the foundations of Bastion, it offers more intricate combat mechanics. Unfortunately, the fate of the protagonist in Transistor appears to be predetermined, making it potentially the only Supergiant game that does not require a follow-up.

On the other hand, Pyre was widely regarded as one of the top indie games of 2017, receiving generally positive reviews. While it possesses a rich lore, its narrative may not be as tightly woven as the previous two games. Some see Hades as a spiritual successor, employing a similar storytelling approach. Pyre concludes with a definitive ending, but there is potential for a prequel that explores the rise of the tyrannical Commonwealth government and delves deeper into the relationship between Volfred and Oralech within the Nightwings.

Supergiant Games is breaking tradition with Hades 2. The studio aims to recapture the wonder and delight of its predecessor, which is why their previous games didn't have sequels. Despite this, Supergiant Games is renowned for their dedication to their work, so we can expect Hades 2 to be a rewarding adventure. The game is currently being developed.