The Pokemon franchise has been an unstoppable force in the world of anime, boasting an impressive 1,200 individual episodes and 23 films since 1997. Recently, the franchise has been branching out into new and diverse animation projects, such as the "Poketoon" shorts anthology, which showcased various vintage animation styles to tell captivating side stories about Pokemon encounters. However, Netflix is now set to release its most unique animated series yet, Pokemon Concierge.
Pokemon Concierge is an eagerly awaited and highly secretive stop-motion Pokemon anime. Despite only releasing a brief teaser featuring a stop-motion Psyduck in late February, fans have been speculating about the immense scale and potential of this project. Now, Netflix has unveiled more details about this exciting venture at Anime Expo, promising a delightful and vibrant exploration of Pokemon in an entirely new medium.
NON Discusses Pokemon Concierge at Anime Expo
Netflix Gives an Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Peek at the Series with Japanese Actress and Designer NONThe day after the behind-the-scenes footage was released, a private room at the Los Angeles Convention Center was filled with a gathering of at least twenty reporters. With their microphones raised, they eagerly awaited a scoop from a table where a life-sized Psyduck took center stage in the main chair. It was the first official press junket for the show, and the actress, accompanied by her Japanese interpreter, openly discussed the show's tone and gave insights into some of the plot points that viewers can expect.
The series revolves around Haru, a young woman who leaves her tedious day job to become a concierge at the Pokemon Resort, where Pokemon themselves are the guests. Despite being described as a perfectionist by NON, one of the main themes of the show is Haru's journey towards a more relaxed and fulfilling demeanor, even in the face of challenges and unexpected outcomes. NON explains that "Haru learns to grow with the Pokemon." As the series focuses on the Pokemon evolving into stronger versions of themselves, it is fitting that this new installment explores a different kind of growth in a unique anime medium.
Haru's main assistant at the resort is Psyduck, providing an interesting contrast between Haru's busy mannerisms and Psyduck's calm and enigmatic nature. NON playfully shares that it is hard for her to choose a personal favorite Pokemon when asked by Game Rant. While she used to favor Mewtwo when she was younger, working on this new project has made her appreciate Psyduck as a personal favorite. Naturally, this response is a polite one since Psyduck is right by her side.
Pokemon Concierge is developed by Netflix Anime and The Pokemon Company, and animated by Dwarf Studios. The series is slated to release on Netflix in December 2023.