Breaking Barriers: A Promising Era for LGBTQ+ Representation in the Premier League

Breaking Barriers: A Promising Era for LGBTQ+ Representation in the Premier League

Exploring the future of football, this article delves into the possibility of a Premier League's first openly gay footballer within 10-20 years Insights from Jake Daniels, Jon Holmes, and Liz Ward shed light on the complex situation, emphasizing the need for education and active allyship in bridging the disparity between men's and women's game

LGBTQ+ rights in the UK have made significant progress in a relatively brief period. The partial decriminalization of homosexuality occurred in England and Wales in 1967, later extending to Scotland and Northern Ireland in 1981 and 1982 respectively, marking slightly over four decades since these advancements took place.

Since then, LGBTQ+ individuals have become increasingly visible in various spheres of public life, including British sport. Notably, Olympian Tom Daley, boxer Nicola Adams, and former Wales international rugby player Gareth Thomas are among the prominent figures representing the LGBTQ+ community.

Football, along with other team sports like rugby and cricket, persists in presenting a paradox. The realm of women's sports, however, remarkably embraces and celebrates LGBTQ+ individuals. Inclusivity is deeply ingrained within the essence that distinguishes these sports as extraordinary.

Almost 100 players have participated in the Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, openly identifying as LGBTQ+. Among them is Quinn, a Canadian international who is the first openly trans non-binary person to compete in the tournament.

Conversely, LGBTQ+ representation is significantly lacking in men's team sports, especially in football. Efforts have been intensified in recent years to address this issue, including the development of educational resources and awareness campaigns.

In recent years, there has been a modest number of male footballers who have publicly revealed their sexual orientation. Among them is Jake Daniels, a teenager from Blackpool, who came out as gay in 2022. He holds the distinction of being the highest-level active gay men's player in British football, competing in League One.

Another notable footballer who has come out is Jakub Jankto, an international player from the Czech Republic. Currently playing for Cagliari in Serie A, he is considered one of the highest-profile male footballers who has publicly shared his sexual orientation. Jankto made this announcement in February.

In addition to Daniels and Jankto, there are several other openly gay male professional players. Josh Cavallo and Andy Brennan represent Australia, while Zander Murray plays in Scotland. Collin Martin completes the list, representing the United States.

'It's a very complex situation'

According to Jon Holmes, founder and lead of Sports Media LGBT+, there are several factors and nuances to consider regarding the absence of an active out gay footballer playing in the Premier League as of 2023.

He elaborated, "In addition to discussing openly gay players, we are also addressing the inclusion of bisexual footballers. Take Jahmal Howlett-Mundle, for instance, a former scholar at Crystal Palace who has been competing in non-league football for numerous years. He made his bisexuality public in 2021."

LGBTQ+ individuals often grapple with managing their visibility. In the women's game, the situation is far from ideal as well since many players may choose not to publicly disclose their sexual orientation, although they might be open about it within their dressing room and club environment.

A similar scenario is likely to exist in the men's game too. It is possible that some players are comfortable being out to their teammates and coaches, but prefer to avoid the additional pressures that come with being publicly visible.

Globally, the number of openly gay men in professional football is quite low. In the UK, there are a few players and coaches who are open about their sexuality in the non-league game, indicating some progress in terms of visibility.

However, it is important to recognize that coming out publicly is a complex issue. The decision to do so rests solely on the individual, as they face various pressures and challenges.

Not only do you consider your team-mates, but also your friends, family, hometown, and the impact of your faith. The decision to be openly out requires acknowledging the potential for intense scrutiny and attention from both social and mainstream media. Many individuals prefer not to expose themselves to such a high level of scrutiny.

The absence of openly gay or bisexual male players in the game is a notable aspect. Men's football, in particular, upholds age-old traditions that shape the game's culture, competitiveness, and rivalries. Additionally, the profession of football player is fleeting, giving players limited time to secure their financial future before transitioning to other endeavors.

These factors serve as hindrances for individuals who may be hesitant to reveal their sexual orientation. Coming out requires a person with a strong resolve - someone who not only seeks personal empowerment but also aims to pave the way for others like them in the future.


The situation at hand is highly intricate and multifaceted. The decision ultimately lies in the hands of the individual, who must navigate through numerous distinct pressures that accompany being open about their identity. Notably, men's football remains entangled in long-standing customs that significantly shape the game's culture. Consequently, it necessitates a resolute and determined individual to embark on such a transformative journey.

Sports Media LGBT+ founder Jon Holmes

Liz Ward, director of programmes at the LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall, echoes those sentiments.

"In the world of football in 2023, it seems that we are mirroring the state of society," she expressed. "We have witnessed substantial transformations and heightened levels of acceptance.

"However, the topic of openly homosexual football players continues to present major obstacles for individuals who wish to embrace their authentic identities."

At Stonewall, we strive for a world where individuals can freely express themselves, regardless of their identity. Our efforts to achieve this extend to the realm of football.

We collaborate with national governing bodies, leagues, clubs, as well as engage with fans and players through educational initiatives and our Rainbow Laces campaign.

The stakes are incredibly elevated for footballers, as we've witnessed in stadiums, regardless of factors such as race, team affiliation, or background. However, when it comes to sexuality, these stakes are further amplified.

Football, as a whole, has experienced an increase in the number of players revealing their true selves. This visibility is particularly apparent in grassroots football, where there are teams exclusively consisting of LGBTQ+ individuals. Just recently, we witnessed a significant milestone as the first-ever fully transgender men's team took part in a football match earlier this year.

The situation is improving, but in the Premier League, where the attention and pressure are immense, many players prefer to keep their personal lives private. At Stonewall, we actively encourage and assist them in maintaining their privacy. However, there is still progress to be made before these individuals can freely express their true selves on the field.

Daniels: Coming out was the best thing I've done

Nonetheless, there was a notable instance of a professional player in English men's football who bravely came out last year – Jake Daniels. In an exclusive interview with Tim Thornton from We News, he shared his personal journey and discussed his collaboration with his club, Blackpool, as well as Stonewall.

When asked about his decision to come out, Daniels stated, "The present moment is ideal for me to share my truth. I believe I am prepared to reveal my story and for others to truly understand who I am.

"For a while now, I have contemplated the method and timing for this revelation. However, I am now certain that this is the opportune moment. I am prepared to embrace my authentic self, to feel liberated, and to face it all with confidence."

A year later, the teenager has become a pioneer in representing gay players in men's football. When questioned about whether he believes he has paved the way for others, Daniels responded to We News by saying, "I believe I have. Since my coming out, we've had three or four individuals do the same. I take pride in being a source of inspiration for others to come out."

"Don't prioritize others' happiness over your own when it comes to living your life. Coming out as gay can be a major undertaking, particularly when fear of people's reactions is involved.

However, it is crucial not to solely devote yourself to pleasing others. This was a valuable lesson I personally learned."

"I thought it would have been a scary place and time, but it wasn't. It was the best thing I've ever done."

So will we see a gay PL footballer in the coming years?

It is noteworthy that we have observed instances of footballers revealing their homosexuality after participating in the top-tier English league. Thomas Hitzlsperger, a former midfielder for Aston Villa, West Ham, and Everton, shared his personal journey in January 2014. Similarly, the first openly gay professional footballer, Justin Fashanu, played in the former First Division prior to coming out in 1990.

However, up until now, there has not been a public identification of a gay or bisexual individual within the first-team squad of the Premier League.

Liz Ward expressed her optimism about the likelihood of this happening in the near future. She emphasized the amazing love and support received by individuals like Josh Cavallo and Jake Daniels, finding it incredibly inspiring.

According to Ward, Premier League footballers play a significant role as role models for children and adults alike. Having a relatable role model who shares similar experiences can have a profound impact, empowering individuals.

Breaking Barriers: A Promising Era for LGBTQ+ Representation in the Premier League


Norwich City and other former clubs of Justin Fashanu, the pioneering openly gay professional footballer, are honoring his legacy. The hope is that within the next 20 years, we can experience the same sense of joy and progress in celebrating diversity as he did.

Daniels also expresses optimism regarding the possibility of an openly gay footballer playing in the Premier League. He anticipates witnessing this development within the next few years. Daniels notes that his own coming out, as well as other players following suit, has initiated progress in the football industry.

Coming out as the highest-ranking player thus far fills me with immense pride. It signifies a remarkable accomplishment for me personally. Moreover, if another player were to surpass this milestone, it would demonstrate the presence of a larger pool of talented individuals.

Undoubtedly, such an achievement would garner even greater acknowledgement. Not only would they be performing in front of crowds numbering in the thousands each week, but it would also hold significant importance for the LGBTQ+ community.


I anticipate witnessing this development in the forthcoming years. By openly accepting my own identity, as well as others following suit, we initiate a positive shift within the realm of football. If someone of even greater prominence were to also reveal their true selves, it would undeniably demonstrate the existence of numerous players who are yet to embrace their authentic selves. This monumental breakthrough would garner even greater acknowledgement, considering the fact that these individuals perform before vast audiences of thousands each week. Ultimately, it would serve as an extraordinary milestone for the LGBTQ+ community.

Regarding a suggested timeframe, Holmes is hesitant to speculate due to the numerous factors involved. Given the significance of an individual's own timeline, he prefers not to make any predictions.

In 2010, individuals were raising inquiries about the rapid societal transformations, including the acceptance of same-sex marriage and the increased representation of LGBTQ+ individuals across various spheres. People anticipated that eventually, there would be a prominent figure in men's professional sports serving as a role model. However, this expectation has not materialized, especially in today's world where being open about one's sexuality is considerably more difficult due to heightened social media scrutiny.

With the rising toxicity on certain social media platforms, one must exercise caution when contemplating sharing personal experiences due to the prevalent online homophobia.

Ultimately, the decision lies with the individual. For instance, an individual who has recently found love may feel compelled to share their joy with the world, but the timing and manner of their revelation cannot be predetermined.

The disparity between the men's and women's game

- The Disparity Between LGBTQ+ Representation in Men's and Women's Football

In the realm of the Premier League, the topic of gay footballers remains quite different from that of women's football, where LGBTQ+ players tend to be more forthcoming about their relationships. However, what exactly accounts for this notable contrast between the two spheres of the sport?

Holmes stated that the history of the women's game clearly demonstrates its ability to progress beyond scrutiny. In this country, it was prohibited by the FA for five decades, creating an atmosphere where women, who were often marginalized in society, were naturally attracted to football spaces.

"This was a sport where you could be yourself and you didn't have so much attention on you. That made it very appealing to a lot of women from different walks of life.


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That is why women's football is often praised for its inclusive nature, as it has allowed for growth to be integrated into its essence.

However, increasing LGBTQ+ visibility may present some difficulties. With the rise in funds, sponsorship, and marketing efforts dedicated to promoting the women's game, it appears that there is an intention to broaden its appeal to diverse international audiences, including men.

Attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community vary significantly between regions like the Gulf and parts of Africa in comparison to the western world. If these regional attitudes were to shape the women's game, it would greatly hinder its progress, which is disheartening. Ward draws an intriguing parallel between the recent men's and women's World Cups to explore their respective positions on LGBTQ+ inclusion.

She elaborated on the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in men's football, emphasizing its toxic nature and numerous issues. In contrast, women's football is depicted as highly festive and inclusive. The mention of Qatar hosting the recent World Cup in a predominantly Muslim country is commendable; however, it is disheartening to witness instances of fans being forcibly ousted from stadiums for sporting rainbow colors.

There was much debate and discussion surrounding the World Cup and LGBTQ+ rights, marking a significant milestone in the tournament's history.

In Australia and New Zealand, there is an overwhelmingly festive atmosphere as women's football gains unprecedented global visibility and continues to break records in every market.

In 2026, a men's World Cup will be held in certain American states known for their liberal, accepting, and remarkable environment for playing football. However, it is disheartening to witness that in some other states, the existence of transgender children is being prohibited, effectively making it illegal.

At this point, we cannot overlook the importance of LGBTQ+ inclusion. Whether it is to commemorate our achievements or to continue advocating for the rights we have fought for, we must acknowledge the significance of LGBTQ+ inclusion.

"It is truly amazing to witness the occurrence of the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. However, as we progress towards the forthcoming men's World Cup, it is inevitable that discussions regarding the essential topic of LGBTQ+ inclusion will continue to arise."


There was significant controversy and dialogue surrounding the inclusion of LGBTQ+ rights in the history-making World Cup in Qatar. Additionally, the upcoming World Cup in Australia and New Zealand this summer is expected to be a joyous and festive event. Looking ahead to 2026, the men's World Cup will take place in certain states known for their liberal, accepting, and remarkable atmospheres for football. However, it is disheartening to note that in some states, the rights of transgender children are being undermined and effectively criminalized. Liz Ward, the director of programmes at Stonewall, shares these observations.

'We need more education and active allyship'

When it comes to the possibility of witnessing the first openly gay footballer in the Premier League, it is not possible to determine when this will happen with certainty. However, two things remain evident - the decision to come out as gay or bisexual is a personal choice, and it is crucial to establish safe spaces within the male football community where these players feel at ease.

Today, numerous clubs have implemented training and educational programs for both players and staff to address LGBTQ+ issues within the sport. They actively show support for LGBTQ+ campaigns and initiatives, such as Stonewall's Rainbow Laces, and most clubs have their own supporters' groups for fans who identify as part of this community, as well as for allies.

Although social media can serve as a valuable platform to empower and endorse players who come out, the prevalence of online abuse poses a significant threat to public figures. ‘Trolls' frequently target individuals based on their gender, race, and sexual orientation, while the lack of regulation on these platforms perpetuates the issue.

Furthermore, it is not uncommon for clubs to issue public apologies for instances of homophobic chanting that occur during games. In April, during a Premier League home match against Chelsea, Wolves experienced such an incident, resulting in a £100,000 fine imposed by the FA in July 2022.


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There has already been significant work done to change the game, but what needs to be done in the men's game to create a more supportive environment for players to come out?

As a young child beginning my support for football, both my identity as a woman and a lesbian left me feeling unsafe in stadiums. However, even now, that sense of security has significantly improved.

Regrettably, whenever teams like Chelsea or Brighton play, homophobic chanting persists. It is disheartening to witness clubs now having to issue pre-emptive statements regarding homophobic chanting in stadiums week after week. This hostile environment remains a significant obstacle for LGBTQ+ individuals seeking safety within the realm of sports.


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The culture encompassing football is incredibly splendid. It represents family, religion, and everything to me and my community. However, there exists a regrettable minority that hinders the inclusivity of football as a game for all individuals.

Holmes is optimistic that education and popular culture can alleviate the challenges faced by players seeking to publicly reveal their sexual orientation. He emphasized the necessity for increased education and proactive support from allies, highlighting the significance of allyship in various campaigns they have been involved in throughout the years.

Breaking Barriers: A Promising Era for LGBTQ+ Representation in the Premier League


Premier League clubs demonstrate active support for LGBTQ+ initiatives, such as their involvement in Stonewall's Rainbow Laces campaign. Additionally, having players like Jake Daniels openly share their personal experiences is crucial in raising awareness about the difficulties faced by young athletes in embracing their sexuality within the overwhelmingly male-dominated and hyper-masculine realm of football.

However, some individuals continue to make gay or bisexual players feel uneasy, unwelcome, and even unsafe through their language and behavior. The goal is to support more individuals in the game, whether they are coaches, physiotherapists, or others players interact with, in comprehending the consequences of using anti-LGBTQ+ language and engaging in such behavior. It is crucial for them to understand how this contributes to heightened levels of anxiety and fear among LGBTQ+ individuals.

Recognizing the mental health aspect, it is important to acknowledge the struggles of a closeted player who feels inhibited and unable to confide in anyone. Encouraging individuals to share their problems and providing them with the necessary support and opportunities to express themselves can significantly alleviate the pressures they face. Furthermore, as there are currently few openly gay players in men's sports, it becomes crucial to increase the visibility of fictional portrayals of gay players in various mediums such as television, film dramas, advertising, and other forms that can facilitate people's ability to empathize with their experiences.

In the recent Ted Lasso series, a player's journey to publicly come out and seek greater visibility in a Premier League club storyline has drawn our attention. This storyline helps us relate and comprehend the challenges one might face through cultural perspectives. Yet, it is important to note that the implementation of improved systems and education doesn't guarantee a Premier League footballer revealing their homosexuality. It remains a deeply personal and individual choice, influenced by numerous complex and demanding factors.


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This could potentially create a more comfortable atmosphere for both players and fans in the stands who may occasionally view men's football as intimidating. Additionally, there is much to be gained from observing the women's game, which currently serves as a relatively safe haven for LGBTQ+ football enthusiasts and participants.

The content fragment

The impact of a footballer revealing their homosexuality in the Premier League cannot be underestimated. Similar to Daniels' influence on several individuals, it could potentially encourage other male players to embrace their true identity.

However, presently, the promotion of LGBTQ+ rights through education and increased awareness will persist in both men's and women's football. Only through listening, gaining knowledge, and making progress can we truly strive for a safer, more equitable, and inclusive sport for everyone.