The highly anticipated Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc episode 7 is set to air on Wednesday, November 15 at 12 am JST Don't miss out on the thrilling continuation of the series, filled with intense acti...
In the Tenjiku Arc of Tokyo Revengers, tensions rise as the Tokyo Manji Gang faces off against Tenjiku A familiar figure hatches a vile scheme, aiming to incapacitate Mikey Emma's introduction to the...
The highly anticipated sixth episode of Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc is set to premiere on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at 12 am JST Catch up on the thrilling events of episode 5 before diving into w...
Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc takes Hanagaki Takemichi on a thrilling journey filled with challenges and unexpected twists As he navigates through the S-62 Generation, encounters with Yasuhiro Mucho a...
Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc intensifies with higher stakes for Takemichi, as he races against time to fix the past and unmask a traitor Naoto's death consequences and Sano Shinichiro's hidden past ad...
Get ready for the highly anticipated Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc Episode 4! Catch up on the thrilling events of Episode 3 and brace yourself for more intense action and gripping plot twists in the l...
Get ready for a gripping ride in Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc! Unforgettable twists, intense character growth, and thrilling moments await fans as Takemichi faces an uncertain future after the tragic...
Experience the explosive intensity of Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc as the Tokyo Manji gang braces for a fierce counterattack in episode 2 Taiju Shiba confronts Hajime Kokonoi and Seishu Inui, while T...
Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc Episode 3 is set to release on October 18 at 12 am JST Prepare for an action-packed episode as the story continues to unfold Don't miss out on the thrilling events that aw...
In Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc Gets Off To A High-Octane Start, known as The Longest Day, Takemichi and his allies embark on a thrilling mission to unravel the enigma surrounding Tenjiku's sudden ris...