Peloton has decided to stop featuring Diddy's music in their workout sessions after a video surfaced showing the rapper assaulting his former girlfriend, Cassie. According to TMZ, this decision comes...
Celebrating the newest addition to their family, Peloton's Callie Gullickson joyfully welcomes her baby boy with husband Chris Howell, sharing their heartwarming journey of parenthood.
Peloton instructor hilariously critiques a Christopher Nolan film while working out Can you guess which mind-bending cinematic masterpiece it was? Find out inside!
Peloton and TikTok team up to revolutionize fitness content with innovative short-form workout classes, showcasing the digital fitness company's rebranding efforts
Peloton revolutionizes fitness marketing by collaborating with TikTok, amplifying their accessibility-focused brand positioning through a co-branded content hub
Peloton appoints Lauren Weinberg as its new CMO, succeeding Leslie Berland Weinberg, formerly leading marketing at Intuit, takes over the role after a brief two-month tenure by Berland
Leslie Berland, formerly the CMO at Twitter, has left her position at Peloton after 11 months to become the head of marketing at Verizon With her extensive experience, she aims to revitalize the fitne...
Discover the secret behind Peloton's Ally Love's stunning physique and mental wellness Uncover her daily routine that beautifully shapes her day, with a focus on a key meal that plays an essential rol...