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Unraveling the Enigmatic Geth Frankenstein: The Exciting Future in Mass Effect 4

Discover how the unresolved storyline of Mass Effect 2's cut 'Geth Frankenstein' character holds the key to the survival of the beloved Geth race in Mass Effect 4, potentially altering the fate of the...

Game Changer: Discover How Mass Effect 4 Revamps ME2's Cut Batarian Gearhead

Mass Effect 4's Opportunity to Rectify a Missed Character: Bring Back ME2's Cut Batarian Gearhead, Amplifying BioWare's Redemption & Fans' Excitement!

Unveiling Starfield: A Stellar Epic That Echoes Mass Effect

Starfield's epic narrative draws inspiration from Mass Effect, resonating with fans of the beloved franchise From its enthralling story and captivating companions to the vast galaxies they explore, St...

Busted! BioWare dupes fans with Mass Effect statue reveal and sudden cancellation

BioWare stirs excitement among fans by unveiling a new Mass Effect collectible statue, but quickly disappoints them by canceling it shortly after

Unpopular Companions: The Secret to BioWare's Success

Discover the hidden gems of BioWare's character creations as we explore why seemingly unpopular companions like Sera and Vivienne still have a valuable role in their games Plus, we dive into why Mass...

Ultimate Guide: Mass Effect Trilogy's Lessons for Mass Effect 4

Discover the key lessons Mass Effect 4 can learn from the trilogy's worldbuilding and pivotal choices in this insightful article

Reviving Mass Effect 3's Unpopular Companion: A Fan Theory

Discover a mind-bending theory that transforms one of Mass Effect 3's least popular companions into an intriguing character Delve into the gamer's proposal that will leave you thinking about the game...

Mass Effect Glitch Launches Mako to Alternate Reality

Experience a mind-boggling Mass Effect glitch that transports the Mako vehicle to an alternate dimension, leaving players in fits of laughter

Mass Effect Fans Demand Beloved Companion's Return in ME4

Mass Effect fans eagerly await the return of a beloved companion in ME4 Learn why they believe this character's absence would be a major loss for the franchise