Unraveling the Enigmatic Geth Frankenstein: The Exciting Future in Mass Effect 4

Unraveling the Enigmatic Geth Frankenstein: The Exciting Future in Mass Effect 4

Discover how the unresolved storyline of Mass Effect 2's cut 'Geth Frankenstein' character holds the key to the survival of the beloved Geth race in Mass Effect 4, potentially altering the fate of the Destroy ending

The geth in Mass Effect presented a uniquely intriguing portrayal of artificial intelligence within the realm of science fiction. Their complex relationship with the quarians, inability to establish communication, and reverence for the Reapers made them formidable adversaries. Moreover, their self-imposed isolation from the rest of the Mass Effect galaxy and hostile stance towards organics made any form of reconciliation seem utterly unattainable.

The introduction of Legion in Mass Effect 2, a geth platform equipped with an extensive array of programs, changed the dynamics. This enabled Legion to speak and effectively communicate with Shepard. Through their conversations, Shepard gained insight into the society and culture of the geth, their thought processes, the challenges they faced as a fledgling species, and their true perception of the Reapers, referred to by them as the Old Machines. In contrast to other alien species, Shepard only engages in dialogue with Legion, making their perspective exceptionally valuable. This exchange provides remarkable depth to the understanding of the Reapers, the conflict between organics and synthetics, the philosophical aspects surrounding these themes, and the intricate geth-quarian conflict.

The Issue of Legion in Mass Effect 2

Unraveling the Enigmatic Geth Frankenstein: The Exciting Future in Mass Effect 4

Legion makes a late entrance in Mass Effect 2 during the IFF mission, allowing only enough time to complete his loyalty mission before triggering the end game mission. This decision has faced criticism for cutting off a significant portion of Legion's content, despite his status as an intriguing and crucial character. In the early stages of development, however, Legion's role was envisioned quite differently. He was intended to be a "Frankenstein" geth, assembled by Shepard using parts collected from various locations in the galaxy.

While elements of this concept may have influenced Legion's physical appearance and his use of Shepard's armor, it was ultimately discarded. This approach would have compromised the representation of the geth in Mass Effect, as it would have given Shepard control over the final outcome of their geth experiment. This parallel could have been drawn to Shepard's own death and resurrection by Cerberus, as well as Miranda's consideration of implementing a control chip to ensure Shepard's loyalty. However, just as the Illusive Man rejected this idea to preserve Shepard's individuality, BioWare chose to depict the geth as they truly were through Legion.

The Geth Could Return For Mass Effect 4

Unraveling the Enigmatic Geth Frankenstein: The Exciting Future in Mass Effect 4

The potential of the geth Frankenstein concept in Mass Effect 2 may not have been realized, but it holds promise for Mass Effect 4, particularly with the suggestion of the Destroy ending from Mass Effect 3 being canon in the Mass Effect 4 trailer. Although the Destroy ending was favored by many players because it allowed Shepard to survive, it came with the drawback of obliterating most technology, including the relays and the geth. This was difficult to accept, especially considering the effort put into reconciling the geth-quarian conflict and integrating them into the wider galaxy.

However, Mass Effect 4 can still include the geth, and the idea of reconstructing a geth character from salvaged components presents even greater potential in a post-apocalyptic Milky Way than Mass Effect 2 had. By rebuilding an individual geth using these parts, it could potentially serve as a means to restore the entire geth race in Mass Effect 4. With the assistance of the player character, or possibly other quarian characters, this geth squadmate could embark on a mission to rebuild their kind while learning from past mistakes. Instead of predetermining the geth's personality, it could evolve and develop an organic-like consciousness, ultimately shaping the future of their species without the threat of the Reapers.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.