Busted! BioWare dupes fans with Mass Effect statue reveal and sudden cancellation

Busted! BioWare dupes fans with Mass Effect statue reveal and sudden cancellation

BioWare stirs excitement among fans by unveiling a new Mass Effect collectible statue, but quickly disappoints them by canceling it shortly after

BioWare recently released a new collectible statue based on one of the most beloved protagonists from the Mass Effect series. However, the statue was pulled from the merch website just hours after being listed due to its controversial nature. While collectible statues are a great way for fans to show their appreciation for iconic characters, some moments from the series are better left as emotionally charged memories in the minds of those who witnessed them. It seems that BioWare has learned this lesson the hard way with its new Shepard statue.

After facing backlash from the community, BioWare has temporarily halted sales of a $135 collectible statue depicting the female version of Mass Effect's Shepard after her death in space during Mass Effect 2. The statue was intended to be part of a series commemorating key and emotional moments in the game, but the company's poor timing and announcement failed to convey this message effectively. As a result, BioWare has apologized and promised to share a larger plan with the community before resuming sales. Despite this misstep, the BioWare Gear store continues to offer unique items, including body pillows featuring major Mass Effect characters, Mass Effect-themed ice trays, pint glasses, and beer mats for fans interested in creating an N7-themed bar.

BioWare Gear has stated that the context of other planned merch releases will help make sense of the statue. Once those items are announced, sales of the statue may resume. It will be interesting to see what other merchandise the company has in store. For those seeking more traditional Mass Effect merchandise, the store features the impressive Normandy statue.

Busted! BioWare dupes fans with Mass Effect statue reveal and sudden cancellation