Unpopular Companions: The Secret to BioWare's Success

Discover the hidden gems of BioWare's character creations as we explore why seemingly unpopular companions like Sera and Vivienne still have a valuable role in their games Plus, we dive into why Mass Effect 2's Jacob was a necessary addition to the team
BioWare is renowned for its ability to create unforgettable companions that add depth and meaning to the game's journey. These companions are more than just characters; they are loyal friends, trusted allies, and potential love interests that leave a lasting impression on the player. It's hard to mention BioWare's Dragon Age or Mass Effect series without bringing up popular characters such as Garrus, Tali, Alistair, Varric, Dorian, or Morrigan, who have consistently been fan favorites over the years.
However, not all companions are created equal. While there are those who spark heated debates among the community, such as Solas or Anders, there are also those who are simply forgettable. These characters may seem like they are just taking up space, but they play an essential role in the game. They are the everyman in the Mass Effect squad or the camp follower in Dragon Age, and they serve to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the protagonist.
Why BioWare Creates Characters Like Sera and Vivienne
In order to create a vibrant and realistic world, it's essential to populate it with characters from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Take Sera from Dragon Age: Inquisition, for example. As an elf who rejects everything "elfy," Sera's abrasive personality helps to bring the game's world to life. While not everyone may appreciate her perspective, Sera has a loyal following among players who enjoy her unique take on things.
Similarly, Vivienne offers a fresh perspective on the Mage-Templar War. Unlike many mages in the game, Vivienne supports the restoration of the Circles as they were. While her privileged position may make her motivations suspect, her viewpoint is an important one to consider. Despite being a divisive character among players, Vivienne's presence is necessary to fully explore the complexities of the conflict and integrate mages into the Chantry.
Why Mass Effect 2 Needed Jacob
Jacob from Mass Effect 2 is often criticized for being a lackluster companion. He is not offensive like Sera or Vivienne, but his lack of strong opinions and tendency to follow the player's lead make him a boring character. Furthermore, his romance is often mocked for being cringey and he perpetuates harmful stereotypes in Mass Effect 3. Unlike other companions who experience significant personal growth after their loyalty mission, Jacob remains unchanged. His personal quest offers nothing new and he returns to being the same person he was before. In a cast of dynamic and diverse characters, Jacob's presence is underwhelming and unnecessary. He serves as an introduction to the game's world and a counter to Miranda, but ultimately adds little to the overall experience. However, regardless of the player's choices, Jacob is a necessary member of the team for the suicide mission.
Characters such as Sera and Vivienne bring unique and less popular viewpoints while characters like Jacob and Blackwall may not stand out as much as their fellow companions. However, they still have important roles and a strong following, which means they will likely remain a fixture in the game. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Dragon Age: Inquisition is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.