Honkai: Star Rail introduces four-star characters for Luocha's banner, unveiling an exciting new addition to the roster Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures and unlock these powerful characters...
HoYoverse, the developer of Honkai: Star Rail, unveils the captivating character kit for Yukong, an exciting new addition in version 11's second phase Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures with...
Exciting leaks from Honkai: Star Rail reveal tantalizing hints about the highly anticipated Version 13 update, poised for an August release Get ready for thrilling new banners and surprises!
Honkai: Star Rail boasts a wide array of leaked characters, yet their release dates remain unconfirmed, leaving fans uncertain if some were ultimately abandoned Meet intriguing figures like Argenti, A...
Honkai: Star Rail unveils the captivating Luocha, a dynamic five-star character ready to revolutionize the game Brace yourself for a thrilling gameplay experience as you delve into Luocha's unique abi...
Honkai: Star Rail introduces an exciting event in the Simulated Universe, offering players an exclusive opportunity to acquire double the amount of Planar Ornaments through farming Don't miss out on t...
A leaked preview of Honkai: Star Rail showcases Blade's extraordinary abilities, enchanting Traces, powerful Eidolons, and an exhilarating fight sequence Get ready to witness the arrival of this capti...
Introducing Honkai's formidable Quantum characters! Despite their limited numbers, each character possesses exceptional strength in their specialized fields Brace yourself for the power-packed line-up...