Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Sinister Secrets of the Druids' Sacred Idol!

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Sinister Secrets of the Druids' Sacred Idol!

Baldur's Gate 3: Unravel the Consequences of Pilfering the Druids' Sacred Idol, as players embark on a daring mission that challenges their morality and unveils the unpredictable aftermath of their actions

The true allure of games like Baldur's Gate 3 lies in their ability to transform the world in various profound ways. In this particular instance, the Druids, carrying out a significant ceremony, aim to permanently seal off Druid Grove from any outsiders. Unsurprisingly, this decision greatly impacts the Tieflings, refugees, and even the player.

To execute this ritual, the Druids rely on a Sacred Idol positioned at the epicenter of their reverent chants. In an intriguing twist, Baldur's Gate 3 grants players the opportunity to disrupt this momentous event by pilfering the Sacred Idol of Silvanus from the unsuspecting Druids. The gravity of this action may not be fully grasped by the child, Mol, who makes the request. Similarly, players might only fully comprehend the repercussions of their actions when they abscond with the statue.

This article divulges consequences within the game and reveals information the player's character may not know. Gamers committed to role-playing may wish to stop reading and find these things out for themselves.

What Happens When Stealing The Sacred Idol

Gamers dedicated to immersive role-playing might prefer to refrain from further reading and discover these revelations firsthand.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Sinister Secrets of the Druids' Sacred Idol!

The Druid Grove and its guards become hostile toward the player.

The character will permanently gain the 'Enemy of Justice' debuff, provoking enemies to attack.

Sazza (the Goblin), Nettie, and Kagha will both die.

The Tieflings and Druids will fight, resulting in potential NPC deaths on both sides.

Related quests will automatically fail.

The team will gain a huge amount of experience and loot.

Druid Haslan remains friendly.

There are various consequences, some of which are not negative. Although a few individuals may opt to rescue Sazza, it is important to note that none of the three main characters who were killed were virtuous. While it may be a bit more ambiguous to kill the remaining Druids, their act of sealing off Druid Grove can be considered fairly malicious. Characters with strictly good intentions should intervene and halt the ritual, but not by resorting to theft of the Sacred Idol. Going forward, the entire enclave, with the exception of Druid Haslin, will be hostile towards any intruders.

This particular encounter holds significant importance in terms of experience and loot. It is highly likely that two different vendors will perish in combat, providing an opportunity to loot all the items in their store. The level of experience gained from emerging victorious in this battle is immense. If playing with friends, it is advisable to inform them about the impending fight, as it ranks among the largest in the game.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently in Early Access for PC, with a release date of August 3rd, 2023. The PlayStation 5 version will be available on September 6th, 2023. The development of an Xbox Series X/S version is still ongoing.