Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Nightsinger's Favor Buff and Proven Strategies to Attain It

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Nightsinger's Favor Buff and Proven Strategies to Attain It

Nightsinger's Favour is a powerful buff in Baldur's Gate 3 that enhances player abilities Discovering its location can be challenging, making it essential for players to explore diligently and uncover hidden secrets

The world of Baldur's Gate 3 draws inspiration from the mythical realm known as the Sword Coast, which is a prominent part of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Throughout their journey, the protagonist encounters various influential beings, including Shar, a formidable dark god, who is also referred to as The Nightsinger.

Within Shar's Gauntlet, there is a rather inconspicuous room that goes unnoticed by most players. Although lacking a distinct label or mark on the map, this hidden location grants a valuable temporary enhancement known as The Nightsinger's Favour. This optional ability proves to be quite useful in combating undead creatures and Necromancers in the world of BG3.

The Gauntlet of Shar

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Nightsinger's Favor Buff and Proven Strategies to Attain It

The room called The Nightsigner's Favour does not have a lock or a door, making entry easy. However, locating the room poses more of a challenge, and detailed directions prove to be helpful. Regardless of the path taken by players, they should keep an eye out for rats, as they tend to gather in significant areas.

Keep in mind that Shar favors Stealth and deception. It is advantageous to have a character with keen Perception and adept Sleight of Hand skills to pick locks and disable traps in order to proceed through this section of the Gauntlet.

Via The Waypoint

The Waypoint. The small room is situated on the same floor as the Waypoint. To reach it, proceed either to the west or east, avoiding any downward paths. If you go west, you will arrive at Balthazar's Quarters. On the other hand, going east will lead you back to the initial room, known as the Verge of the Shadows, where the shadow puzzle awaits.

Via The Entrance

Salazar's Quarters can be found on the far west side of the Gauntlet at this level. Although it is not mandatory to interact with Balthazar in order to receive the buff, his minions will be present along this route, so it is advisable to be prepared for a fight. To continue, head south from here and you will reach the Nightsinger's Favour room, which is the first room on the left.

The Verge of the Shadows offers the simplest path to the Nightsinger's Favour room. Head west and exit through the door to find yourself at the broken wall and the mushroom stairs.

To access the southwestern corner of the dungeon, venture through the Mushroom Passage. Utilize the Jump action to navigate across the colossal mushrooms. Be cautious of the Cloaker monster, safeguarding an elaborate chest close to the northern door.

The Kitchen. This place resembles a food preparation room with its countertops and massive mushrooms. Take a moment to gather supplies and alchemy ingredients here before proceeding through the northern door. On the right, you will find the Nightsinger's Favour room.

The Nightsinger's Favour

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Nightsinger's Favor Buff and Proven Strategies to Attain It

Despite its decaying appearance, this opulent chamber brims with shattered ceramics and deteriorating statues, yet remains lavishly adorned. Amidst a disordered pile of flickering candles and various offerings rests a marble crypt. A handful of rats scurry about, and should Shadowheart be present, she will amuse onlookers by remarking how even these rodents "exhibit the wisdom to pay homage to Lady Shar."

The user can engage with the crypt and initiate a brief cinematic that concludes with the choice to either Depart or Offer a prayer. Opting to Offer a prayer will grant them The Nightsinger's Favour, a beneficial effect that provides the character with Necrotic damage Resistance until their subsequent Long Rest.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently accessible on both PC and PS5 platforms.