Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Enigmatic Quest for Benryn and Mirileth's Dowry

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Enigmatic Quest for Benryn and Mirileth's Dowry

Discover the coveted dowry of Benryn and Mirileth in Baldur's Gate 3 Unearth its hidden location with our comprehensive guide Choose wisely: should players keep the ring or bestow it upon Benryn?

In Baldur's Gate 3, upon entering Waukeen's Rest, players will immediately spot the blazing inferno that has consumed the area. Their mission will be to save the remaining inhabitants, including Benryn. Once players reach Benryn's location, they will embark on a quest called "Rescue the Trapped Man." Their primary objective will be to rescue Benryn and locate the concealed dowry left by his wife, Mirileth. This task can be particularly challenging and bewildering, so the following guide will assist in efficiently finding Benryn and recovering Mirileth's Dowry in Baldur's Gate 3.

BG3: How to Find Dowry - Location Guide

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Enigmatic Quest for Benryn and Mirileth's Dowry

After rescuing Benryn, players must locate his wife, Mirileth, who can be found deceased on the tavern's second floor. The next step is to utilize the Speak with the Dead spell on Mirileth. Alternatively, players can cast the spell for free by employing the Amulet of Lost Voices.

When used, ask, “Did you have any valuables nearby?” She’ll respond that the dowry is in the barn.

Go northwest of the tavern into the barn. The coordinates are X:101 Y:627.

Interacting with a haystack will unveil a gilded chest containing the dowry ring. It is advisable to assign the task to a character with the highest Perception stat, as some characters may struggle to locate the chest within the haystack.

Engage in conversation with Benryn and deliver the unfortunate news of his wife's demise. Amidst his mourning, he will mention the dowry - a ring intended for Mirileth's sister's wedding. Additionally, he will divulge the details of a heated argument with Mirileth the night before the catastrophe, which led to their separation. Benryn will request the return of the dowry, leaving the players to make the decision on whether he should be granted it or not.

Should Players Keep The Ring or Give it to Benryn?

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Enigmatic Quest for Benryn and Mirileth's Dowry

Upon obtaining the dowry, players have the choice to either retain the ring or return it to Benryn. Opting for the former enables players to sell the ring for a monetary gain, while the latter allows them to fulfill the quest without receiving any specific reward. Regardless of the chosen option, it will have no repercussions on the subsequent story or gameplay.

Nonetheless, should the ring not be returned, the quest will remain unsettled in the journal, potentially causing annoyance for certain players. Considering the insignificance of the ring's value, it is advisable to give it back to Benryn rather than selling it.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.