Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling the Controversial Auntie Ethel's Cure - A Must-Try or a Risky Gamble?
Desperate to cure their condition in Baldur's Gate 3, players face a dilemma when offered Auntie Ethel's cure Is the price she demands too high? Find out if it's worth taking in this captivating article
Baldur's Gate 3 revolves around exploration, social interaction, unraveling mysteries, and acquiring valuable items. While there are numerous emotionally engaging quests, it cannot be denied that there is a central quest that unifies the players.
The focal point of Baldur's Gate 3 is the protagonist's ailment. The success of this quest is crucial for the survival of the main character and their companions. Auntie Ethel presents a tempting offer to cure the illness instantly, but the unusual cost she demands forces players to contemplate their decision.
Should You Take Auntie Ethel's Cure?
This article uncovers the in-game repercussions and uncovers undisclosed knowledge that the player's avatar may be unaware of. For those devoted to immersive role-playing, it is advisable to refrain from further reading and explore these revelations firsthand.
Strongly not recommended
It is important to acknowledge that despite Auntie Ethel's assurance, she is unable to cure the character due to the altered nature of the tadpole. Tragically, the damage to the eye results in a permanent inability for the player to make critical hits and a disadvantage on Perception checks due to a debuff known as 'Paid the Price.' If players have previously saved the game, it is recommended to reload that save.
For players who are seeking character improvement, it is worth considering drinking from the well and accepting Auntie Ethel's second offer when she attempts to flee. However, if players choose to accept this deal, they will only gain limited knowledge about their current condition, but the negative effects of the debuff far outweigh this benefit. As an additional punishment for making this decision, all party members strongly disapprove of the character's choice.
Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC. The PlayStation 5 version will be available on September 6th, 2023. A version for Xbox Series X/S is still in development.