Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling Thaniel's Hidden Location for Ultimate Healing

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling Thaniel's Hidden Location for Ultimate Healing

Unearth the secrets of Baldur's Gate 3's Shadow-Cursed Lands as you embark on a quest to find and restore Thaniel, the key to revitalizing the region's lost splendor Discover how to protect Halsin's Portal and overcome the formidable challenge of defeating Oliver Unleash your heroism and restore beauty to the land!

After successfully awakening the Flaming Fist mercenary Art Cullagh in Baldur's Gate 3, players will be asked by the druid Halsin to assist in retrieving Thaniel, the spiritual embodiment of the land. Thaniel was cursed by Ketheric Thorm and banished to the Shadowfell. Halsin has devised a two-part plan to rescue him.

These two parts of the plan require the party to navigate through a series of battles against numerous yet relatively weak enemies. At this point in Baldur's Gate 3, the player's party should have sufficient strength to handle this challenge. Nonetheless, it is advisable to be adequately prepared for the upcoming encounters. Here's what to anticipate.

How to Protect Halsin's Portal

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling Thaniel's Hidden Location for Ultimate Healing

The initial battle occurs just north of the protective barrier of the Last Light Inn. In order to bring Thaniel from the Shadowfell, Halsin creates a portal, which will agitate and provoke nearby shadows and undead, resulting in an attack. The players are tasked with defending the portal and thwarting multiple waves of enemies attempting to destroy it. Victory is achieved if the portal remains intact after four complete rounds.

The first wave involves the emergence of several shadows and wraiths from the south, accompanied by fallen Harpers and pilgrims running in from the north. Following that, grasping vines and weak ravens will materialize near the barrier. Subsequently, githyanki warriors and additional Harpers will charge in from the north in two more successive waves.

To gain victory in this battle, it is crucial to utilize area-of-effect spells. The enemies have relatively low hit points and tend to gather closely, making them vulnerable to spells like Fireball and Lightning Bolt. Additionally, spells such as Ice Storm and Hunger of Hadar can be used to hinder enemy movement. The enemy's objective is to reach and attack the portal, so any time spent trying to reach it is time not spent damaging it.

If the portal remains standing after four turns, Halsin will appear carrying Thaniel. The remaining enemies should be defeated by this point, although a game glitch may require players to eliminate any remaining undead first. Regardless, players must then return to camp and engage in dialogue with Halsin.

How to Beat Oliver

Baldur's Gate 3: Unveiling Thaniel's Hidden Location for Ultimate Healing

At the camp, Halsin informs the party that Thaniel is wounded, in a manner unique to a spirit. The Curse of Ketheric Thorm has divided Thaniel, with one half remaining in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Halsin then proposes becoming a full-fledged member of the party, rather than just a companion.

The other half of Thaniel goes by the name Oliver, who players might have encountered while exploring the eastern region of the map. Oliver's residence is located northeast of the Shadowed Battlefield waypoint. When initially encountered, Oliver suggests playing Hide and Seek. However, players who have already rescued Thaniel can bypass this side quest (and its associated reward) by selecting the appropriate dialogue options.

When confronted, Oliver becomes enraged and retreats into a portal leading to the west side of the Shadow-Cursed Lands. In this area, the Shadow Curse is even more powerful. To successfully navigate through the portal, players must ensure that their Moonlantern or Pixie Blessing is currently active, as they will need it to awaken Art Cullagh. Alternatively, players can take a longer route to reach Oliver's location, situated below the large statue in the town square.

Once players approach Oliver, he initiates a battle against the party. He summons two unique wraiths known as "Mummy" and "Daddy" and shields himself with a barrier called the Nightdome. The Nightdome offers resistance against nonmagical weapon damage, Acid, Poison, Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Thunder, while being immune to Necrotic and Psychic damage. Consequently, players can inflict the greatest damage by utilizing Radiant and Force attacks.

Instead of attacking the Nightdome, which possesses the dangerous ability of Cursed Vengeance, it is recommended to focus on combating Mummy, Daddy, and the additional low-health allies summoned by Oliver. Each parent inflicts 60 damage to the dome, while each friend contributes 10 damage. While players will need to overcome multiple waves of friends, these allies pose minimal threat and are easily defeated.

After the Nightdome's demise, Oliver will concede defeat. Players have the option to interact with Oliver in a kind or harsh manner, but regardless, he departs to reunite with Thaniel. Subsequently, players should return to camp, where Thaniel awaits alongside Halsin. Although the land's spirit has now been restored, players still need to vanquish Ketheric Thorm to permanently eradicate the Shadow Curse.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on macOS and PC.