Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Fighter Class Build

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Fighter Class Build

Baldur's Gate 3: Master the battlefield with the best Fighter class build - Battle Master! Choose the unbeatable Gold Dwarf as your race, Great Weapon Fighting as your style, and Soldier as your background Utilize powerful Superiority dice for devastating Battle Maneuvers like Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, and Riposte

Baldur's Gate 3 features a highly intricate combat system within the RPG genre upon its release. This complexity is a result of the game being based on the Fifth Edition of Dungeons and Dragons' ruleset. While certain adjustments were made to suit the video game format, many strategies that apply to the tabletop version also prove effective in Baldur's Gate 3. This includes the advantages of assembling a well-balanced party.

Including one or two party members specializing in melee combat is advisable, with the Fighter Class serving as an excellent choice for this role. To maximize its potential as a devastating force in close combat, opting for the Battle Master subclass is the ideal fighter build in BG3.

Best Fighter Build Overview

: Enhance your Baldur's Gate 3 experience with this specially crafted build, optimized for the Early Access version. Stay tuned for valuable insights and refined strategies to maximize your BG3 Fighter build, post the full release on August 3, 2023.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Fighter Class Build

Battle Masters are paragons of tactical superiority, combining combat maneuvers and experience in the field to dominate every fight.

The Battle Master Fighter build derives its name from the Subclass chosen by players at Level 3. This Subclass grants the Fighter a new set of powerful skills that revolve around a resource called Battle Maneuvers. At Level 3, Fighters have the option to unlock three Battle Maneuvers from a selection of six. Most of these maneuvers have both a ranged and melee version that are unlocked simultaneously.

By combining these Battle Maneuvers with the Fighter's innate abilities, such as Action Surge and Second Wind, they become a formidable force in close-quarter combat. However, their effectiveness hinges on successfully striking their enemies. The Battle Master Fighter excels at manipulating enemy positions, using specific Battle Maneuvers to immobilize or push them away. Additionally, they can provide minor buffs to their party members.

Battle Master Fighters rarely spent too much time away from direct melee combat, and in a party with ranged damage and support sources, they should spend as much time as they can up-close and personal with enemies. It's perfectly fine to start a fight with a shot from a Crossbow, but when Initiative rolls, be prepared to close that distance quickly.

Battle Master Fighter Character Creation

When it comes to Battle Master Fighters, they prefer to engage in direct melee combat and typically avoid spending an excessive amount of time away from it. Especially in a party that consists of ranged damage and support sources, these fighters should make every effort to get up close and personal with their enemies. Although initiating a fight with a Crossbow shot is acceptable, it's important to be ready to swiftly close the distance once the Initiative is rolled.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Fighter Class Build

Best Fighter Race: Gold Dwarf

The Gold Dwarf surpasses all other races as the top Fighter race in Baldur's Gate 3 due to their Dwarven Toughness passive, providing additional HP, along with the inherent passives of Dwarves as a whole. Additionally, the Dwarven Resilience racial ability grants resistance and Advantage against Poison-type damage, which is frequently encountered in Act 1.

Another solid option besides the Gold Dwarf is the Githyanki, who possess Githyanki Psyonics to further amplify their control over the battlefield and their ability to swiftly navigate between enemies. However, it is speculated by many players that the Half-Orc or Dragonborn may also be favorable choices upon release.

The full release of Baldur's Gate 3 will connect Class with Ability Scores, instead of Race. Irrespective of the Race chosen by players for their character, they will have the flexibility to allocate +2/+1 to two desired Ability Scores.

Best Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting

Upon choosing a Fighter character in Baldur's Gate 3, players are given the option to select a Fighting Style. There are six options available: Archery, Defence, Duelling, Great Weapon Fighting, Protection, and Two-Weapon Fighting. Each Fighting Style offers its own unique advantages and disadvantages. However, the Great Weapon Fighting style stands out as the most advantageous since it effectively enhances the base damage of every Two-Handed weapon. On the other hand, Fighters who anticipate engaging in close combat for extended periods may find the Defence style particularly beneficial.

Best Fighter Subclass: Battle Master

There are two subclasses available to Fighters in the Early Access version of Baldur's Gate 3: Battle Master and Eldritch Knight. The Eldritch Knight, similar to the Rogue's Arcane Trickster, allows Fighters to dabble in the Arcane arts and acquire spell slots. On the other hand, the Battle Master's Superiority Dice mechanic is specifically tailored for melee combat Fighters, and the Battle Maneuvers they can learn can be incredibly devastating. Opt for the Battle Master if you intend to have other spellcaster companions, which is ultimately a wise decision for creating a well-balanced party.

Best Fighter Proficiencies and Background: Soldier

Best Battle Master Battle Maneuvers (Superiority Dice)

The Fighter's emphasis on Strength and Constitution greatly enhances their performance in Ability Checks that depend on these attributes. Hence, opting for the Soldier background and acquiring proficiency in Athletics and Intimidation is the optimal path to further enhance two already formidable skills for this class. However, it is important to note that to earn Inspiration, one must be prepared to rely on sheer force and direct approaches during dialogues and role-playing encounters, potentially choosing to forgo any alternate solutions.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Fighter Class Build

At Level 3, when players choose the Battle Master subclass, they unlock the Battle Maneuvers mechanic. These special abilities enhance both melee and ranged attacks by granting powerful additional effects. However, using these abilities requires the expenditure of one of the Fighter's limited Superiority Dice. Each day, players are allocated eight Dice to utilize for these maneuvers, with each maneuver consuming only one die. Out of the six available options, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, and Riposte should be prioritized by players, although Rally can be chosen instead of Riposte if the party lacks healing abilities.

Menacing Attack

Normal Weapon Damage + 1d8

Chance to inflict Frightened condition, which roots enemies in place and imposes Disadvantage on their checks and Attack rolls

Pushing Attack

Normal Weapon Damage + 1d8

Chance to push enemies 4.5m in the direction the attack comes from

Can require repositioning to aim enemies just right, like over a tall ledge, or into a flaming pit.


When enemies miss with an attack, the Fighter can retaliate for Normal Weapon Damage + 1d8

Must be pre-activated as a Reaction on the Fighter's turn

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently accessible through Early Access and will have its full release for PC on August 3, 2023. The PlayStation 5 release is scheduled for September 6, 2023, while a version for Xbox Series X/S is being developed.