Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Gandrel's Hidden Powers at Camp - A Game-Changer!

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Gandrel's Hidden Powers at Camp - A Game-Changer!

Unveiling the Dilemma: A vampire hunter named Gandrel seeks Astarion's location in Baldur's Gate 3, forcing players to weigh the consequences before revealing the truth Should they guide Gandrel to the camp? Find out!

While characters in Baldur's Gate 3 are often categorized as good-aligned or evil-aligned, there exists a range of neutral-aligned characters. This neutral territory can be challenging to navigate, as some characters have sympathetic flaws that lead to disastrous outcomes, while others possess more obvious problems but manage to keep them under control.

In Baldur's Gate 3, two characters situated within this grey area, Galdren and Astarion, find themselves in conflict. With neither being clearly defined as a good or evil individual, players will face the difficult task of making a judgment call. They must decide whether to assist Galdren in discovering the camp or to deceive others regarding Astarion's whereabouts.

This article delves into the repercussions within the game and uncovers details that may be unknown to the player's character.

Should Players Give Gandrel Directions To Camp?

Players who are dedicated to role-playing may prefer to refrain from reading further and discover these aspects on their own.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Gandrel's Hidden Powers at Camp - A Game-Changer!

Not recommended

Astarion is confirmed to be the vampire spawn that Gandrel claims he is, and even worse, Astarion holds blatant racist views against the Gur, the ethnic group to which Gandrel belongs. Additionally, Astarion disapproves of noble and compassionate choices, such as aiding Alfira in finishing her song, while he takes pleasure in wickedness, torture, and death. It's understandable that gamers may wish to part ways with a companion who consistently advocates for evil decisions.

However, there are valid reasons to consider deceiving Gandrel. The rest of the camp witnesses the betrayal and may fear that they could be next. Players have the opportunity to personally remove Astarion from the group on at least two occasions, in a more justified manner. While Gandrel is merely carrying out his duties, he is working for someone who intends to enslave Astarion. Moreover, there is a possibility that Astarion could ultimately find redemption, and capturing or killing him would bring an end to his character arc. If players have saved the game prior to giving instructions to Gandrel, it may be wise to reload the saved progress.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC. The PlayStation 5 version will be available on September 6th, 2023. A version for Xbox Series X/S is still in development.