Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Ansur the Dragon - Ultimate Location & Boss Guide

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Ansur the Dragon - Ultimate Location & Boss Guide

Defeat the legendary dragon, Ansur, lurking beneath Wyrm's Rock Fortress in Baldur's Gate 3 Discover effective strategies to conquer both phases of this challenging boss battle Prepare with Dragon-Slaying Arrows, Lightning Resistance Potions, and Haste Spells Focus on Ansur, dodge Stormheart Nova, and keep your party separated Utilize teleportation abilities like Misty Step to evade area-of-effect attacks

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How To Get To Ansur in the Dragon's Sanctum

Ansur Phase 1 Tips & Strategies

Tips and Strategies for Ansur Phase 2

Baldur's Gate 3 holds more than a mere fairytale with the Legend of Ansur. Deep within the city, the Dragon Ansur, who was once an ally of Balduran, patiently waits for the return of a true hero. To gain Ansur's assistance in the battle against the Absolute and progress through Wyll's personal questline, players must demonstrate their courage on the challenging Wyrmway.

How To Get To Ansur in the Dragon's Sanctum

- The Grim Truth Unveiled: Ansur's Demise

Only then is the truth unveiled – Ansur, the acclaimed hero, is not anxiously awaiting rescue; he has already succumbed to death. Following an enlightening exchange with the resurrected remains of Ansur and The Emperor, the battle commences. Renowned as one of the most arduous boss encounters within Baldur's Gate 3 (boasting extraordinary rewards), it is strongly advised to assemble a well-balanced, high-level party for the perilous venture into the treacherous Wyrmway. Nonetheless, absolute triumph remains elusive, even with meticulous preparation.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Ansur the Dragon - Ultimate Location & Boss Guide

According to the Legend of Ansur, the Dragon is situated beneath the impregnable walls of Wyrm's Rock Fortress, precisely hiding beneath its forbidding Prison. However, merely stumbling upon it is not enough; players must diligently seek out the clandestine entrance to the mysterious Wyrmway and overcome a sequence of arduous Trials.

Head into the Prison and defeat any Flaming Fist members on the way, especially if Duke Ravenguard has been saved or if players have betrayed Gortash. In the sub-area of Wyrm's Rock Prison, locate a dead end where two Draconic torches face each other on the southern wall. Use a Lightning-damage spell or shoot a Lightning Arrow at each torch to turn them blue. This will reveal an illusory door that leads to the Wyrmway.

Once inside, players must overcome four trials: the Chamber of Courage, the Chamber of Strategy, the Chamber of Justice, and the Chamber of Insight. Successfully completing these trials is necessary to gain entry into the Dragon's Sanctum. After proving themselves as true heroes, players proceed through the door to the Dragon Sanctum. However, upon arrival, they discover that Ansur has already been killed, only to witness Ansur's resurrection.

Ansur Phase 1 Tips & Strategies

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Ansur the Dragon - Ultimate Location & Boss Guide

Prepare Arrows of Dragon-Slaying, Lightning Resistance Potions, Haste Spells

To better prepare for the battle against Ansur, players must consider three crucial factors. Firstly, it is essential to equip oneself with Arrows of Dragon-Slaying for maximum effectiveness. Secondly, obtaining Lightning Resistance, either through gear or abilities, is highly advisable to mitigate Ansur's formidable electrical attacks. Lastly, ensuring access to a source of Haste during the second phase of the encounter is vital for maintaining a competitive advantage.

Dragon-Slaying Arrows are a highly-priced and rare ammunition that can be obtained from vendors in Acts 2 and 3. These arrows possess the ability to inflict double damage on Dragons, making them an invaluable asset for skilled Rangers or ranged damage-dealers.

For the best Lightning Resistance, Elixirs of Lightning Resistance are recommended. They can be conveniently purchased from various vendors throughout the game or obtained by looting enemies. However, there are also a few spells that can provide a protective shield against Ansur's primary damage type. One such spell is Protection from Energy, which is a Level 3 spell, capable of granting Resistance against Lightning damage.

Haste is crucial in the second phase of the Ansur boss fight as it facilitates characters to swiftly dodge the relentless onslaught of AoE lightning strikes. However, since the Haste spell is a Concentration spell, it is more advantageous to carry Potions of Speed. These items are relatively scarce in Baldur's Gate 3, so make sure to acquire them from every vendor who sells them during the game to effectively conquer the challenging boss battles in the final act.

Focus Ansur, Ignore The Minions (For Once)

During boss fights in Baldur's Gate 3 where there are additional enemies, it is generally advised for the party to prioritize dealing with the adds rather than the main boss. However, in the case of the Ansur fight, it is actually more advantageous for players to focus on defeating the Dragon before dealing with the lesser enemies.

When Ansur unleashes its devastating AoE attack, Stormheart Nova, it affects both enemies and Ansur's allies. Since the add characters cannot be eliminated in one turn (unless they are forcibly pushed off a cliff), it is more beneficial for a character to utilize their turn in reducing Ansur's health to at least half as quickly as possible. This action prompts the Dragon to commence charging its Stormheart Nova, which usually results in the instant death of the enemy Myrmidons. The surviving Myrmidons can then be eliminated with area of effect (AoE) attacks or Ansur's own lightning-based AoE hits.

Get Behind Cover When Ansur Charges Stormheart Nova

Once Ansur's HP drops to approximately 50% or if the battle reaches its fourth round, the Dragon will initiate the charging of Stormheart Nova. This devastating attack causes Ansur to detonate, inflicting massive damage across the entire battlefield.

There are two methods to evade this attack: utilizing the spell Globe of Invulnerability or seeking refuge behind one of the nearby icy pillars. Ansur takes one round to charge this attack, providing the party with sufficient time to reach a pillar. Use the Dash action to double a character's movement speed, stopping about 3.1m before the desired location to perform a Jump for a bit of additional distance. If this doesn't allow a character to reach a pillar, employ teleporting abilities like Misty Step, Dimension Door, or similar methods to remove them from the danger zone.

The alternative approach involves the potentially overpowered BG3 spell, Globe of Invulnerability. As a Level 6 spell, Globe of Invulnerability shields all characters within a small area from any form of damage or negative effects. This includes both the main blast of Stormheart Nova and the subsequent lightning AoE strikes. The only drawback of employing Globe of Invulnerability is that it cannot be relocated, making it challenging to position optimally for party members to damage Ansur while avoiding harm themselves. Although Ansur moves around the stage, placing the Globe of Invulnerability in the center of the boss arena should serve as a valuable stronghold against Ansur's attacks.

Ansur Phase 2 Tips & Strategies

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleashing Ansur the Dragon - Ultimate Location & Boss Guide

Cast Haste or use Potion of Speed During Stormheart Nova

Upon casting Stormheart Nova, Ansur initiates phase two of the boss fight, enveloping himself in a barrage of lightning bolts that pummel a wide expanse. To ensure their survival, party members must swiftly manoeuvre beyond the strike zone of these electric torrents, all the while finding opportunities to inflict damage upon Ansur.

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This is where the Haste spells and Potions of Speed prove to be extremely useful. They offer an additional Standard Action and increased Movement Distance, making them invaluable for maneuvering through a battlefield scattered with Lightning Bolts. The enhanced movement speed often provides an escape from challenging situations, and the doubled Actions enable the use of Dash in combination with a regular attack for even greater mobility.

Exercise caution when casting Haste, ensuring that the caster is in a secure position where their concentration will not be immediately disrupted. Only cast Haste when the entire party is gathered behind an ice pillar before the arrival of Stormheart Nova or when they are all huddled within a Globe of Invulnerability. If the caster's concentration on Haste is interrupted, the target will become Lethargic and unable to take any actions on their next turn. In a battle as devastating as this, particularly right before Stormheart Nova and the Lightning AoE in phase two, being unable to act for a turn can be a fatal consequence.

Keep The Party Separated, With Casters Barely In Range

To avoid the detrimental effects of Ansur's wide attacks and other area-of-effect spells, it is essential to maintain a significant distance between party members. By ensuring that every member remains well-spaced, only one character will be susceptible to damage from Ansur's melee attacks.

Surrounding Ansur provides the optimal solution in this scenario, with characters positioned on the North, West, South, and East sides of the Dragon. Since Ansur inflicts additional damage to enemies in its immediate vicinity and can provoke Attacks of Opportunity, it is advisable to avoid placing fragile characters too close to the Dragon. Instead, keep them within casting range while the sturdier melee party members engage in close combat. Enhancing the situation further, summoning Elementals or employing abilities like Planar Ally can offer Ansur additional targets to choose from. Just remember to maintain a spread-out formation within the party.

Use Misty Step & Teleporting Abilities To Keep Out Of AoE

In order to effectively keep up with and damage Ansur as it moves around the battlefield, Haste and Potions of Speed are valuable assets. However, there are instances where these may not be sufficient. Ansur has the ability to fly to certain platforms, which requires players to use their Bonus Action to jump and reach the Dragon once again.

To ensure that party members can successfully evade AoE attacks and swiftly return to dealing damage to Ansur, it is advisable to bring spells such as Misty Step, Dimension Door, and Arcane Gate. These spells enable multiple party members to teleport to a new location within the same turn, freeing up Actions for other characters to focus on dealing damage and potentially defeating Ansur.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available for PC and PlayStation 5. A version for Xbox Series X|S is currently in development.