Baldur's Gate 3: Unleash or Vanquish Cazador's Vampire Spawn for Ultimate Power!

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleash or Vanquish Cazador's Vampire Spawn for Ultimate Power!

Baldur's Gate 3: Weighing the Outcomes of Killing or Releasing Cazador's Vampire Spawn Choose wisely for diverging consequences!

Cazador’s Prisoners Dilemma Guide

At Cazador's Palace, situated in the Lower City during Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3, players will encounter a challenging and pivotal choice that will have a profound impact on the destiny of 7,000 vampire spawn. This decision holds even greater significance if Astarion, who has endured enslavement under Cazador's grasp for two centuries, is part of the party, as it directly shapes his narrative arc within Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3: Unleash or Vanquish Cazador's Vampire Spawn for Ultimate Power!

After Cazador's ritual has been prevented, players will have 3 options for what to do with the 7,000 vampire spawn. Here is a list of all the options and their consequences:

Release the Spawn

Choosing to free the spawn results in Astarion releasing all 7,000 prisoners. He uses Cazador's staff to open each of the cells. This option is highly recommended as it ensures the safety of both the spawn and the citizens of Baldur's Gate. Astarion will command his siblings to send the spawn to the Underdark, where they will be protected from sunlight and have an ample food supply. By doing so, players can avoid negative consequences and maintain the integrity of the main plot. Additionally, Astarion himself will approve of this decision.

Kill all the Prisoners

Concerned about the potential peril of unleashing 7,000 vampires onto Baldur's Gate, gamers have the option to eliminate all the incarcerated individuals. Upon selecting this course of action, Astarion deftly employs his staff to vanquish every last one, with the exception of his 6 siblings. These six formidable creatures, having lived with their insatiable thirst for centuries, possess the restraint necessary to eschew mindless bloodshed and the menacing pursuit of innocent people.

This option is not highly recommended, as Astarion will experience feelings of guilt regarding his actions, despite realizing that he has successfully averted a significant danger to the citizens of Baldur's Gate. Nonetheless, upon exiting the ritual room, the players will encounter the Gur Tribe, who will express gratitude for the demise of Cazador and perceive Astarion's decision as the correct one.

Remain Indifferent

Apart from the choices of killing or rescuing, players also have the option to simply leave the spawn. Should this choice be made, Astarion will destroy the staff, rendering it impossible to free the vampire spawn or conduct any future rituals. Furthermore, he will no longer feel compelled to clean up Cazador's havoc and will set free his six siblings.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available on PC and PS5, with a version for Xbox Series X/S also being developed.