Baldur's Gate 3 Secrets: Unveiling the Power of the Soul Coin

Baldur's Gate 3 Secrets: Unveiling the Power of the Soul Coin

Unearth the secrets of the Soul Coin in Baldur's Gate 3 and discover its incredible powers by embarking on a quest to find the elusive Nadira

Baldur's Gate 3 is highly anticipated this year, and eager players are utilizing the Early Access version to explore intriguing characters, perilous locations, and exciting discoveries. Among these fascinating finds is the enigmatic Soul Coin, obtainable through a short and optional side quest.

After aiding a group of adventurers in fending off goblin attacks and gaining entry into the Druid Grove, players can acquire the Soul Coin. Although somewhat concealed, adventurers should make a point to seize it as it may prove valuable in the future.

Finding Nadira

Baldur's Gate 3 Secrets: Unveiling the Power of the Soul Coin

During the intense cutscene of the Illithid Nautiloid ship crashing, observant players may spot Nadira, a Teifling, watching the fiery descent through a telescope. Nadira is the central character of this quest and possesses the Soul Coin. Although her exact whereabouts are undisclosed, she can be found at a prominent elevated position that offers a clear vantage point.

To locate Nadira, head to the Druid Grove after passing through the gate with the protagonist and their companions. To the right, there is a log bridge that needs to be crossed. From there, follow the path that ascends to the right.

As the party crests the hill, they spot a Bugbear Assassin sneaking up on Nadira from behind. Quickly, use a ranged weapon to catch it off-guard and gain the upper hand. Employ crowd control tactics to prevent it from pursuing Nadira, who will attempt to escape. Though she lacks weapons, Nadira can still push the Bugbear and throw dirt at it to defend herself.

Once the Bugbear has been defeated, the players have the opportunity to interact with Nadira. However, she immediately accuses them of being sent by someone else to harm her. To convince her otherwise, the players can make an Intimidation or Persuasion check. If successful, Nadira will change her mind and reward them with the Soul Coin for saving her from the Bugbear.

The Soul Coin

Once you have assisted Nadira, take a moment to peer through her telescope. Directly in front of you, test your Intelligence by making a roll to identify the majestic presence of the red dragon. If you cast your gaze to the right, you will find a blazing tavern along the famed Risen Road, while on the left, the ill-fated Illithid ship displays its damaged state.

Baldur's Gate 3 Secrets: Unveiling the Power of the Soul Coin

Nadira provides the player with hints regarding the origin and potential uses of the Soul Coin. However, due to her belief that the protagonist was dispatched by an entity from Avernus, she chooses to divulge only limited information.

Origin. Nadira makes reference to a "malevolent mistress" while Soul Coins hold significant value within the realms of the Nine Hells. It appears that Nadira has some form of interaction with a formidable demon, potentially due to her Tiefling heritage, or a renowned individual associated with her Bard profession.

Potential Applications. The main character has previously ventured into Avernus, albeit momentarily, thus strongly implying a potential return to that realm in the upcoming adventure. The player may have the opportunity to utilize the content fragment as a means of negotiation or currency within Avernus, or in other locations situated within the Nine Hells.

Baldur's Gate 3 comes out on August 3 on PC and September 6 on PS5. An Xbox Series X/S version is in development.