Baldur's Gate 3: Mastering the Art of Infiltrating Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Baldur's Gate 3: Mastering the Art of Infiltrating Wyrm's Rock Fortress

Bypass the formidable defenses of Wyrm's Rock Fortress in Baldur's Gate 3 with clever tactics and strategic maneuvering Discover a path to infiltrate undetected and outsmart your enemies for ultimate victory

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A Leap of Faith

The Long Climb

In Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3, reaching the city of Baldur's Gate requires overcoming the final major obstacle known as Wyrm's Rock Fortress. In order to proceed, players must discover a way to enter the fortress.

Fortunately, there are several methods available to gain access. Completing two specific quests can grant players the necessary passes to bypass the gate guards. Additionally, getting arrested and being sent to jail offers an alternative route onto the island. It is also possible to bypass the drawbridge completely by utilizing spells such as Bestow Flight and Dimension Door. This guide for Baldur's Gate 3 will provide detailed instructions on how to infiltrate the fortress discreetly without relying on powerful magic.

A Leap of Faith

Baldur's Gate 3: Mastering the Art of Infiltrating Wyrm's Rock Fortress

After completing the South Span Checkpoint, players can approach the guards at the drawbridge leading to Wyrm's Rock. Adjacent to the drawbridge, on the right side, there is a ladder that descends to a lower section of the bridge. Descending the ladder, players should head towards the northeast corner, where they may notice a broken railing.

Just north of this area, there is a green path that players can attempt to jump onto. This jump will inflict approximately 40 to 50 damage to anyone who tries it. However, even at this stage of the game, both Sorcerers and Wizards can survive this fall. To avoid taking damage, it is advisable for players to utilize a scroll or potion of Feather Fall. Alternatively, the Misty Step spell has sufficient range to reach the path, and players can also use a Jump ability to reach a higher spot that inflicts only about 30 to 40 damage.

The Long Climb

Upon reaching the ground, there are two distinct paths that players can take to infiltrate the fortress. The first option involves circling around the eastern side of the keep, aiming to identify a crevice in the wall that leads directly to the prison. Albeit not the most optimal approach, as it leads to a restricted section of the prison, it does provide an opportunity for the party to gather any remaining members who were left behind on the bridge.

Instead, the path ahead lies to the west side of the keep. Here, players will discover a sturdy wooden platform, from which they can ascend using a set of vines to reach a balcony. Although the balcony door is locked, it is made of wood and can be easily opened.

Upon entering, players will immediately notice a patrolling Flaming Fist guard in the room, as well as two unlocked doors leading to the Audience Chamber. While the party is not required to seek permission to be in this room, the guard will become agitated if they witness someone attempting to open the inner doors. Fortunately, a skilled sneaker can take advantage of the guard's distraction to quietly open the door.

Upon entering the Audience Chamber, a cutscene initiates, consistently shown to all players regardless of their approach to Wyrm's Rock. Gortash unfailingly presents the same proposition, leaving the player to decide their course of action. This marks the conclusion of the covert path to Wyrm's Rock Fortress.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently accessible for macOS and PC, with its release on PS5 slated for August 31.