Annihilape: The Hard-Hitting Monkey Pokemon Coming to Pokemon GO

Annihilape: The Hard-Hitting Monkey Pokemon Coming to Pokemon GO

Annihilape, the final evolution of Mankey, is set to make its debut in Pokemon GO on January 19. This article covers the details of its release, evolution method, and significance in the game.

Introduction to Annihilape

Pokemon GO is about to get a powerful new addition as Annihilape, the final evolution of Mankey, is set to join the game on January 19. This announcement marks the latest step in Niantic's ongoing efforts to introduce Scarlet and Violet creatures into the Pokemon GO universe. Annihilape has already gained popularity among players due to its exceptional combat capabilities and access to powerful moves such as Close Combat and damage-boosting abilities like Focus Energy.

Annihilape standing near a picnic table

Annihilape standing near a picnic table

The release of Annihilape follows the introduction of cross-gen evolutions in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in late 2022. Among these new evolutions, Annihilape has emerged as a fan favorite, particularly for its effectiveness in raids and battles. With its upcoming release in Pokemon GO, players can look forward to adding this formidable pocket monster to their collection.

Evolution Method of Annihilape in Pokemon GO

Annihilape's evolution in Pokemon GO will differ from its evolution in Scarlet and Violet. Niantic has confirmed that players will need to meet specific requirements to obtain Annihilape. Unlike the automatic evolution in Scarlet and Violet, evolving into Annihilape in Pokemon GO will require players to defeat 30 Psychic- or Ghost-type Pokemon in battle while having Primeape equipped as a Buddy. Additionally, evolving a shiny Primeape will result in a shiny Annihilape, offering players a unique variation of this iconic 'rage monkey Pokemon.'

The evolution method in Pokemon GO presents a new challenge for players, as it involves strategic battle tactics and careful planning to meet the specific requirements. Niantic's decision to introduce a different evolution method adds an element of excitement and challenge to the game, offering a fresh experience for dedicated Pokemon GO players.

Obtaining Annihilape and In-Game Events

To obtain Annihilape in Pokemon GO, players must equip a Primeape that they wish to evolve as a Buddy and defeat 30 Ghost- or Psychic-type Pokemon in battle. This unique evolution method presents a significant departure from the evolution process in Scarlet and Violet, adding depth and complexity to the gameplay experience. While the evolution process may take longer, it offers a rewarding sense of accomplishment for players who successfully obtain Annihilape.

In addition to the evolution method, Niantic has announced in-game events to coincide with the introduction of Annihilape. Players can expect boosted Mankey spawn rates, 3-star Primeape raids, and exclusive Field Research Tasks that reward Mankey during a specific time period. These events provide players with opportunities to encounter and capture Mankey and Primeape, further enriching the gameplay experience surrounding Annihilape's release.