Addressing Toxicity and the Editor Tool: A Look at Cities: Skylines 2

Addressing Toxicity and the Editor Tool: A Look at Cities: Skylines 2

Colossal Order's CEO tackles the issue of toxicity within the game's community and provides an update on the Editor tool for Cities: Skylines 2. Find out how the studio is working to improve the game and mend the community relationships.

Toxicity in the Community

The release of Cities: Skylines 2 in October 2023 was met with mixed reactions from fans. While many were excited to delve into the sequel, others found it to be lacking compared to the original game. One of the major points of disappointment was the absence of the Editor tool at launch, a feature that was highly valued by the community. This led to frustration among some members of the community, who expressed their disappointment through negative interactions with developers and fellow community members.

Snow falling around the city in Winter

Snow falling around the city in Winter

In response to these issues, Colossal Order's CEO, Mariina Hallikainen, addressed the growing toxicity within the game's community. She emphasized the detrimental impact of negativity on the game's future, highlighting how it could hinder community interactions and discourage creativity and modding. Furthermore, Hallikainen recognized the potential damage to the relationship between developers and the community, as the toxicity could discourage developer-community interaction. She proposed solutions such as increased moderation and reduced interaction between developers and community members to address these concerns.

Hallikainen also encouraged constructive feedback from the community, underscoring the importance of specific details in the feedback process. Additionally, she provided an update on the highly anticipated Editor UI tool, acknowledging its absence at launch and assuring fans that it is in development. The Editor UI is expected to be ready for the game's closed beta in the near future, although the studio is still refining its details.

Impact on the Game and Community

The toxicity within the community poses a significant threat to the overall experience of Cities: Skylines 2. Negative interactions and lack of constructive feedback can hinder the game's growth and damage the community's morale. Hallikainen's statement sheds light on how toxicity can deter fans from engaging with the community, ultimately affecting the game's long-term success. The emphasis on the importance of constructive feedback underscores the value of healthy dialogue within the community.

Furthermore, the absence of the Editor UI tool at launch was a major factor contributing to the disappointment among fans. Its delayed release sparked frustration and led to negative sentiments surrounding the game. However, the update from Hallikainen offers a glimmer of hope as she assures fans that the development of the Editor UI is progressing, with a projected release for the closed beta. This update provides an opportunity for the game to regain its footing and rekindle the community's enthusiasm.

The Road to Redemption

Despite the initial setbacks, there is still hope for Cities: Skylines 2 to rebuild its standing within the community. The proactive approach taken by Colossal Order's CEO in addressing the toxicity and providing an update on the Editor tool demonstrates a commitment to rectifying the issues. By acknowledging the challenges and offering potential solutions, the studio is striving to create a more positive and constructive community environment.

The upcoming release of the Editor UI holds promise for revitalizing the game's appeal and fostering a more engaging community experience. This presents an opportunity for fans to contribute constructive feedback and actively participate in shaping the future of Cities: Skylines 2. The parallels drawn with other titles that have successfully rebounded from disappointing launches, such as Cyberpunk 2077, highlight the potential for Cities: Skylines 2 to regain its community's trust and enthusiasm.