A Comprehensive Guide to Ore Melting and Ingot Production in Palworld
Discover the step-by-step process of finding a Kindling Pal and using the smelter to melt ore and produce ingots in Palworld.
Finding a Kindling Pal in Palworld
Palworld, a captivating game that beckons players to explore its vast landscapes and engage in the art of crafting, presents a crucial task - melting ore to obtain coveted ingots. However, this endeavor requires the assistance of a Kindling Pal with the ability to ignite a fire.
Palworld: Foxpark's spawn location (on the map)
The quest to find a Kindling Pal in Palworld may seem daunting at first, but fear not, for within the realm lies the elusive Foxpark - a low-level Pal waiting to be discovered. Your search begins near the Plateau of Beginnings, where the ruins hold the key to uncovering the Foxparks. A hidden waterfall within these ruins is the sanctuary for these elusive creatures, especially during the tranquil night when they slumber, making it the ideal time for capture.
Crafting and Using the Smelter
The pathway to obtaining a smelter in Palworld starts with the construction of a Primitive Furnace, a vital tool in the ore-melting process. To create this furnace, you will require:
Palworld: Primitive Furnace
- 20 Wood - 50 Stone - 3 Flame Organ While wood and stone are readily available, the elusive Flame Organ is a coveted material that can only be obtained from fire-type Pals such as the Foxpark, Rooby, or Arsox.
Once the furnace is assembled, a world of crafting possibilities opens up, including the production of ingots. However, the furnace alone cannot initiate the process; the assistance of a Kindling Pal is imperative. Utilize the Palbox Management Menu to deploy the Foxpark or any fire-type Pal to the base section, where they will promptly venture to the furnace, melting your ingots with their fiery prowess.
In the event that your Pal is occupied with other tasks, a simple action of picking them up and tossing them into the furnace will redirect their focus to ore melting. Upon successful assignment, a confirmation message will grace the screen, signifying the Pal's dedication to the task at hand.