9 Mysteries from Beetlejuice That Beetlejuice 2 Must Solve

9 Mysteries from Beetlejuice That Beetlejuice 2 Must Solve

Beetlejuice's sequel has some lingering questions from the original movie that fans are eager to see answered. Here are 9 mysteries that Beetlejuice 2 must solve to tie up the loose ends and provide an exciting continuation of the franchise.

The Maitlands' Hardware Store Fate

One of the unresolved mysteries from Beetlejuice is the fate of the Maitlands' hardware store, Maitland Hardware. After Adam and Barbara's deaths, the movie failed to address what became of their local business. With Lydia and her daughter still in Winter River in Beetlejuice 2, the sequel can finally explain what happened to the hardware store.

Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin in Beetlejuice

Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin in Beetlejuice

It’s unlikely that Lydia would have taken over the shop, but the 2024 movie could see either Ryder or Ortega entering the store to buy something if it’s still in business. However, if Maitland Hardware’s storefront has been replaced with a new business sign, it’ll at least confirm that the store eventually shut down.

Adam and Barbara in Beetlejuice

Adam and Barbara in Beetlejuice

Afterlife After 125 Years

Beetlejuice’s Handbook for the Recently Deceased reveals the rule that ghosts must remain in their homes for the first 125 years after death. However, the original movie never explains what happens to ghosts once the 125 years run up. With Adam and Barbara missing from Beetlejuice 2’s returning characters, the sequel will need to provide a believable explanation for their absences and address what happens after the 125 years.

Beetlejuice wearing three different costumes

Beetlejuice wearing three different costumes

Beetlejuice's True Name

Beetlejuice's real name remains a mystery, as the movie never revealed his full name. Beetlejuice 2 has the opportunity to explore his backstory in more depth, hopefully providing an answer to what his full name was before he died and became a 'bio-exorcist.'

Juno (Sylvia Sydney) in Beetlejuice

Juno (Sylvia Sydney) in Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice's Career Choice

Juno the caseworker provided some bits of lore regarding Beetlejuice when warning Adam and Barbara about him. She explained that he was once her assistant but eventually broke out on his own as a 'freelance bio-exorcist.' Beetlejuice 2 can finally provide context for his career decision and explain why he chose to leave Juno and go out on his own.

Sylvia Sidney as Juno in Beetlejuice

Sylvia Sidney as Juno in Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice's Waiting Room Time

Beetlejuice's time in the Neitherworld waiting room is a mystery that the original movie left unresolved. The movie hinted at his prolonged wait, but it never confirmed how long he ultimately had to sit in the waiting room. Beetlejuice 2 could explore this aspect and reveal whether he's still there when the sequel begins.

Adam and Barbara Maitland look at their caseworker Juno.

Adam and Barbara Maitland look at their caseworker Juno.

Lydia's Living Arrangement

Beetlejuice's original ending left a curious question about Lydia's living arrangement. The deleted alternate ending revealed that Lydia was living alone with Adam and Barbara in the Winter River house. Beetlejuice 2 could finally address how long that arrangement lasted and what became of Lydia after the events of the original movie.

Juno (Sylvia Sidney) smoking a cigarette in Beetlejuice

Juno (Sylvia Sidney) smoking a cigarette in Beetlejuice

Otho's Fate

Otho had a sudden exit during the Deetzes and Maitlands’ climactic confrontation with Beetlejuice, and the movie didn't confirm what happened to him afterward. Beetlejuice 2 can finally reveal Otho's fate after his confrontation with Beetlejuice.

Juno (Sylvia Sidney) going through paperwork with the football players behind her in her office in Beetlejuice

Juno (Sylvia Sidney) going through paperwork with the football players behind her in her office in Beetlejuice

Jane's Relentless Selling

An original subplot from the first movie was Jane's incessant attempts to sell the Maitlands’ home. Beetlejuice 2 may explore whether Jane's determination to sell the house continued after the events of the original movie.

Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice sitting on a sofa between a witch doctor with a white painted face and an explorer with a shrunken head

Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice sitting on a sofa between a witch doctor with a white painted face and an explorer with a shrunken head

Lydia's Mother

One major question left after Beetlejuice’s ending has to do with the fate of Lydia's biological mother. The original movie never addressed her mother’s fate, but Beetlejuice 2 could finally answer the mystery surrounding Lydia’s mother and explore the family dynamics of the Deetzes.

Beetlejuice taps a witch doctor on the shoulder while talking in Beetlejuice.

Beetlejuice taps a witch doctor on the shoulder while talking in Beetlejuice.