10 Powers The Infinity Stones Never Used In The MCU

10 Powers The Infinity Stones Never Used In The MCU

Exploring the untapped potential of the Infinity Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

1. The Reality Stone's Multiversal Connection

In Marvel Comics, the Reality Stone possesses the ability to manipulate not only the reality of a single universe but also to traverse the multiverse. This power allows users to create portals to other dimensions, communicate across parallel universes, and even alter the fabric of reality on a cosmic scale. While the movie showcased reality manipulation, the comics take it a step further, allowing users to communicate across parallel universes. This untapped power of the Reality Stone in the MCU adds a layer of complexity and opens up a vast array of storytelling possibilities. Imagine the potential for crossovers and interactions between different versions of beloved characters from various universes. It would have been fascinating to see the heroes and villains of the MCU exploring and battling across different dimensions, creating a truly multiversal experience.

thanos using the reality stone on titan

thanos using the reality stone on titan

2. The Soul Stone's Afterlife Creation

In the MCU, the Soul Stone's narrative impact overshadowed its true potential. While it was primarily used to sacrifice a loved one and obtain the stone, the comics reveal that the Soul Stone has the power to create an afterlife or resurrect the dead. Users of the stone can establish realms where the deceased can reside, granting them a form of eternal existence. This unexplored aspect of the Soul Stone in the MCU leaves behind a rich storytelling opportunity. Imagine the emotional depth and moral dilemmas that could arise if the Avengers were faced with the choice of bringing back fallen comrades or creating afterlives for them. It would have added a new layer of complexity and exploration of the concepts of life, death, and what lies beyond.

Red Skull with Soul Stone in Avengers Endgame

Red Skull with Soul Stone in Avengers Endgame

3. The Mind Stone's Telepathic Depth

While the Mind Stone grants telepathic abilities in the MCU, its full potential remains untapped. In Marvel Comics, the stone allows users to establish deep telepathic connections, enhancing their existing abilities and enabling them to control minds without physical contact. This power extends to manipulating memories, emotions, and even the subconscious. The MCU only scratched the surface of the Mind Stone's telepathic abilities, primarily focusing on its role in creating and empowering Vision. Exploring the stone's full range of telepathic powers could have added a new level of intrigue and complexity to the interactions between characters. Imagine the possibilities of mind battles, mental manipulation, and the exploration of the depths of consciousness within the MCU.

Vision using the Mind Stone in Captain America Civil War

Vision using the Mind Stone in Captain America Civil War

4. The Power Stone's Superpower Enhancement

Beyond its immense destructive capabilities, the Power Stone in the comics can amplify existing superpowers or grant new abilities to those who wield it. This unexplored facet adds complexity to its portrayal in the MCU. While the movie showcased the stone's raw power, it did not delve into the potential for enhancing and expanding the abilities of individuals. The Power Stone could have been used to take already formidable heroes and villains to a whole new level. Imagine the possibilities of heroes like Thor, Captain Marvel, or Doctor Strange having their powers amplified to unimaginable levels, creating epic battles and raising the stakes of the MCU even higher.

The Guardians of the Galaxy withstanding the Power Stone

The Guardians of the Galaxy withstanding the Power Stone

5. The Space Stone's Static Manipulation

While the MCU showcases the Space Stone's teleportation abilities, its capacity to halt motion goes unaddressed. This overlooked power could have added a new dimension to combat scenes. In the comics, the Space Stone is not limited to just creating portals and teleporting. It can also freeze objects, people, and even entire planets in place, granting the wielder a unique advantage in combat or strategic situations. This power could have been utilized in intense battles, allowing characters to pause time, strategize, or gain the upper hand against their opponents. It would have added a thrilling and visually stunning element to the action sequences in the MCU.

Red Skull holds the Space Stone before being exiled to Vormir in Captain America: The First Avenger

Red Skull holds the Space Stone before being exiled to Vormir in Captain America: The First Avenger

6. The Soul Stone's Healing Capabilities

Apart from its ability to manipulate souls, the Soul Stone in the comics can also revert beings to their original state. This unexplored power in the MCU could have added depth to character arcs and plot developments. Imagine the possibilities of using the Soul Stone to heal wounds, restore lost limbs, and even bring characters back from the brink of death. This power would not only have physical implications but also emotional and psychological consequences. Characters grappling with their newfound immortality or faced with the choice of using the stone's healing abilities to alter their identities and past experiences would have provided compelling storytelling avenues.

Thanos with the Soul Stone in Avengers Infinity War

Thanos with the Soul Stone in Avengers Infinity War

7. The Mind Stone's Empathic Links

In Marvel Comics, the Mind Stone can forge empathic connections between individuals, a facet absent in the MCU. This power allows users to share thoughts, emotions, and experiences, creating a deep bond between them. The untapped empathic link of the Mind Stone in the MCU could have enhanced character dynamics and emotional depth in key moments. Imagine the possibilities of characters like Vision and Wanda Maximoff sharing their deepest thoughts and feelings through an empathic connection. This power would have added a new layer of intimacy and understanding, strengthening relationships and exploring the complexities of human (and android) connections.

Vision and Wanda Maximoff in Captain America Civil War

Vision and Wanda Maximoff in Captain America Civil War

8. The Time Stone's Aging Control

While the MCU showcases time manipulation, the Time Stone's ability to slow aging is overlooked. This unexplored power could have altered character trajectories and resolved plot conflicts. In Marvel Comics, the Time Stone grants users control over the aging process, allowing them to slow down or reverse the effects of time on themselves and others. Imagine the possibilities of characters like Steve Rogers using the Time Stone to extend their lifespans or characters facing the dilemma of whether to let time take its toll or intervene with the stone's power. This power would have added a new layer of complexity to the concept of time within the MCU.

The Ancient One using the Time Stone

The Ancient One using the Time Stone

9. The Soul Stone's Soul Absorption

The Soul Stone's ability to absorb souls and access Soul World remains unexplored in the MCU. This untapped power could have introduced unique storytelling avenues and character dilemmas. In Marvel Comics, the Soul Stone can trap souls, communicate with the dead, and even manipulate the souls of others. Imagine the possibilities of characters facing the moral dilemma of trapping souls within the stone, communicating with departed loved ones, or even using the stone to control the very essence of a person's being. This power would have added a darker and more introspective aspect to the exploration of the human (and non-human) soul within the MCU.

Josh Brolin as Thanos standing in the Soul World in Avengers: Infinity War

Josh Brolin as Thanos standing in the Soul World in Avengers: Infinity War

10. The Infinity Stones' Omniscient Union

In Marvel Comics, uniting all six Infinity Stones grants the wielder omniscience and cosmic awareness, transforming them into a being of immense knowledge and understanding. This aspect, unexplored in the MCU, holds the potential for profound character evolution and narrative shifts. Imagine the possibilities of characters like Thanos or even the Avengers themselves gaining cosmic awareness and understanding the true nature of the universe. This power would have allowed for profound character development, challenging their beliefs and shifting the trajectory of the MCU's narrative. It would have opened up a whole new realm of philosophical and existential exploration within the superhero genre.

Thanos wielding the Infinity Gauntlet

Thanos wielding the Infinity Gauntlet