10 Expert Tips to Get Shiny Mega Banette in Pokemon GO
Discover the ultimate strategy to obtain Shiny Mega Banette and master its Mega Evolution in Pokemon GO with our comprehensive guide
Niantic, the developers of Pokemon GO, provide players with multiple Shiny Pokemon options, including the highly coveted Shiny Mega variant. Although obtaining a Shiny Mega Monster can be quite challenging, there are strategies to improve the chances of achieving this goal. To attain a Shiny Mega Banette, players must begin by defeating the featured Mega raid boss, Mega Banette. These Mega raid bosses possess exceptional offensive capabilities and are formidable opponents. To acquire the Shiny Mega variant, players must first capture a Shiny Pokemon. Mega Banette is a Ghost-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region, and triumphing over it and securing a Shiny Banette is no easy task. Success in this endeavor relies on possessing the appropriate knowledge of the game's meta and selecting suitable counters.
How To Get Shiny Mega Banette In Pokemon GO
Players in Pokemon GO have the opportunity to battle and defeat the powerful Mega raid boss, Mega Banette. A successful victory against this Ghost-type boss grants players the chance to obtain a highly coveted Shiny Mega Banette. Once the boss is defeated, players will have the opportunity to encounter a Shiny Banette, with the final step being to evolve it into its Mega form.
However, it is important to note that the encounter with a Shiny Banette is not guaranteed. While some players may be fortunate enough to encounter a Shiny Banette, others may come across a standard variant instead. Unlike wild spawns, Banette is a raid monster, thus item usage in Pokemon GO cannot be utilized to increase its spawn rates. Trainers must therefore win multiple consecutive Mega Banette raids and secure numerous encounters in order to improve their odds of encountering a Shiny Banette.
Mega Banette has a range of weaknesses and resistances that players must be aware of before engaging in the raid battle. It is particularly vulnerable to dark and Ghost-type attacks, while exhibiting resistance against Poison, Normal, Bug, and Fighting-type moves. To approach the battle strategically, players should utilize the monster's meta information and assemble formidable counters accordingly.
Mega Banette Counters | Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Mega Tyranitar | Bite | Brutal Swing |
Mega Gengar | Lick | Shadow Ball |
Mega Rayquaza | Dragon Tail | Dragon Ascent |
Shadow Mewtwo | Psycho Cut | Shadow Ball |
Mega Houndoom | Snarl | Foul Play |
Shadow Cursola | Hex | Shadow Ball |
Hydreigon | Bite | Brutal Swing |
Mega Alakazam | Psycho Cut | Shadow Ball |
Shadow Weavile | Snarl | Foul Play |
Shadow Drifblim | Hex | Shadow Ball |
Players can also initiate the Mega Evolution once they have defeated the raid boss and obtained a Shiny Banette, as
How To Mega Evolve Shiny Banette In Pokemon GO
is required to complete the Mega Evolution process in Pokemon GO.Mega Evolving Banette in Pokemon GO requires 100 Mega Energy, which is also true for Shiny Banette. When players Mega Evolve a Shiny Banette, they obtain a Shiny Mega Banette. Earning Mega Energy is a straightforward process that can be achieved through various activities, including winning Raids, completing Research tasks, completing daily tasks with Banette's evolutionary line as the buddy Pokemon, and more. The initial Mega Evolution of Banette costs 100 Mega Energy, while subsequent Mega Evolutions only require 20 Mega Energy.
Pokemon GO is available for Android and iOS.