Zack Snyder Unveils Mind-Bending Plans: Army of the Dead 2 & More

Zack Snyder Unveils Mind-Bending Plans: Army of the Dead 2 & More

Zack Snyder's imaginative genius takes us on a thrilling journey as he teases the mind-bending expansion of Army of the Dead universe in a highly anticipated sequel Brace for a twisted adventure in the dark depths of Planet of the Dead!


Zack Snyder teases the "twisted" nature of the future Army of the Dead franchise.

Snyder is determined to further expand his zombie-action universe, adding a sequel to Army of Thieves and creating an animated series named Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas.

The initial movie cleverly included subtle clues that hinted at potential storylines for upcoming films, leaving viewers intrigued and curious about their significance and which ones will be developed in the future.

Zack Snyder teases the continuation of Army of the Dead franchise, including a sequel and more. After his success with Justice League, Snyder has shifted his focus to creating his own cinematic universes. He will soon release Rebel Moon, a sci-fi film that originated from a rejected Star Wars idea, on Netflix. Additionally, Snyder plans to expand the zombie action universe with the prequel Army of Thieves and a future installment titled Planet of the Dead, which he announced in 2021.

Snyder is not yet ready to reveal specific details about the Army of the Dead sequel, but he did provide a small hint about the dark direction of the franchise's future. Speaking exclusively to Screen Rant during a set visit for Rebel Moon, Snyder discussed the advantages of being able to switch between his two Netflix universes. Despite their different tones, with his zombie franchise being "nuts" and his new sci-fi venture, Snyder contemplated the possibility of doing the Army of the Dead sequel and then returning to work on another Rebel Moon movie if there is interest. The Army of the Dead franchise takes an intense and twisted path, while the Mathias arm of the Army Universe has its own unique storyline. Snyder sees the potential for these two universes to intertwine and allow for a back-and-forth dynamic.

How Twisted Could Planet Of The Dead Get?

Zack Snyder Unveils Mind-Bending Plans: Army of the Dead 2 & More

The first entry in the Army of the Dead series contained numerous intricate details intentionally included by Snyder as foreshadowing for future films. One such detail hinted at the Alpha zombie Zeus being a bioweapon intended for shipment to Iran before escaping and wreaking havoc in Las Vegas. Another, even more profound clue came in the form of a time loop sequence, where the crew members encountered their own skeletal remains. The meaning behind these hints has generated numerous theories, and it remains uncertain which ones will be explored further and which will remain enigmatic.

It would be truly intriguing to witness Army of the Dead 2 delve deeper into time loops and the military origins of the franchise's zombies. The fact that Snyder's zombies are capable of reproduction opens up endless possibilities, as does the original film's peculiar hints about aliens and robot zombies. Snyder clearly possesses a plethora of ideas for his zombie-action universe, some of which may be more tongue-in-cheek, as he has even teased a potential sequel for Army of Thieves and the still in-development animated series Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas slated for release in 2023.