YouTube Advises Content Creators on Video Deletion

YouTube Advises Content Creators on Video Deletion

YouTube advises creators to think twice before deleting videos, citing potential negative impact on channel growth. The platform recommends keeping content public or unlisted for better channel performance.

Hey YouTubers! Todd Beaupre, YouTube’s Product Lead for homepage and recommendation, recently shared a message on Twitter. He advised content creators not to delete videos from their channels without a good reason.

When you delete a video, you also remove the connection your channel had with the audience that watched it. To boost your channel's growth, consider keeping your videos public or unlisting them unless absolutely necessary.

— Todd B. (@hitsman) March 23, 2024

His statement points to the potential negative impact of video removal on a channel’s growth.

YouTube Says Don’t Delete Videos

Beaupre advised in his tweet:

YouTubers, it's important to think twice before deleting videos. By removing a video, you're also cutting off your channel's connection to the audience who watched it. To boost your channel's growth, consider keeping your videos public or unlisting them if necessary.

YouTube's Creator Liaison, Rene Ritchie, reinforced this message by retweeting Beaupre's post to reach a larger audience.

YouTube Liaison (@YouTubeLiaison) March 23, 2024

The coordinated effort from two YouTube representatives highlights the significance of the advice for content creators.

Video Deletion May Impact Channel Growth & Discoverability

YouTube's recent tweet hints that deleting videos might impact which videos are recommended on the homepage. It seems like YouTube's algorithm takes into account whether channels have a habit of removing content. This is because it could potentially lower user engagement and satisfaction.

Unlist Rather Than Delete

When channels delete videos frequently, it affects the viewer’s experience on YouTube. It also makes it challenging for the recommendation algorithm to accurately evaluate the channel's value.

Creators are advised to keep their videos public or unlisted instead of deleting them completely. This allows them to manage their content without hindering its potential for growth.

By keeping a stable video catalog, creators can build lasting connections with their audience and provide a steady flow of data for YouTube's algorithm to assess the relevance and engagement of their channel.


How does deleting videos from a YouTube channel affect its growth?

Deleting videos from a YouTube channel can have a negative impact on the channel's ability to grow. When a video is taken down, the connection that was established with the audience through that video is broken.

What is the better option instead of deleting videos on YouTube?

Deleting videos on YouTube can have a negative impact on the channel's visibility, discoverability, and overall user experience. It may also hinder the channel's ability to attract new viewers and engage with existing ones. So, what is the recommended alternative to deleting videos on YouTube?

Instead of deleting YouTube videos, it is better to either keep them public or unlist them. This way, creators can maintain their content library while still allowing their channel to grow and be evaluated by algorithms.

Maintaining a stable video catalog is important for creators to keep long-term connections with their audience and protect their channel's data integrity for YouTube's recommendation system.

Featured Image: Muhammad Alimaki/Shutterstock

Editor's P/S:

YouTube's recent announcement underscores the importance of carefully considering video deletion. Deleting a video severs the connection with the audience that viewed it, hindering channel growth. To avoid this, creators should consider keeping videos public or unlisting them, allowing viewers to access the content while preserving its potential for growth.

This advice aligns with YouTube's mission to provide a stable and engaging user experience. By maintaining a consistent video library, creators ensure a positive experience for viewers and provide data for YouTube's recommendation algorithm to accurately evaluate channel relevance and engagement. This emphasis on video preservation reflects the platform's commitment to supporting creators in building lasting connections with their audience and fostering a vibrant and thriving community on YouTube. content and data points for YouTube's algorithm to assess the relevance and engagement of my channel. This balanced approach enables me to maintain a thriving YouTube presence and maximize my reach without sacrificing the integrity of my content ecosystem.