Why You Absolutely Can't Miss Cyberpunk 2077's Game-Changing Phantom Liberty DLC - Find Out Why Songbird is the Ultimate Game Changer!

Why You Absolutely Can't Miss Cyberpunk 2077's Game-Changing Phantom Liberty DLC - Find Out Why Songbird is the Ultimate Game Changer!

Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC introduces Songbird, but can this new character be trusted? Unveiling V's history with untrustworthy individuals, this article delves into why caution is crucial when dealing with Songbird

CD Projekt Red recently provided players with a closer look at the much-anticipated upcoming DLC for Cyberpunk 2077, called Phantom Liberty. In this sneak peek, the DLC's premise was unveiled, and some of its prominent characters were introduced. Among these characters is one in Cyberpunk 2077 who is, perhaps, best approached with caution.

The latest trailer for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty unveiled that Songbird is one of V's key connections in the game. Songbird reaches out to V, making enticing promises about aiding them in tackling their Johnny Silverhand predicament. However, similar to other characters within the game, players would be wise to exercise caution when dealing with Songbird.

V's History With Untrustworthy Characters in Cyberpunk 2077

Why You Absolutely Can't Miss Cyberpunk 2077's Game-Changing Phantom Liberty DLC - Find Out Why Songbird is the Ultimate Game Changer!

Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with an abundance of deceitful characters that create an atmosphere of mistrust from the very beginning. The game introduces characters who possess knowledge or power surpassing that of the player, leading to an overall feeling of untrustworthiness. In a pivotal moment depicted in one of Cyberpunk 2077's initial trailers, V's superior and partner, Dexter DeShawn, delivers a fatal shot to V's head following a disastrous heist. This early event instills a deep sense of skepticism towards all supporting characters encountered throughout the game, particularly those in positions of authority.

While there are a few exceptions, such as Panam, Jackie, Viktor, and Judy, it seems that for every major supporting character who offers assistance, there are just as many who prioritize their own agenda. As an illustration, Goro Takemura is a character whom V can rescue within Cyberpunk 2077, and he reciprocates the favor early on in the game.

Throughout their interactions, it's evident that, primarily, he is manipulating V for his own purposes. Initially, characters such as Maiko Maeda may seem supportive, but their true intentions are unveiled at the most unfavorable moment. Regrettably, the dialogue in the recently released trailer for Phantom Liberty suggests that Songbird is probably yet another unreliable character.

Why Songbird Shouldn't Be Trusted In Phantom Liberty

Why You Absolutely Can't Miss Cyberpunk 2077's Game-Changing Phantom Liberty DLC - Find Out Why Songbird is the Ultimate Game Changer!

From the very beginning, it was evident that Idris Elba's character, Solomon Reed, couldn't be trusted in the highly anticipated game Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. The latest trailer only solidifies this suspicion. Moreover, it seems that Reed is orchestrating a subtle campaign to sow doubt about Songbird in V's mind. He warns V that wherever she goes, calamity and tragedy follow. Reed also advises V to recognize that the allure of freedom can be deceiving, urging them to discover their own truth in this precarious situation.

It is important to consider that what Songbird is promising V may sound too good to be true. While it has been confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty will unlock a new ending, it is difficult to believe that it will have a happy outcome. All the endings where V survives suggest that the character's lifespan is limited, making it hard to believe that Songbird can offer anything long-term. It is quite possible that she either lacks awareness of the full extent of V's problem or is knowingly manipulating the player character to fulfill her own desires.

At this point, it is impossible to determine which of these characters can be trusted. Both Songbird and Solomon Reed clearly have their own agendas and are likely using V for their own purposes. It would not be surprising if players are eventually forced to choose between aiding one character over the other. The truthfulness of these characters will only become clear when the game is released in September.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty launches on September 26, 2023, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.