Why The Elder Scrolls 6 Needs Character Stats

Why The Elder Scrolls 6 Needs Character Stats

Reviving character stats in The Elder Scrolls 6 would enhance gameplay and provide a more immersive experience for players

Character progression is a fundamental aspect of the Elder Scrolls franchise, and Skyrim introduced the perk tree system to enhance this experience. However, some fans argue that the previous games' character stats allowed for greater customization and planning. By bringing back this abandoned tradition, The Elder Scrolls 6 could revitalize character progression and offer players even more control over their playstyle.

How Character Stats Would Benefit The Elder Scrolls 6

Skyrim's perk tree system was satisfactory, but it lacked depth in character progression. Melee perk trees like one-handed and two-handed were overpowered compared to the destruction perk tree, creating an unbalanced leveling experience. Additionally, the ability to specialize in any perk tree led to a lack of diversity in builds. In contrast, The Elder Scrolls 6 returning to genuine stats could address these issues. Character stats offer a more limited but ultimately more thoughtful experience. Players must carefully consider which stats to specialize in, leading to well-rounded characters that embody their chosen archetype. This was a prominent feature in Morrowind and Oblivion, and should be brought back in The Elder Scrolls 6.

Why The Elder Scrolls 6 Needs Character Stats

Limitations could actually increase build diversity in multiple ways, adding a new layer of immersion to the gameplay experience. For example, the mage archetype in Morrowind and Oblivion was powerful in spellcasting but had a limited magicka pool, making it necessary for players to strategize and manage their resources carefully. Additionally, with a lower strength stat, mages couldn't rely on physical weapons if they ran out of magicka, making each build unique and challenging in its own way. A return to stat sheets would not only be a nod to the franchise's Dungeons & Dragons roots but also bring back a beloved feature from earlier Elder Scrolls games. With Bethesda's track record for innovation, fans can look forward to seeing how character creation will evolve in The Elder Scrolls 6.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.