Why Boruto Refuses to Utilize the Karma Seal in Two Blue Vortex, Analyzed

Why Boruto Refuses to Utilize the Karma Seal in Two Blue Vortex, Analyzed

Boruto faces a crucial decision in Two Blue Vortex as he confronts the formidable Divine Trees Discover why he refrains from utilizing his karma seal, raising questions about his motivations and the potential consequences of his choice

The release of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 4 introduced fans to the new antagonists of the series - the Divine Trees. From the chapter, it was clear that a single Divine Tree was very powerful, let alone four. This forced Boruto to retreat to his hideout. Despite this, Boruto did not utilize his full power to confront the Divine Tree initially, even though he can use the karma seal from a three-year time skip shown in the series' first chapter. It raises the question of why he didn't use it to fight the four Divine Trees and rescue Sasuke.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga.

Why didn't Boruto use karma to fight Divine Trees?

Why Boruto Refuses to Utilize the Karma Seal in Two Blue Vortex, Analyzed

Image via Shueisha

From the outset of the new manga series, Boruto's main objective has been to save his sensei Sasuke Uchiha. Despite the toad's warnings, the protagonist remained fixated on his goal and continued to confront the Divine Trees, eventually becoming ensnared by one of them. If his desperation to rescue Sasuke was genuine, why didn't he simply utilize his karma seal?

The reason for the Otsutsuki refraining from using the karma seal in the manga has not been confirmed. There could be several reasons for this, but most of them are attributed to the manga creator Masashi Kishimoto, rather than the series' protagonist.

Why Boruto Refuses to Utilize the Karma Seal in Two Blue Vortex, Analyzed

Jougan as seen in the anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The flash forward of Boruto using the karma seal makes it clear that he can access Momoshiki's powers. This could be why Kishimoto didn't have him use it before, to demonstrate the protagonist's growth during the time skip. Despite Code being stronger than Jigen, Boruto defeats him without relying on the karma seal.

When Boruto activated his karma seal in the flash forward, his jougan also activated. This suggests that after losing his right eye, the karma seal resonated with his dojutsu, triggering the jougan's activation. Revealing the jougan this early in the new manga could disrupt the pacing of the story without proper build-up.

Why Boruto Refuses to Utilize the Karma Seal in Two Blue Vortex, Analyzed

This is Kawaki as featured in the anime (Image courtesy of Studio Pierrot)

Another possible factor may be the main character's determination to refrain from utilizing Momoshiki's Otsutsuki powers and adhere to his Shinobi principles. If Boruto were to make use of his karma seal, he would have the potential to tap into Momoshiki's knowledge and skills. This would have enabled the main character to employ the Otsutsuki Space-Time Jutsu for transportation. Instead, he opted to remain true to his Shinobi principles and mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Meanwhile, Kawaki heavily depended on his karma for his abilities, leaving him virtually defenseless in his natural state against the main character.

Why Boruto Refuses to Utilize the Karma Seal in Two Blue Vortex, Analyzed

Borushiki as seen in the anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)

One possible reason for Boruto not using his karma seal could be linked to Momoshiki himself. After Momoshiki took control of him the last time he used the karma seal, Boruto may have realized that using the seal made him vulnerable to Momoshiki's influence. This could be why he has chosen to refrain from using the powers to avoid being controlled by Momoshiki again.

Another possibility is that Momoshiki no longer wants his vessel to use his powers. When his prophecy about Boruto losing everything came true, Momoshiki may have expected to take control of Boruto's body. However, when Boruto did not lose hope, it may have annoyed Momoshiki and led him to withhold access to his powers, making Boruto's life harder.

That being said, these are just theories. Thus, fans may have to wait until future chapters of the manga to confirm why the protagonist did not use his karma to save Sasuke.

Editor's P/S

As a Boruto fan, I have mixed feelings about Boruto's decision not to use the Karma seal in the Two Blue Vortex chapter. On the one hand, I understand his reasons for not wanting to rely on Momoshiki's power. After all, Momoshiki is a dangerous and unpredictable being, and Boruto has seen firsthand the damage he can do. On the other hand, I can't help but feel that Boruto is holding himself back by not using the Karma seal. The seal gives him access to a vast array of powerful abilities, and I think he could use them to do a lot of good in the world.

I think it's important to remember that Boruto is still a young and inexperienced ninja. He's still learning how to control his powers, and he's still trying to figure out who he is as a person. I believe that, over time, Boruto will learn to use the Karma seal in a responsible way. He'll learn to harness its power for good, and he'll become a true hero.