What If Season 2 Episode 1 Ending Explained

What If Season 2 Episode 1 Ending Explained

A detailed analysis of the ending of What If...? season 2, episode 1, exploring the twists, turns, and implications of the conclusion.

The Unraveling of Nebula's Nova Corp Investigation

What If...? season 2, episode 1 draws audiences into a Blade Runner-esque version of the MCU's Xandar, where Nebula, a former MCU villain, joins the righteous Nova Corps to fight for justice in a bleak world. The episode concludes with a series of plot twists and MCU cameos, offering a surprising and compelling ending to Nebula's story.

Nebula standing in a projection of Xandar's shield codes in What If...? season 2, episode 1

Nebula standing in a projection of Xandar's shield codes in What If...? season 2, episode 1

Nebula's motivations for joining the Nova Corps are quickly established as she forms a surrogate mother-daughter relationship with Nova Prime, played by Glenn Close in the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy. The shield barrier around Xandar, established by Nova Prime to protect it from Ronan's invasion, leads to the planet's devolution into a lawless society. Nebula's journey involves finding the dead body of Yondu, recovering plans to disable the shields, and ultimately rewriting the shield code to destroy Ronan's ship, offering Xandar another chance at survival in the cosmos.

Yondu as he appeared in What If

Yondu as he appeared in What If

The episode ends with Nebula continuing to fight for righteousness as part of the Nova Corps after ridding the organization of its corruption, bringing hope to the planet of Xandar.

Damaged Nebula sitting by a slot machine in What If...? season 2, episode 1

Damaged Nebula sitting by a slot machine in What If...? season 2, episode 1

The Mystery of Yondu's Murder

The murder of Yondu in What If...? season 2, episode 1 remains a mystery, leaving audiences to speculate on the identity of the perpetrator. It is implied that Nova Prime orchestrated the plan to retrieve the shield codes, raising questions about her involvement in Yondu's demise. The episode's unresolved mystery adds a layer of intrigue to the narrative, leaving audiences with lingering questions about the characters' motivations and actions.

Nova Prime and Yon-Rogg looking down at Nebula in What If...? season 2, episode 1

Nova Prime and Yon-Rogg looking down at Nebula in What If...? season 2, episode 1

The Ethical Dilemma of Nova Prime

What If...? season 2, episode 1 delves into the complex choices made by Nova Prime, shedding light on the morally ambiguous decisions faced by MCU villains. Nova Prime's earlier decision to lock Xandar behind a shield led to the devolution of its society, and her subsequent betrayal of Nebula reflects the difficult choices made by characters striving to achieve noble intentions through questionable means. This ethical dilemma adds depth to Nova Prime's character and parallels the complexities faced by other compelling MCU villains, contributing to the episode's thematic richness.

Ronan and the Nova Corps in the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy

Ronan and the Nova Corps in the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy

The Nova Corps' Moral Code and Nebula's Immortality

What If...? season 2, episode 1 provides insight into the Nova Corps' moral code, emphasizing the oath to 'Seek the light, be the light, never stray from its path.' This code highlights the organization's commitment to upholding a righteous path and refraining from dark means to achieve their goals. Additionally, the episode explores Nebula's remarkable physical durability, raising questions about her potential immortality and the lasting effects of Thanos' enhancements. These revelations offer a deeper understanding of both the Nova Corps' principles and Nebula's resilience, adding layers of complexity to the characters and their roles within the MCU.

John C. Reilly and Nova Corps soldiers in the MCU

John C. Reilly and Nova Corps soldiers in the MCU