Marvel's What If...? Aliens series brings back the iconic villain Carter Burke from the Alien franchise, set 35 years later in a new story. The series will be written by Paul Reiser, the actor who pla...
Marvel's What If...? Season 3 is set to bring new characters and unexpected plotlines to the forefront. With teasers and images being unveiled, fans are buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming seas...
The rumored return of Quentin Beck, a.k.a. Mysterio, in Marvel Studios' What If...? season 3 has sparked excitement among fans. While unverified, the possibility of Beck making a re-entrance opens up...
A new Star Wars rumor claims a What If...? series is already in development at Disney, but what stories could be told from the saga? Let's explore the potential of a Star Wars What If...? series and t...
Marvel Studios' What If...? season 2 inadvertently made one Guardians of the Galaxy member look much weaker, only six years after giving them a powerful upgrade. The focus on Nebula's exceptional abil...