Unveiling the Unparalleled Gameplay and Cutting-Edge Roleplaying Mechanics of Triangle Agency

Unveiling the Unparalleled Gameplay and Cutting-Edge Roleplaying Mechanics of Triangle Agency

Unveiling Triangle Agency's innovation: a diverse cast of player characters, immersive role-playing mechanics with a competitive edge, and mind-blowing crossovers with other tabletop systems Prepare for a gaming experience like no other!

Triangle Agency is an upcoming tabletop RPG system that offers players a unique concept: exploring the paranormal through the lens of corporate horror. In this game, players assume the roles of supernaturally gifted agents who must confront and contain reality-altering anomalies on behalf of their sinister corporate employer, the Triangle Agency. Haunted Table, the developer and publisher of the game, recently launched a Kickstarter campaign that exceeded its initial funding goal and will continue until July 6.

Game Rant had the opportunity to interview Caleb Zane Huett and Sean Ireland, co-founders of Haunted Table and lead designers of Triangle Agency. During the interview, they discussed the game's inspirations, mechanics, and narrative objectives. Despite drawing inspiration from a diverse range of sources like X-Men, Scooby-Doo, Chainsaw Man, real-life work experiences, and Remedy Entertainment's Control, what truly stands out about Triangle Agency are its original game mechanics.

A Supporting Cast of Player Characters

Unveiling the Unparalleled Gameplay and Cutting-Edge Roleplaying Mechanics of Triangle Agency

One of the aspects of Triangle Agency that Huett particularly enjoys is a mechanic that he believes should be widespread in the tabletop gaming community. During the main character creation process, players have the opportunity to establish their character's key relationships and create a supporting cast of secondary characters. These secondary characters are controlled by other players at the gaming table. Huett explains,

"For instance, when discussing your manager, you could describe him as a rude, fast-talking movie manager type. And as you share these character descriptions, players can eagerly claim the opportunity to play that character."

The inclusion of an extended cast of player characters not only addresses common issues in tabletop RPGs but also aligns with Triangle Agency's TV-inspired format. Each session functions as a self-contained episode with a clear conclusion, while simultaneously contributing to a larger narrative.

Crunchy Role-Playing With Competencies

Unveiling the Unparalleled Gameplay and Cutting-Edge Roleplaying Mechanics of Triangle Agency

At Triangle Agency, the fusion of the occult and supernatural with ruthless capitalism sets it apart from most paranormal investigation properties, which typically focus on amateur sleuths or government agencies like Men In Black or the X-Files. The role a player assumes at the Agency carries significant implications, not just in terms of action or combat mechanics, but also in terms of role-playing. Huett elaborated, stating that their approach to role-playing is unexpectedly intricate, with some even describing it as "crunchy" in a humorous way. This can be attributed to the Competency system mentioned earlier, where effective role-playing can earn commendations, while violating prime directives leads to demerits. This system adds a layer of strategic thinking and planning to how players approach different situations, emphasizing the importance of role-play rather than mathematical abilities.

While Triangle Agency's role-playing has an added layer of strategy, the emphasis in combat is more on the immersive experience rather than strict tactical battle rules or calculations. This is largely due to the game's covert nature, where engaging in combat is generally discouraged, serving as a last resort or an unintended consequence of a previous mishap.

To promote the Kickstarter launch of Triangle Agency, Haunted Table is hosting a home-brew cross-over game jam event. This event invites players to submit their custom-made character Competencies or entire adventure modules. It serves as a way to connect with creative members of the corporate horror and tabletop role-playing communities. The Stabilize All Realities game jam also includes cross-system cross-over missions. These missions allow characters and rule sets from other games to interact with Triangle Agents, and vice versa. Huett pointed out that in the context of those other games, Triangle Agents can easily be seen as Scooby-Doo villains. This observation seems to give insight into the tone of the game.

Triangle Agency is fully funded on Kickstarter and its campaign runs until Thursday, July 6.