Unveiling the Secrets: Triangle Agency Developers Unleash a Supernatural Marvel in the Paranormal Investigation Genre

Unveiling the Secrets: Triangle Agency Developers Unleash a Supernatural Marvel in the Paranormal Investigation Genre

Caleb Zane Huett and Sean Ireland, creators of Triangle Agency, delve into the captivating world of paranormal investigation and the player's agency within the game, drawing comparisons to the acclaimed title Control by Remedy Entertainment

Haunted Table Games has turned to Kickstarter to raise funds for its tabletop RPG, Triangle Agency, which delves into the realm of paranormal investigations. The Kickstarter campaign has exceeded its initial funding goal of $9,999 and currently stands at nearly $150K. This unique game offers players a fresh take on the paranormal genre, incorporating elements of "corporate horror" and drawing inspiration from various sources, including Control, a popular game released in 2019 by Remedy Entertainment.

Recently, Game Rant had the opportunity to interview Caleb Zane Huett and Sean Ireland, the lead designers and co-founders of Haunted Table, to find out what sets Triangle Agency apart from other similar games and to learn about the creative insights they gained from games like Control. Tabletop enthusiasts looking for innovative gameplay mechanics and gamers intrigued by the exploration of sinister human and paranormal power structures should definitely keep a close watch on this Kickstarter campaign.

Control's Human Element

Unveiling the Secrets: Triangle Agency Developers Unleash a Supernatural Marvel in the Paranormal Investigation Genre

Triangle Agency draws inspiration from various sources, including popular ones like X-Files and SCP Foundation, as well as unconventional influences like Jujutsu Kaisen, X-Men, and personal experiences of dissatisfaction with past jobs. However, one game stands out for its resonance with Haunted Table's approach to paranormal investigation: Remedy Entertainment's Control. According to Huett, the game's portrayal of a very human story within a supernatural setting struck a chord with the team. Despite the presence of enigmatic structures, mysteries, and surreal phenomena that defy understanding, Control maintains a profound focus on the individual characters, which deeply resonated with Triangle Agency.

Despite the encroachment of oppressive paranormal and institutional forces on Jesse, her mission to rescue her brother is deeply intimate. The ordinary aspects of the world provide a foundation for the surreal elements of the story, while her personal connections infuse the terrifying elements with genuine consequences. This characteristic is a defining feature of Remedy's creations, as seen in their shared universe of Control and Alan Wake. Triangle Agency endeavors to guide players and GMs on similarly profound and personal voyages.

Player Agency in Triangle Agency

Triangle Agency offers a vibrant and diverse color scheme, in contrast to Control, which embraces a stark and brutalist architectural style. The modernized interpretation of Swedish Mid-Century Modern design by Triangle Agency sets it apart. However, despite these aesthetic disparities, both Control's Federal Bureau of Control and Triangle Agency's eponymous corporation wield immense power and remain enigmatic entities that restrict their characters in various ways. Huett commented,

Unveiling the Secrets: Triangle Agency Developers Unleash a Supernatural Marvel in the Paranormal Investigation Genre

Triangle Agency distinguishes itself from Control by shifting the focus onto the player's ability to embrace and wield their power. Unlike in Control, where the character's lack of control is emphasized, Triangle Agents possess anomaly powers that allow them to manipulate reality to their advantage. This gives them a greater level of control over their own destiny compared to Jesse in Control. The tabletop experience of Triangle Agency revolves around making significant and challenging choices, resulting in a storytelling experience that is less rigid and more open-ended than a typical video game.

There is also ample space for comedy and mischief in the narrative. Although Control incorporates elements of humor, Triangle Agency was specifically designed to have a more dynamic storytelling approach, and a significant part of that is attributed to the game's expansive setting.

The Paranormal in Public

Unveiling the Secrets: Triangle Agency Developers Unleash a Supernatural Marvel in the Paranormal Investigation Genre

In contrast to Control, where Jesse's telekinetic powers are kept hidden from the public eye, the Anomalies in Triangle Agency wreak havoc during broad daylight. The agents in the agency must strategically employ their powers to subdue their targets while ensuring secrecy. Maintaining the Agency's agenda involves eliminating loose ends and preventing any knowledge of the paranormal from reaching the public, making deception and suppression crucial elements of the game.

Triangle Agency's innovative take on paranormal investigation is a perfect choice for gamers who loved the thrilling escapades of Jesse in Control but craved a more intense experience with the otherworldly horrors brought to the forefront. With its Kickstarter campaign fully funded and running until Thursday, July 6, now is the ideal time to dive into the captivating world of Triangle Agency.