Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Embark on a thrilling espionage mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty as V and the FIA team infiltrate the notorious Black Sapphire to track down the elusive Songbird Navigate flooded tunnels, eliminate guards, guide Reed, master the Sniper's Nest, attend a high-stakes party, and escape the Black Sapphire's clutches!

FIA agents from Dogtown have devised a strategy to infiltrate the notorious Black Sapphire and reach their target, Songbird. In the thrilling mission of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, players' choices will have significant consequences. This mission allows V to experience the role of a special agent, as they penetrate Dogtown's highly secure building in pursuit of their objective. With Alex and Solomon Reed's meticulous plan in place, it's time for V to don a Diving Suit and dive into action, all for the purpose of gaining entry to Dogtown's most extravagant party. Players can engage with guests, test their luck at roulette, and strive to discover the clue that will prevent the Relic from harming V.

Enter The Flooded Tunnels

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Players will follow the waypoint leading them to the lower levels of Dogtown, where they will come across a locked door hidden behind some scaffolding. Johnny will make a remark about the unpleasantness of the area, and players can utilize 3 Strength to forcefully open the door. Upon entering, they will receive a call from Reed, prompting them to equip the Tactical Diving Suit from their inventory.

Once the suit is equipped, players must make their way down to the tunnels and begin swimming. In this area, there are a few mines that can be deactivated either through quickhacks or by utilizing 3 Technical Ability. By simply staying on the designated path, players can proceed through the sewers and overcome any obstacles until they reach a room enclosed by boxes.

Open the Path

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Upon entering a seemingly inaccessible room, players can utilize their Scanner feature to uncover areas of significance. Here, they will come across two yellow ladders - one situated to their immediate right and the other positioned behind them on the left. By lowering these ladders, players can ascend them and access higher ground. Johnny will be awaiting them at their intended destination. To progress further, players can press the button adjacent to Johnny, which will activate the descent of the red van. Now, it is imperative for players to ascend the ladders and conquer the challenge of eliminating two guards obstructing their path in the tower room.

Kill the Guards and Guide Reed

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Players should prioritize using stealth during this mission, ensuring a careful approach when dealing with guards. Utilizing the stealth weapon provided by Alex, known as Her Majesty, players have the option to eliminate enemies by shooting them in the head or silently snapping their necks. It is crucial to conceal the bodies of the two guards, as three additional guards will appear later and discover the deceased guards if not hidden properly. Thankfully, there are ample hiding spots available.

Once the guards have been dealt with, players must access the CCTV system. This can be accomplished by utilizing the Jack-In function on the computer located on the upper floor's left side. Upon gaining access to the computer, players should navigate to the fourth camera to locate Solomon Reed and guide him towards the exit. There's a gate blocking the way, which players will need to hack. After successfully doing so, they can exit the CCTV system.

At this point, three guards will emerge from the elevator, which serves as the next objective. Taking them out is necessary to proceed to Floor 67, the Maintenance Area.

The Sniper’s Nest

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

, a security camera,

and a locked door. Players should strategically plan their next move based on the information provided by their sniper vantage point. It is essential to maintain stealth throughout the mission to maximize the chances of success and receive positive feedback from mission objectives.

Surveillance cameras

Elevator shaft


Explosive mine

Players must scan the shipping containers located on the left and grant Reed permission to proceed by giving him the green light. It is crucial for players to utilize their Scanner to either deactivate the mine or notify Reed about its presence, as it is situated in close proximity to his initial position.

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

In order to alert Reed about potential threats, players can simply utilize their Scanner function. While there may be several adversaries that players would prefer to avoid by keeping Reed in a concealed position, it is advisable to keep an eye on them through a scope just in case one of them notices Reed and needs to be eliminated. If guards do spot Reed, it is necessary to complete this objective in a more forceful manner, which only entails the risks of engaging in a perilous fight and Solomon Reed referring to V as a novice.

The initial threat is posed by a duo of guards on patrol. Scan them so that Reed can take cover, and allow them to pass. Subsequently, players will need to employ their sniper rifle to shoot at the motion sensor security gate. By using their Scanner to track the power cables, players can locate the power source required for the shot.

Reed will handle the guard behind the wall, while the guard on the left is V's responsibility. Solomon will give a countdown, and players must ensure a clear shot at the left guard's head. When Solomon says 'one', take the shot, and Solomon will eliminate the other guard.

In terms of the third threat, a patrol will descend from the elevator. Players must scan the elevator to inform Reed of the danger, and he will hide while waiting for them to pass. Once they have passed, quickly aim the sniper towards the upper left balcony where another sniper is stationed. Shoot and eliminate the sniper promptly to avoid catching Reed's attention.

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Reed encounters a fourth threat, a guard blocking their path. To overcome this obstacle, players are required to hack into the surveillance cameras and specifically access the one stationed just above Reed. By doing so, they will be able to get a visual on the guard and proceed accordingly. Players can either utilize a Distract Enemies quickhack on the forklift situated behind the guard or tag him to eliminate him with a direct shot. No matter the approach, Reed will successfully navigate past this obstruction.

The final threat arises when two guards emerge from the service elevator at the container bridge. Players can opt to use a Distract Enemies quickhack to swiftly dispatch both guards, effectively isolating them to prevent one from witnessing the demise of their comrade and subsequently alerting the BARGHEST soldiers.

Once Reed successfully overcomes this ultimate danger, he will trigger the bridge's activation, granting players the opportunity to exit the sniper's nest. As a bonus, the sniper will automatically disassemble itself, allowing the iconic Rasetsu sniper rifle to be added to their inventory. Now, it's time to team up with Solomon Reed and bask in well-deserved accolades for accomplishing the objective with stealth.

Go to the Party

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Once the Laundry Room on Floor 99 is reached, players will be presented with a stylish new suit. Equipping the Snazzy Suit allows players to accompany Reed into the Black Sapphire, where they will encounter a variety of familiar and renowned individuals, all immersed in the festivities. To progress, players must either rendezvous with Solomon at the bar or choose to interact with others and indulge in a few beverages. Engaging with the various characters can be enjoyable, particularly noteworthy figures such as Kurt Hansen, Deputy Mayor Holt, Mr. Hands, and other prominent media personalities that players may recognize from the news or the Holo Net.

After encountering Solomon at the bar, players will anticipate a message from Songbird. Simply by glancing upward from the bar, they will spot her gazing down from the balcony. By ascending the stairs, players will have the opportunity to engage in a conversation with her. During this discussion, Songbird will reveal that the Blackwall is posing a threat to her life. However, before the conversation with Songbird and Reed can progress, a character named Kurt Hansen will introduce himself to the players. It is inconsequential whether or not players choose to shake his hand, as the plan remains unchanged: players must assume the identities of two renowned Netrunners and retrieve the data shard that Songbird concealed in an unoccupied champagne glass at their table of conversation. Players can either indulge in the mesmerizing Lizzy Wizzy show or promptly head to Reed with this valuable piece of information.

Play Roulette With The Cassel Twins

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

After locating Reed at the bar in the casino area, players will be granted a sum of 80,000 Eurodollars to acquire casino chips dedicated for roulette. It is advised not to exceed this amount, as there are no viable means of generating profits through gambling. Once in possession of the chips, players should proceed to the roulette wheel, where Aymeric and Aurore Cassel can be found. During the ensuing discussion, players are to place bets on either red or black, as the outcome holds no significant bearing.

No upstanding citizen, that's for sure.

Having ownership of Dogtown is an incredibly powerful tool for bargaining.

The insignificance of betting is due to the fact that, regardless of whether they choose red or black in the 'all in' round, they will inevitably be defeated by the twins. At this point, Kurt Hansen will make his entrance at the table, informing V that he is aware of their true identities. In order to ensure their survival, it is advised that they depart immediately. Hansen's possession of Songbird serves as evidence of her loyalty to him, validating Reed's earlier evaluation that she prioritizes him over the NUS President.

Leave The Black Sapphire

Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077: Master the 'You Know My Name' Mission with Our Expert Walkthrough!

Upon departure, players can locate Lizzy Wizzy at the bar. If they have successfully finished her sidequest, Lizzy Wizzy will reward them with the Amikiri Sound Cutter headgear. Following this interaction, players are advised to proceed to the exit. Once there, they will encounter Reed, who is awaiting an escort from some guards to leave the vicinity.

While players have the option to engage in combat to exit the Black Sapphire, it is entirely unnecessary and serves no purpose. Instead, players should simply make their way outside in order to engage in a conversation with Solomon, effectively concluding the mission.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is out now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.