Unveiling the Ultimate Collection: Discover All Invaluable Blueprints in Dead Island 2

Discover an array of blueprints in Dead Island 2 that will enhance your combat experience! Customize weapons with Weapon Mod and Weapon Perk Blueprints, or craft powerful Consumables Unleash your creativity and strategize your way to survival in this thrilling game
Survival in the world of Dead Island 2 is far from certain, as players must battle their way through countless zombies. To increase their chances of success, players can utilize blueprints discovered within the game to enhance their weapons with additional damage types or perks. These invaluable blueprints are vital for players looking to tailor their weapons for specific combat challenges.
Throughout their progression in Dead Island 2, players have the opportunity to find blueprints. These can be obtained by completing quests, exploring different areas, or purchasing them from a trader. While locating these blueprints may require some effort, the rewards make it well worth the investment. Read on to learn where players can find all of these invaluable blueprints.
Types of Blueprints in Dead Island 2
Dead Island 2 has 85 blueprints for players to find. They can be sorted into 3 different categories:
Weapon Mods, which can alter a weapon by adding an effect or damage type to a weapon.
Weapon Perks, which can add an effect or modify weapons that already have a mod applied to them.
Players can utilize consumables in order to craft items like med kits or ammunition. Additionally, a comprehensive list of blueprints in each respective category, along with their in-game locations, can be found below.
Weapon Mod Blueprints
Blueprint | Location |
Uncommon Melee Cremator Mod | Found on the workbench in Emma’s Mansion in Bel-Air, following players’ return from the Halperin Hotel. |
Rare Melee Cremator Mod | Awarded for completing the Giant-Slayer Quest. |
Superior Melee Cremator Mod | Found in the Lifeguard HQ in Santa Monica Pier Safe Zone. The Lifeguard Kit Box Key is required; this key can be obtained by defeating Beach Hunk. |
Uncommon Ranged Cremator Mod | Found on a workbench near the Venice Storm Tank in the Brentwood Sewers. |
Rare Ranged Cremator Mod | Awarded for completing the Cremains Of The Day side quest. |
Superior Ranged Cremator Mod | Awarded for completing the Art of War side quest. |
Uncommon Melee Electrocuter Mod | Obtained after the Bel-Air Brawl quest by talking with Sam in Emma’s Mansion in Bel-Air. |
Rare Melee Electrocutor Mod | Available to purchase for $1,500 from Francesca in Beverly Hills, after completing of the Body Art - The Visionary side quest. |
Superior Melee Electrocutor Mod | Awarded after completing of the Dez and the Mother of Satan side quest. |
Uncommon Ranged Electrocuter Mod | Found on a workbench near the entrance to the Brentwood Sewers. |
Rare Ranged Electrocuter Mod | Awarded for completing the Like and Follow side quest. |
Superior Ranged Electrocuter Mod | Found in the Eschaton Staff Safe at Hollywood Boulevard. |
Uncommon Melee Impactor Mod | Found in the staff-only room on the second floor of the Halperin Hotel in Beverly Hills. |
Rare Melee Impactor Mod | Found in the Lifeguard HQ in Santa Monica Pier Safe Zone. |
Superior Melee Impactor Mod | Found in the Construction Team's Safe, in Beverly Hills. The Site Foreman’s Key is required. |
Uncommon Ranged Impactor Mod | Found on the workbench in Emma's Mansion in Bel-Air, following completion of the Justifiable Zombicide quest. |
Rare Ranged Impactor Mod | Available to purchase for $1,500 from Dougie, on the third floor of the Serling Hotel in Ocean Avenue. |
Superior Ranged Impactor Mod | Found in Nadia’s Thank You Safe in the Metro, following completion of the Nadia Lost and Found quest. |
Uncommon Melee Liquidator Mod | Found at the Outdoor Stage at Monarch Studios following the defeat of the boss Alesis Hernandez. |
Rare Melee Liquidator Mod | Awarded for completing the Rav-Ages of Caustic-X side quest. |
Superior Melee Liquidator Mod | Awarded for completing the Fool’s Gold Lost and Found Quest. |
Uncommon Ranged Liquidator Mod | Found by the entrance to the Brentwood Sewers at Venice Beach. |
Rare Ranged Liquidator Mod | Available to purchase for $1,500 from W.O. Rodriguez at The Tower in Venice Beach. |
Superior Ranged Liquidator Mod | Found in Nikki’s Bounty Reward Safe in Nikki’s house in Beverly Hills. |
Uncommon Melee Mutilator Mod | Found at the second floor workbench in the unfinished mansion in Beverly Hills. |
Rare Melee Mutilator Mod | Available to purchase for $1,500 from Kai, after completing the Red Mist quest. |
Superior Melee Mutilator Mod | Found in the Serling Reception Safe in the hotel at Ocean Avenue. |
Uncommon Ranged Mutilator Mod | Found in the garage in the Beverly Hills family home. The Justifiable Zombicide quest must be completed first. |
Rare Ranged Mutilator Mod | Available to purchase for $1,500 from Francesca after the completion of the Body Art side quest. |
Superior Ranged Mutilator Mod | Found in the Electrician’s Toolbox in Tisha’s apartment on Ocean Avenue. Requires the Electrician’s Keys to obtain. |
Uncommon Melee Puncturator Mod | Found in Rikky's garage in Beverly Hills, during the O Michael, Where Art Thou quest. |
Rare Melee Puncturator Mod | Found on the Blue Crab Grill’s workbench in Venice Beach during the Red Mist quest. |
Superior Melee Puncturator Mod | Awarded for completing the Rainier Lost & Found quest. |
Uncommon Ranged Puncturator Mod | Awarded for completing the Justifiable Zombicide quest. |
Rare Ranged Puncturator Mod | Available to purchase for $1,500 from Dougie at the Serling Hotel in Ocean Avenue. |
Superior Ranged Puncturator Mod | Found in the Theater Box Office Safe in Hollywood Boulevard. |
Weapon Perk Blueprints
Blueprint | Location |
Accurate | Found in the Santa Monica CDC Headquarters. |
Acid Rain | Found in the Secure Bio Container in Beverly Hills. Requires the Biohazard Container Key. |
Agile | Found at the workbench in a booth on Santa Monica’s Pier. |
Bloodthirsty | Available to purchase for $1,000 from Francesca in Beverly Hills. |
Contagious | Awarded for completing the Contagious challenge. |
Damaging | Awarded for completing the Heart of Darkness quest. |
Destructive | Found in Lt. Land’s Case in the barracks on the shore of Venice Beach. Requires Lt. Land’s Case Key. |
Do or Die | Found in Hollywood Boulevard’s Re-Aging Clinic at a workbench. |
Energizing | Found inside the Guest's Keepsake Box in the Serling Hotel. Requires the Guest's Keepsake Key. |
Enhanced | Found in Emma’s Mansion in Bel-Air following completion of the Bel-Air Brawl quest. |
Empowering | Found in the Water Plant in Beverly Hills, on a shelf near a workbench. |
Ferocious | Awarded for completing the Lending a Hand side quest. |
Guardian | Awarded for completing the Hero’s Journey side quest. |
Hair-Trigger | Found in a container in Venice Beach near the Pier. |
Hazardous | Found at a workbench near the Metro entrance. |
High-Caliber | Available to purchase for $1,000 from W.O. Rodriguez at the Tower in Venice Beach. |
Honed | Available to purchase for $1,000 from Roger at Roxanne's House in Beverly Hills. |
Infectious | Awarded after completing the Infectious challenge. |
Leech | Awarded after completing the Leechblade challenge. |
Lightweight | Found by the piano in Curtis Sinclair’s Bel-Air Mansion, on the first floor. |
Mind-Blowing | Found at a workbench by the Main Dome’s West Exit. |
Precision Shots | Awarded for completing the Diaries Of The Dead side quest. |
Precision Strikes | Available to purchase for $1,000 from Dougie on the third floor of the Serling Hotel in Ocean Avenue. |
Primed | Found at a workbench while entering Ocean Avenue. |
Reinforced | Found in Curtis Sinclair's Mansion in Bel-Air. |
Relentless | Awarded after completing of the More than a Badge side quest. |
Restoring | Found on a seat in the Metro. |
Russian Roulette | Available to purchase for $1,000 from Dougie on the third floor of the Serling Hotel in Ocean Avenue. |
Shockwave | Awarded after completing the Shockwave challenge. |
Skilled | |
Slaughter | Found in Monarch Studios in Sound Stage 3. |
Speedloader | Found in the gunroom during the Justifiable Zombicide quest. |
Static Charge | Awarded after completing the Static Charge challenge. |
Tactical Reload | Available to purchase for $1,000 from W.O. Rodriguez at The Tower in Venice Beach. |
Tear n' Sear | Awarded after completing the Infernal Combustion challenge. |
Tenacious | Found in the Halperin Hotel on the third floor, in the Fancy Leather Trunk. Requires the Fancy Leather Trunk key. |
Unstable | Found during the Giant-Slayer quest. |
Vampire | Awarded after completing the Vampire challenge. |
Vengeful | Found in the Randgate Secure Case in an office near Dr. Reed’s Lab. |
Vigilant | Found at a workbench at The Tower in Venice Beach. |
Violent | Awarded for completing the Organ Donor quest. |
Weighted | Found in the Goat Pen's podcasting room. Requires the player to jump onto the balcony from the top floor. |
Consumable Blueprints
Blueprint | Location |
Heavy Rounds | Available to purchase for $625 from W.O. Rodriguez at The Tower in Venice Beach. |
Med Kits | Available for free from Carlos at Emma's Mansion in Bel-Air. |
Nailgun Cartridge | Available to purchase for $625 from Dougie on the third floor of the Serling Hotel in Ocean Avenue. |
Pistol Rounds | Available to purchase for $625 from Carlos at Emma's Mansion in Bel-Air, following completion of the Justifiable Zombicide quest. |
Rifle Ammo | Available to purchase for $625 from Kai at the Blue Crab Grill in Venice Beach, following completion of the Giant-Slayer quest |
Shotgun Shells | Available to purchase for $625 from W.O. Rodriguez at The Tower in Venice Beach. |
Dead Island 2 is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.