Unveiling the Secrets of Copper in Skull and Bones

Unveiling the Secrets of Copper in Skull and Bones

Embark on a thrilling journey to uncover the elusive Copper in Skull and Bones, a crucial resource for crafting bronze ingots and enhancing your maritime arsenal.

Unearthing Copper Nodes

In the vast expanse of Skull and Bones, locating Copper can prove to be a challenging endeavor, particularly in the initial stages of the game. This prized material is essential for forging Bronze Ingots, a vital component for upgrading ships and crafting various items. As players venture near Sainte-Anne, the starting hub of their nautical escapades, they will stumble upon only a couple of nodes teeming with Copper waiting to be harvested.



To pinpoint these elusive nodes, players must delve into the depths of the Codex, a treasure trove of knowledge that unveils the locations of valuable resources. By unraveling the mysteries of the Codex, navigating to the Raw Metal sub-section, and tracking the Copper Nodes, adventurers can chart their course towards these precious deposits with precision and ease.

Navigating the Copper Hunt

Unlike the abundant Bog Iron, Copper nodes are scarce treasures scattered across the western expanse of Sainte-Anne, nestled south of the quaint outpost known as Sacred Tree. Armed with the knowledge bestowed by the Codex, players can embark on a quest to unveil these hidden gems waiting to be unearthed for their maritime exploits.

However, aspiring sailors must heed a word of caution - the presence of a node on the map does not guarantee immediate access to Copper. Once a fellow adventurer has plundered the node, a waiting period ensues before it regenerates. To overcome this obstacle, players can consider resetting their world instance for a chance at a fresh harvest.

Mastering the Art of Copper Extraction

To seize the coveted Copper reserves, players must equip themselves with a Level One Pickaxe, an indispensable tool crafted by the skilled hands of the Carpenter at Sainte-Anne. As players progress through the Main Story Quest, the Carpenter graciously bestows a plethora of tools upon them, including the essential Pickaxe needed for mining Copper deposits.

Once armed with the Pickaxe, players set sail towards the shimmering Copper Deposits, ready to embark on a challenging harvesting mini-game. With precision and finesse, players must align a moving line within a designated green zone to maximize their resource yield. A deft touch rewards players with a bountiful harvest, while a near miss lands them with a modest share of resources.

SkullAndBonesHarvestingCopperFrom Node

SkullAndBonesHarvestingCopperFrom Node