Unveiling the Perfect Twi'lek Sith Lord George Lucas Envisioned for His Sequel Trilogy

Unveiling the Perfect Twi'lek Sith Lord George Lucas Envisioned for His Sequel Trilogy

Discover the captivating potential of a Twi’lek Sith Lord in George Lucas' unrealized sequel trilogy Unveiling untold possibilities, this article delves into how Darth Maul and Darth Talon could have revolutionized the sequels, leaving fans longing for their inclusion

In the galaxy of Star Wars, there exist numerous alien species. This exceptional cosplay presents an opportunity for a Twi’lek Sith Lord, who did not appear in the movies, to finally make a grand debut. Prior to George Lucas selling Lucasfilm to Disney and the subsequent shift in direction for the sequel trilogy, the original plans for the sequels involved the inclusion of Darth Talon. She is a female Twi’lek who received Sith training from none other than Darth Maul. While the details surrounding Talon's history in the series remain obscure, her intended role in Lucas' sequels would have been of significant importance. Recently, an Instagram page called Marvel Cosplay shared this creation and credited the cosplayer, @marajadecosplay.

How Would Darth Maul and Darth Talon Have Changed The Sequels?


Mara Jade, a seasoned Star Wars cosplayer known as Mara Jade on Instagram, skillfully embodies the persona of a Mandalorian bounty hunter, complete with crimson armor that perfectly complements the menacing red complexion of the villainous Twi’lek. Every intricate aspect of this impressive cosplay, including the meticulously crafted Talon’s lekku and the authentically battle-scarred armor, has been thoughtfully considered.

Unveiling the Perfect Twi'lek Sith Lord George Lucas Envisioned for His Sequel Trilogy

In Lucas' initial blueprint for the Star Wars sequels, Leia was intended to take on the role of the principal protagonist, ultimately restoring balance to the Force and fulfilling the unfinished tasks of her father and brother from the previous trilogies. Serving as the Vader-esque character of this trilogy, Darth Talon was to be responsible for tempting Leia's son, Ben, towards the dark side right from the beginning. Being a pupil of Darth Maul, she would have harbored a deep-seated resentment towards the Jedi, as well as Emperor Sidious' Empire.

After seemingly dying in the Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul's role might appear insignificant in the Star Wars movies. However, his surprising resurrection in Star Wars: The Clone Wars completely altered the trajectory. His first appearance in a live-action scene occurred unexpectedly at the end of Solo: A Star Wars Story, yet he has not returned in any subsequent film. If Maul and Talon had been the antagonists in the sequels, it would have beautifully connected the trilogy to both the prequels and the original movies. Nonetheless, devoted fans continue to uphold this connection through various creations, including cosplays like this one.