Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Finale of Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC: What You Need to Know!
Explore the intricate world of Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC as V's choices shape the game's multiple endings, offering a wide range of thought-provoking connotations Uncover the consequences of siding with Songbird and delve into the branching conclusions alongside Solomon Reed
Phantom Liberty introduces a new district for players to explore in Cyberpunk 2077's Night City, along with an emphasis on player choice that affects the endings.
Opting to ally with Songbird during the Firestarter questline culminates in an outcome where V aids her in fleeing to Luna. Conversely, aligning with Reed leads to a procedure eliminating the Relic, effectively resetting V's existence as an ordinary human.
The varying conclusions in Phantom Liberty present their advantages and drawbacks, with the act of rescuing So Mi alongside Reed widely regarded as the "positive ending." Nevertheless, the game's overarching tone prompts contemplation on whether the perceived reward justifies the sacrifice involved.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty brings an end to the era of the game, following its substantial post-launch support. CD Projekt Red has remained dedicated to their futuristic action RPG, addressing the initial promises that were not fulfilled upon its release three years ago. As a final touch, the DLC expansion, Phantom Liberty, introduces a brand new district in Night City for players to delve into.
Cyberpunk 2077's emphasis on player choice in Phantom Liberty greatly impacts its endings. However, this can lead to confusion among players regarding how to achieve the "best" ending or their personal favorite among the options. One of the endings has only one possible outcome, while the other offers various versions that depend on V's actions up until the very last moment of the DLC. The decision between the two ultimately boils down to whether players want to side with Reed or collaborate with Songbird during the Firestarter quest.
What Happens When V Sides With Songbird
If players choose to rely on Songbird in the Firestarter main story questline, although she will still be corrupted by the Blackwall, she will remain steadfast in her commitment to support V in case of danger during their escape. Eventually, So Mi will succumb to exhaustion, leaving V responsible for carrying her to their destination - a shuttle bound for the Luna moon. This journey offers So Mi the chance to abandon her life as an FIA agent and start anew, presuming she survives the trip.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty and Solomon Reed's Branching Endings
On the way out, Solomon Reed will eventually intercept the players, presenting them with two choices: surrender So Mi or eliminate Reed on the spot. Opting for the latter option leads to a conclusion where Songbird soars off to Luna in the shuttle. On the contrary, assisting Reed ensures that V receives the treatment that permanently eliminates the Relic. However, unlike the various endings of Cyberpunk 2077's base game, liberating V from the biochip results in a loss of everything, from personal possessions to compatibility with cyberware and combat prowess. This forces V to begin life anew as a regular human being.
Opting to side with Reed, however, can be viewed as the "true" ending for Phantom Liberty. This outcome varies depending on V's choices throughout the subsequent quest following their decision to support Solomon's plan. Once the choice to back Reed over Songbird is made, the game undergoes a drastic shift in tone, with a possessed Songbird, controlled by Blackwall AIs, transforming the action RPG into more of a horror game. V finds themselves conversing with So Mi through holographic memories of her life, delving into her past and even having the option to embrace Songbird as she grapples with the influence of the Blackwall AIs.
After discovering So Mi at the heart of the Cynosure facility, she confides in V that she is fading beyond the Blackwall. In this moment, Songbird implores V to end her suffering and free her from their control. Players have the choice to either honor her wish by ending her life or to keep So Mi alive. Both decisions lead to the same outcome in Phantom Liberty, but with contrasting implications and rewards. Killing So Mi results in Reed becoming upset and unexpectedly entering the scene. However, if players choose to spare So Mi, Reed aids in safely escorting her. Regardless of her fate, Reed and V report to the FIA, who assume custody of So Mi's body.
While both instances involve Songbird's body being transported to the same location, the conclusion differs significantly. If So Mi is deceased, the FIA takes responsibility for giving her a dignified burial as an agent. Myers, in a respectful manner, reproaches V for their decision regarding So Mi's life. Following a conversation with Reed, V and he part ways, marking the continuation of Cyberpunk 2077. Conversely, if Songbird is still alive, the interaction with Rosalind Myers unfolds more favorably. V is awarded a medal and then respectfully relieved of their duties as an FIA agent. Reed later contacts V to share the positive news that So Mi is recovering well and considering a return to work with the FIA.
Players are faced with the challenge of choosing between the various endings, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The "good ending" involves Reed saving So Mi from herself, while the new ending in the full Cyberpunk 2077 game presents a much darker outcome and raises questions about the whereabouts of Songbird. Unlike the other endings where V is still burdened by the Relic, having a conclusion where it no longer exists brings a sense of closure. However, in the morally ambiguous world of Cyberpunk, it prompts fans to question if the reward is worth the cost, aligning with the game's overall tone in a compelling manner.
Experience Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.